SGDE Mentor Induction Workshop

Important people:

XXXXX (Course coordinator)

XXXXX (SGDE coordinator)

XXXXX (Other important people)

What is a Small Group Discovery Experience (SGDE): A small group of students, meeting to work on the discovery of new knowledge under expert guidance such that the SGDE is based on collaboration between students working together in small groups, with researchers, to learn through inquiry and discovery.

What do students know in Semester X Level X?

What have students completed so far?

Relevant courses: XXXXXX

During this current semester the students might be studying: XXXXX

What will be provided? What will the mentors need to provide?

The Undergraduate Teaching Unit will provide XXXXX

Specialised equipment or method will come from mentors’ laboratories.

Managing student input into the projects:

It is really important to allow students to feel as though they are truly part of the design process.Our experience shows that students do not have the skills to judge the amount of work that is realistic within the timeframe available, close guidance is required here. However, it is important to allow students some input into the process.

If a tutorial session is scheduled mentors should try and attend if possible.

  • Once group formation has occurred the course coordinator will encourage students to communicate with each other, this is key successful group dynamics. The course coordinator will guide the regarding appropriate communication and mentors will be provided with the agreed group charter.
  • Individual students sometimes do not see the value of research to them and do not realise that the process itself is used in many careers and not just those our mentors are within. We have therefore tried to encourage relevance by asking for industry outcomes in their research proposal and in the tutorials by discussing how research is used in the ‘real world’.

Mentor interaction with the students is key.

An engaged mentor likely encourages students to be engaged. Being available during the agreed project time (either the timetabled hours or alternative agreed hours) is important to help troubleshoot any problems that may arise. Allocate an alternative mentor, if the primary mentor is unable to attend having a backup mentor means the students feel supported.

Attending the final presentation (in whatever form that may be) is very important. Students are often proud of their final product and want to show their mentor. Even if the students appear to not be excited by their project it is very likely that they still want to show their mentor that they appreciated their time and got something out of the experience. If a mentor or backup cannot attend letting the students know in advance is a good idea.

The Universities definitions and guidelines of SGDE:

Principles of the Small Group Discovery Experience:
  • Students are actively engaged with the content and an experienced academic.
  • The Small Group Discovery Experience will enrich the on-campus experience.
  • The scholarship of discovery is central to the learning activities of the University.
  • The first year SGDE sets the foundation for a continuum of the scholarship of discovery.
  • It will be a core component in a credit-bearing course of every undergraduate program.
/ Guidelines of the Small Group Discovery Experience:
  • The SGDE will be led by experienced academics.
  • It will involve an active participation by students.
  • It will be based on a formal collaboration between the students and academic.
  • It will be part of every first year level of any undergraduate program from 2014.
  • The SGDE will involve at least two face-to-face encounters with the academic per course.
  • The size of group will be determined by what will deliver the optimal learning outcomes deemed appropriate by the discipline.


Week / Date (Tuesday) / Activity / Mentors needed?
(estimated time and when)
O week
1 / 28th Feb
2 / 7th March
3 / 14th March
4 / 21st March
5 / 28th March
6 / 4th April
7 / 25th April
8 / 2nd May
9 / 9th May
10 / 16th May
11 / 23rdMay
12 / 30thMay
13 / 6th June

List of projects: