Change of Module Authorisation Form
The Deadlines for changesto module selections are:
10 credit modules: Before the end of the second week of teaching.
20 credit modules: Before the end of the fourth week of teaching.
If this date has passed you will be required to obtain permission from the Student Support Team.
Part 1: Your details
LEVEL OF STUDY(Please tick) / 1 / 2 / 3 / PGT / Visiting/Exchange Student
Part 2: Module selection changes – Have you checked your degree programme to see if you are eligible for the modules you are selecting?
Are you dropping or starting a new module?
(Cross out as appropriate) / Module Code(s) / Credits / TB1, 2, or both / Substitute Module
(office use only)
Part 3. Student Declaration
I confirm that the information contained in this form is correct and I am eligible to study the modules that I have selected and that I am fully aware of the consequences of, and accept responsibility for these changes.
Students Signature:Date:
You will receive an automated email when this form has been processed to your UNIVERSITY EMAIL ADDRESS only.
The Dean’s authorisation is required if one or more of the following applies:
- A one semester (normally a 10 credit) module is being dropped or started TWO weeks after it began.
- A two semester (normally greater than 10 credits) module is being dropped or started FOUR weeks after it began.
- One or more of the new modules is a substitute, see note (i) below
Part 4. School Approvals
The home School confirms the module changes above are correct and have been checked against the student’s programme of study. If appropriate; the student understands the consequences of late enrolment onto the module(s).
School authorisation signature:Date:
(Office use only)
(i) The Substitute Module box should be ticked by the home department and authorised by the Dean of Faculty when the following applies:
(a)The student fails a TB1 module and with the agreement of the School pursues a TB2 module in order to complete the required number of credits in the same academic year.
(b)If the Substitute Module mark must be capped for the purposes of classification.
(ii) If the Substitute Module box is ticked forward the form to Student Records to record the module that must be capped.
Please return this form to: Client Experience Office in the School of Management
Room 117, Haldane Building, Tel. 01792 606700.