A Resolution to Implement an Afternoon Break to
Promote Workplace Efficiency and Productivity
WHEREAS,This kind break has seen widespread usage and success in other countries. Examples include the “siesta” in Mexico, “riposo” in Italy, and “fika” in Sweden.
WHEREAS,This kind of break can be defined as a “ceasing of work” lasting for two to three hours in the afternoon to allow for a leisurely lunch, nap, or social interaction period.
WHEREAS, Sleep deprivation is a major issue in the United States, with few actually achieving the recommended 8 to 10 hour sleep threshold. According to a Gallup Poll, the average sleep time for Americans is currently around 6.8 hours. A Power nap of a few hours would help alleviate this.
WHEREAS,The serotoninergic system of the brain naturally dips in the early afternoon, resulting in a loss of productivity and alertness for serious work.
Whereas, Napping has been shown to reduce chances of heart disease, with many corporations like google creating nap rooms take advantage of this.
WHEREAS,More American Workers, in both the public and private sectors, should partake in this system.
WHEREAS,The US Department of Labor should facilitate a “tax-based incentive” system to promote the implementation of such afternoon breaks.
WHEREAS,This concept will go into effect January 1st, 2018.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT an early afternoon break be implemented and supported.
Introduced for Congressional Debate by Moon Area High School.
A Resolution to Ban Zoos
1. WHEREAS: Zoos are harmful to animals and deprive them of the
2. opportunity to satisfy their most basic needs; and
3. WHEREAS: Zoos severely restrict and limit animals from their natural
4. behaviors such as flying, hunting, swimming, climbing,
5. scavenging, and foraging; and
6. WHEREAS: Zoos are also harmful to humans as human can easily
7. enter the exhibits and harm themselves or the animal; and
8. WHEREAS: The continuous observation of animals causes the animals
9. stress and depressive behaviors such as “zoochosis”; and
10. WHEREAS: Many animals sicken and die because they contract
11. diseases from other animals and species such as yellow
12. fever, tuberculosis, the herpes B virus and other
13. unidentified diseases. now,
14. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Student Congress here assembled make
15. the recommendation that no more zoos be constructed; and
16. be it
17. FURTHER RESOLVED, That all current zoos close to the public and
18. the animals within be transported to an animal
19. rehabilitation center or a sanctuary that accurately
20. represents the animal’s natural environment.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pine-Richland High School
Line 11 should read: This bill will go into effect June 1st 2017.
Line15 should read “the 2017-2018 school year.”
- WHEREAS, Sales tax should be incorporated into the price of all goods
- being sold with taxadded onto them;
- WHEREAS, this will greatly increase overall convenience for
- consumers and give them amore accurate representation of the total
- cost of what they are paying.
- WHEREAS, most people are unable to determine how much sales tax
- they have to pay whenshopping at any grocery or retail store.
- WHEREAS, Incorporating the tax will give uneducated people an
- easier time figuring outhow much money they have to pay.
- RESOLVED, the U.S. government must incorporate the current
- sales tax into the listing pricein order for the average American
- citizen to know how much they are being taxed so it helpsthem
- spend their money more wisely when it comes to purchasing
- goods.
Respectfully submitted,
Hampton High School