English I

Richland High School

Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer Osborne


Welcome back students! I hope you have had a restful summer, and you are ready for an outstanding year of full of learning and lively discussion. I am committed to your learning, and am excited about this school year. So, come in with a positive attitude and get ready to learn!

Areas of Study:

Vocabulary, Literature, & Literacy Skills, Writing, Grammar, Usage & Mechanics

Methods of Instruction:

*Group discussion*Literature Circles

*Individual exploration and research*Written Composition

*Hands-on activities such as projects & portfolios*Small Group Activities

*Oral presentations

Course Expectations: Respectful, Responsible, Active Learner

Be present, positive, and prepared when the bell rings:

To maximize learning, a student must be present, on time, and prepared with the supplies needed for class.

Be respectful of yourself & others:

Because we will be covering alot of material in this class, our time together is invaluable and will be protected. We will pay attentionand participate. We will respect others as they speak.

Be a responsible learner:

Being a mature student, you are expected to complete the assignments, classwork & homework, in an appropriate &timely manner. Likewise, it is the student's responsibility to turn in work in the appropriate location in our classroom.

Course Content Components:

Writer's Composition Books: Your composition books will be beneficial tools in English I. In your composition books, you will be documenting proof of your reading. Your composition books will be items that you take home and bring to school every time you have English I.

Reading: Students will be assigned reading. After each assigned reading, students will be directed to show evidenceof reading through journaling, quizzes, classroom discussion, and/or assigned projects. Reading assignments will range from online and/or in class literature book, articles, poetry, novel reading, etc.

Understanding Grammar: Students will review & expand their knowledgeof grammar primarily through bell-ringer activities and literary activities.

Homework: Homework brings students to class ready to be an active learner in the classroom. Without completed homework, students will find themselves without the information necessary to be successful in class.

Other Important Information:

Homework Schedules will be posted online along with lesson plan each week.

Planners: Students are required to bring their planners everyday. Theywill be responsible for copying their homework assignment at the beginning of theblock. I also utilize the planner to communicate with parents regarding academic and/or behavior issues. It is very important to check your student'splanner daily.

Make-up Work: It is the student's responsibility to get their make-up workand to complete it. For brief absences, missed daily assignments must be made up and turned in within 2 days of student's return to school. Missed tests & quizzes may be made up during Mrs. Osborne’stutorial by appointment. Here again, students will be expected to make up these tests by the following Wednesday after the date of their absence.

Test Retakes: Students will be allowed the opportunity to retake selected summative tests, at the teacher’s discretion. In order tobe able to retake a test, the student will have to attend theMonday tutorial session afterschool.

Tutorial Sessions: I offer tutoring every Monday after school, but only by appointment. During this time, I will be helping students with problematic skills and allowing students to make-up work.

Supply List: / Wish List:
1.5” 3-Ring Binder / Kleenex
2 Composition Notebooks / paper towels
Highlighters (to be replenished as needed) / GermX
Notebook Paper (to be replenished as needed) / antibacterial wipes
Pens and/or Pencils (to be replenished as needed) / Expo markers
Memory/Jump Drive
Headphones/Earbuds / general art supplies (pipe cleaners, glue, popsicle sticks, old magazines, shoe boxes, glitter, paint, etc.

Supply Note: From time to time students may need to acquire materials outside the scope of every day necessities for special activities and projects.




My student ______DOES or ______DOES NOT have a means to access the online literature book.

Student’s Name: ______

Student’s Signature:______Date: ______

Parent’s Name: ______

Parent’s Signature:______Date: ______

Parent Phone Number (circle one: cell / work / home): ______

Parent E-Mail Address: ______

*Should you have questions or concerns, please write me a note or email me at