Church Staff
Robert Schneider – Pastor Kathleen Bamber- Secretary Office Hours: Tues & Wed. 9am - 12pm Hours: Mon – Fri 9:00am – 1:00pm
Otherwise please call for an appointment Email:
Kate LaCroix, Assistant to the Pastor Evy Nickerson, Dir. Child/Youth
Hours: Mon. and Tues. 8:00am – 5:00pm Ministry
Email: Hours: Flexible – call for appointment Email: Email:
Ann Berg – Financial Administrator Alysa Iafrate – Nursery Attendant
Hours: Wed & Thurs 8:30 – 1:30 Hours: Sundays 9:30 - Noon
Announcemets & Upcoming Events
Bus Stop Ministry: We need snacks please! Individually wrapped and please avoid peanuts!
Sunday School Teachers Meeting for the NEW school year: Today after church in the Old Fellowship Hall! We’re still in need of teachers! Interested? Please see Evy!
Youth Mission Trip Brunch Celebration: We would like to thank everyone who supported us all year long to go and serve the community of Pocahontas, Virginia with a Brunch on Sunday September 27th. There will be a slide show, photos, games, awesome food and testaments from our youth.Hear their experience, see their experience and get a taste of appreciation!Please make sure to sign up on the Sunday School Bulletin Board so we know how much awesome food to make! There is no charge for our Celebration Brunch; however there is a limit of 100 guests due to the size of our Fellowship Hall.
Yarmouth Food Pantry Ministry: September’s food focus is Canned Soups and Canned Vegetables. If you have any of these items that you would like to donate please bring them in and drop it off in the brown box located next to the offices in the Narthex hallway. Thank you so much in advance for all your support!
Changing the World for September is Champ Homes. Champ Homes is a place of hope, built on faith. Located in Hyannis, Champ Homes mission is to provide and maintain a safe, supportive and nurturing home environment for formerly homeless youth and adults; to offer spiritual counseling and life skills training to at risk individuals; and to continuously advocate for the neglected and abandoned people in our Cape Cod Community. If you would like to participate please place loose change in the collection plates on Sunday or contact a member of Outreach if you would like to volunteer and serve a meal. Thank you for making a difference in our local community.
Champ Homes: Want to serve? Interested in making a difference? Building relationships with others in our community? Then join us as we prepare a wonderful meal on Sunday September 27th after the worship service and/or come and serve with us in Hyannis on Monday, September 28th at 4pm. Every month we gather together to serve and help provide a meal for our friends at Champ Homes. They are a unique group of individuals who are in transition and always happy to see us. Please contact a member of the Outreach committee if you would like to learn more! Thank you in advance for your support of this ministry.
Crossroads: Reminder for those who RSVP’d last week please join us on Thursday September 24th, at 7pm at the 400 East in Harwich on Rt. 137. Questions: see Kate.
Faith Neighborhood Kitchen: On September 30th, we will head to Hyannis and serve at the Faith Neighborhood Kitchen (an outreach program of the Cape Cod Council of Churches). We will prepare and serve a meal to 250-300 people at the Hyannis Faith Assembly of God Church. This outreach is one that is new to Northside, and so we will gather at 3pm to gather the prepared meal at Northside and travel together to Hyannis to serve from 5 to 6:30pm. It’s an opportunity for us to help and make a difference in our local community once a year. If you would like to help, or serve on September 30th please contact Kate for more details. Thank You!
DYECH Cards: Available after Sunday’s service in Fellowship Hall – see a member of Outreach for details.
God’s Plate – As of 09/13/2015
Received last week $9,839 Received YTD $193,427
Weekly Budget Needs $5,700. Budget Needs YTD $210,900
URGENT! The Thrift Shop needs your help! We are in desperate need of volunteers for Wednesday afternoons from 1-4. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Terry Currey (508-430-7252) or Dean Atwood (508-776-3757).
Donate to Northside, just by shopping online! The United Methodist General Council of Finance and Administration has partnered with hundreds of online stores that are donating a portion of your purchase price back to local United Methodist Churches. These stores include: Amazon, Macy’s Sears, Lowe’s, Petco, Barnes & Noble, Expedia, Tiger Direct, Old Navy, Columbia, Omaha Steaks and many, many, more. You can shop stores in several categories from beauty, electronics, movies, fashion, sports equipment, travel, etc! Each store has agreed to give anywhere from 2% to over 11% of your purchase price to the church of your choosing. Simply go to and download the program, go to the Organizations page and type in Northside Brewster, click on it, and begin shopping! If you have questions, see Kate LaCroix