Test Review

1. Write the geometry, bond angles of molecules with sp, sp2, sp3, sp3d, sp3d2 are respectively

2. How VSEPR Theory explain the shapes and geometries of Methane, Ammonia and Water molecules,

3. Calculate the volume of H2 gas at STP produced by the reaction 5.4 grams of Al with excess HCl.

4. 4 Grams of Methane is subjected to combustion with 32 grams of Oxygen, calculate the maximum amount of water that can be produced.

5. 5 moles of N2 react with 10 moles of Hydrogen forming Ammonia, what mass of Nitrogen remains?

6. What is polarity? How is the polarity of a bond calculated? Compare the polarity of the bond between H-F, N-F, O-Cl, N-N.

7. Calculate the deBroglie wavelength of electron moving at a speed of 60% of speed of light.

8. Predict whether the following reaction is Oxidation or reduction.

a. Potassium permanganate changes to Mn+2 b. Potassium dichromate changes to Chromic ion

c. Oxalate ion changes to Carbondioxide

9. 0.3518 grams of Benzoic acid requires 10.59 mL of 0.1546 M Sodium hydroxide solution. Calculate the mass percent of Benzoic acid in the sample.

10. 0.5 Molar Aluminum Sulfate contains ______Aluminum and ______Sulfate Ions.

11. Concentrated Sulfuric acid is 18 Molar, how do you prepare 2 Liters of 0.5 Molar solution.

12. Calculate the volume of 0.2 M Hydrochloric acid that contains 7.3 grams of it.

13. Calculate the oxidation number of Sulfur in Sulfate and Cl in Potassium perchlorate.

14. Predict which of the given compounds form precipitate when their corresponding ions are mixed together. 1. Sodium chloride 2. Potassium carbonate 3. Lead sulfide 4. Silver chloride 5.Barium chromate.

15. Cupric chloride, CuCl2, when heated to 100C is dehydrated. If 0.235 g of CuCl2 · x H2O gives 0.185 g of CuCl2 on heating, what is the value of x?

16. The empirical formula of the compound is CH20, molecular mass is 180 then the molecular formula is

17. Among the geometries of molecules, write all the geometries which are planar and non- planar give an example each.

18. What is dipolemoment? Carbondioxide is linear and sulfur trioxide is angular explain with dipolemoment. Give similar explanation with examples for the molecules with trigonal planar geometry and tetrahedral geometry.

19. Give some examples of molecules that contain double and triple bonds.

20. Give some examples of polar and non – polar covalent molecules.

21. Arrange in the increasing order of ionization of energy- Na, Mg, Fe, Cl

22. Compare the anion and cation radius with examples.

23. Calculate the number of atoms in 1 gram each of Nitrogen, Sulfur and Phoshphorus.

24. Write the electron configuration of one halogen, transition element, alkali, alkaline earth metal. Chalcogen.

25. Write the electron configuration of Co+3ion.

26. Name the following a. All of them are radioactive b. Maximum tendency to form anions

c. Maximum tendency to form cations d. Can be easily oxidized e. Can be easily reduced

27. Compare the size of Nitride and Oxide ion, Justify your answer.

28. The successive ionization energies of an element M are 495.8, 4562, 6910 and 9543 Kj/mol

Formula of its oxide is

29. Write the electron configuration of Chlorine and Chloride. Which ion is larger and explain why? Which of the two species will be attracted into the magnetic field. Justify. Chloride ion isoelectronic with Argon, From which species it is easy to remove an electron? Explain.

30. Calculate the wavelength, frequency and energy in Joules of Hα line in hydrogen spectrum.

31. Chlorine is a mixture of two isotopes Cl- 35, mass = 34.9688 amu and Cl -37, mass = 36.9659, the average atomic mass of Chlorine is 35.453 amu. Calculate the % abundance of the two isotopes of Chlorine.

32. Styrene, the building block of polystyrene, is a hydrocarbon, a compound consisting only of C and H. If 0.438 g of styrene is burned in oxygen and produces 1.481 g of CO2 and 0.303 g of H2O, what is the empirical formula of styrene?

33. Disulfur dichloride, which has a revolting smell, can be prepared by directly combining S8 and Cl2, but it can also be made by the following reaction:

3 SCl2(l) + 4 NaF(s)  SF4(g) + S2Cl2(l) + 4 NaCl(s)

Assume you begin with 5.23 g of SCl2 and excess NaF. What is the theoretical yield of S2Cl2? If only 1.19 g of S2Cl2 is obtained, what is the percent yield of the compound?