Fall 2008 EDSE 792 002: Final Portfolio (1 credit)
Corequisite: must be taken concurrently with last EDSE 790 internship or the last EDSE course in the program.

Instructor: Dr. Michael M. Behrmann
Contact Information: 4400 University Drive, MS: 1F2 | tel. 703-993-3670 |

Office Hours: by appointment only. To schedule an appointment: Attiks Ishtiaq- Program Office Manager (110A Krug Hall | 703/993-3670| )

Course Description

Opportunity for students to develop their portfolio. This course serves as the vehicle to assess whether they are meeting the standards of their professional organization, the Council for Exceptional Children.

Student Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will have:

·  Participated in cooperative learning experiences - peer portfolio development.

·  Discussed issues around teacher preparation portfolio development.

·  Completed either a final performance-based portfolio that is organized by program specifications in alignment with the CEC* core standards.

·  Will have presented this portfolio to program faculty and peers.

·  Provided GMU program feedback via electronic survey.

·  Submitted program narrative to TaskStream.

Relationship of Course to Program Goals and Professional Organizations

EDSE 792: Final Portfolio is the final part of two portfolio courses. These courses are part of the George Mason University, Graduate School of Education, and Special Education Program requirements for teacher licensure in the Commonwealth of Virginia in Special Education and the Master’s of Education Degree (M.Ed.). The program aligns with the standards for teacher licensure established by CEC, the major special education professional organization in the United States (see the CEC standards on the following web site: http://www.cec.sped.org) and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). This course addresses the following CEC/NCATE standards:

1.  Foundations

2.  Characteristics of learners

3.  Individual learning differences

4.  Instructional strategies

5.  Learning environments

6.  Language

7.  Instructional planning

8.  Assessment

9.  Ethics and professional practice

10.  Collaboration

Nature of Course Delivery

Learning activities include the following: In-class discussions and review of the nature of teacher preparation program portfolios, online and face to face peer review and discussion and cooperative learning, application activities, and presentation of portfolios. Online support course materials are available at George Mason’s Blackboard site (http://blackboard.gmu.edu or http://course.gmu.edu )


·  Regularly check blackboard announcements and GMU email for class updates. The syllabus may change according to class needs.

·  The use of electronic devices that produce sound or otherwise interfere with the learning of others (i.e., cell phones, pages, etc.) is prohibited during class. Please turn these devices off before the start of class.

·  Exemplary work may be kept and shared in the future with student permission.


·  For a satisfactory grade in the course, students are expected to attend all classes, arrive on time and prepared, demonstrate professional behavior in the classroom and complete all assignments with professional quality and in a timely manner.

·  With permission from the student, exemplary work may be kept and shared in the future.

·  Routine daily access to GMU email and the internet for communication and assignments is required to participation in this class; students are required to activate and use their GMU email account when communication with the instructor.

Course Requirements

·  Final Portfolio & related documents introductory narrative and artifact entries

·  Portfolio development and presentation

·  Active participation in providing peer feedback and reviewing student portfolios

·  Program critique via electronic survey of GMU/GSE program.

·  Submission of Intro Narrative and required artifacts on TaskStream

TaskStream Submissions of Course Signature Assignments Now Required!

For NCATE accreditation and program evaluation purposes, the Special Education program has identified a signature assignment, performance based assessment artifact, for each course. A signature assignment is a specific assignment, presentation, or project that best demonstrates one or more CEC standard(s) connected to the course. For university accreditation purposes, as well as student portfolio evaluation, student assignments are to be evaluated based on a faculty developed rubric associated with the CEC standards addressed by each assignment.

This designated assignment must be submitted in two different formats by the due date, as indicated by your instructor. In addition to submitting a “paper” copy of the assignment to the course instructor, an electronic version of the signature assignment must be submitted to TaskStream, a web based program (https://www.taskstream.com/pub/). The electronic submission of your signature assignment had two purposes. First, it provides a platform for students to build an electronic portfolio for EDSE 791 & EDSE 792. Second, instructors evaluate each student’s electronic signature assignment in connection with the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) performance based outcomes. The NCATE outcomes incorporate the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) standards for special education teachers. After the student posts and submits their signature assignment to TaskStream, instructional faculty use a 3 point rubric (viewable on TaskStream) to jury individual electronic submissions. Students will electronically submit their signature assignment to TaskStream on the same day the assignment is due. The course signature assignment is considered complete and submitted on time when the assignment is (a) received by the instructor per their directions and (b) electronically posted and submitted to TaskStream.

The signature assignment required for this course must be submitted electronically to Mason’s NCATE management system, TaskStream: (https://www.taskstream.com).

Note: Every student registered for any EDSE course as of the Fall 2007 semester is required to begin submitting signature assignments to TaskStream (regardless of whether a course is an elective or part of an undergraduate minor). TaskStream information is available at http://gse.gmu.edu/programs/sped/. Failure to submit the assignment to TaskStream may result in reporting the course grade as Incomplete (IN).

Please contact Emily Gibson at with questions re. TaskSteam.

Program Evaluation: Course Requirement. The electronic program evaluation survey link is on the course Blackboard site. Follow the link and be sure to enter/select the correct section of EDSE 792 & Instructor. The purpose of the program evaluation is to provide feedback on your personal experiences in connection with the GMU program. Log into the survey on the course Blackboard site and provide your feedback so we further program improvements and refinements can be made. Upon completion of the survey, an electronic receipt will be emailed to the email address you provide. You must to bring a copy of this receipt to your portfolio presentation. Students must provide a program evaluation survey receipt & successfully present their portfolio to earn a grade for this course.

Class Schedule

August 27 / Bring to 1st class session:
1.  Midpoint Portfolio and any additional work done since midpoint*
2.  Personal laptop computer (if desired)
*Note: Students ready to present portfolio at beginning of semester arrange review with instructor. / 1.  Review course syllabus and related course materials
2.  Overview of assessment via portfolios
3.  Review CEC standards and how to select artifacts to match CEC, ABA, NCATE standards
4.  Establish peer review groups and discuss and organize group logistics for Sessions 2-4 (online or face to face)
September 24 / Due:
15 artifacts and entry pages / 1.  Peer review (at least 2) of 15 artifact entry forms and matching artifacts
2.  Begin portfolio reviews using Artifact Review Form
3.  Peer discussion of Narrative requirements.
4.  Discuss organization of portfolio notebook and discuss other potential topics that could be included.
October 22 / Due:
revised midpoint narrative to reflect final narrative draft.
20 artifacts/ documents and entry pages should now be completed. / 1.  Peer Review of Intro Narrative and Table of Contents.
2.  Discuss narrative in light of reflection in teaching.
3.  Peer discussion of portfolio organization and narrative.
November 19 / Due:
Revised Narrative
30 artifacts completed.
Online program critique due.
Submit Intro Narrative to TaskStream. / 1.  Peer review of full portfolios.
2.  Discuss narrative content by required topic areas, organization and completeness of the portfolio.
3.  Schedule portfolio reviews with instructor.
Wednesday, December 3, 3:00-7:00 pm
Location: TBD / Bring to 5th class:
1.  Completed Final Portfolio
a.  Portfolio binder with cover
b.  Table of Contents
c.  Tabs for each section
d.  Intro Narrative
e.  30 completed entry forms with matching artifacts / 1. Presentation of portfolio to program faculty or instructor -by scheduled appointment

Grading Criteria

·  Satisfactory – student has successfully completed course requirements and successfully presented portfolio.

·  No Credit – student has not provided sufficient work to evaluate progress toward meeting portfolio requirements.

Absences: Understanding you are individuals with full and active lives, who have made the intellectual and financial commitment to regularly attend class, there may be an instance when you are not able to attend. If this unlikely event should occur, it is your responsibility to make arrangements to obtain notes, handouts, and lecture details from another student. Students who are absent are held responsible for the material covered and assignments due as if in attendance. Please be sure to notify the classmate in sufficient time for them to be of assistance to you. There is no need to notify the instructor of your absence from a regularly scheduled class. It is required to notify the instructor is you will be unable to attend your portfolio review.

GSE Statements of Expectations

The Graduate School of Education (GSE) expects that all students abide by the following:

·  Professional Behavior and Dispositions Students are expected to exhibit professional behavior and dispositions. See http://gse.gmu.edu for a listing of these dispositions.

·  University Honor Code: Students must follow the guidelines of the University Honor Code. See http://www.gmu.edu/catalog/apolicies/#TOC_H12 for the full honor code.

·  Responsible Use of Computing: Students must agree to abide by the university policy for Responsible Use of Computing. See http://mail.gmu.edu and click on Responsible Use of Computing at the bottom of the screen.

·  Students with disabilities: Students with disabilities who seek accommodations in a course must be registered with the GMU Disability Resource Center (DRC) and inform the instructor, in writing, at the beginning of the semester. See www.gmu.edu/student/drc or call 703-993-2474 to access the DRC.

NOTE: Please make sure that you are being advised as to your status and progress toward graduation. You may wish to contact Jancy Templeton, GMU Special Education Advisor, at or 703-993-2387. Please be prepared with your G number when you contact her.


(Paper or Electronic)

Portfolio Content: Paper

·  Cover – Be creative. Include personal identification information. Use color and graphics to individualize your portfolio.

·  Prepare a tab for each section of the notebook.

·  Table of Contents (USE TEMPLATE on Bb) This list of contents should make it easy for you and your reviewers to locate specific parts of your portfolio. You must use the template and directions available on Blackboard to successfully build the table of contents of your portfolio.

Introductory Narrative (USE TEMPLATE on Bb)

Prepare a narrative to accompany as well as introduce the reader to your portfolio, a performanced based assessment measure to showcase your development and growth in the graduate program. The Narrative must include the following required elements:

a.  Introductory or Opening paragraph

b.  Rationale for Building Portfolio

c.  Experiences When Creating the Portfolio

d.  Professional Standards for CEC (Standards 1 – 10)

e.  Connection Among Coursework, Learning Experiences, and Professional Standards

f.  Philosophy of Teaching

The major part of this section is a reflection on how your coursework at GMU relates to you as a learner, how you have met the CEC Content standards (what demonstrates your skills/knowledge) and how you integrate the skills/knowledge you have gained to your current or future practice in Special Education.

o  Appendix: A section for the CEC Content Standards with accompanying documents/artifacts as well as accompanying artifact entry pages. For the final CEC portfolio, you will have at least 3 artifact entries for each standard. There should be a tab for each of the following standards and a plastic sleeve for each artifact and portfolio entry form for that standard:

A.  Include an artifact entry (USE TEMPLATE on Bb) form for each document/artifact that addresses the CEC Professional Content Standards listed above.

Three parts to each entry form (attached here):

·  What is the artifact? (case study; PowerPoint presentation; teaching evaluation; lesson plan; video-tape, literature review; or other). Provide a brief description of the artifact to provide a snap shot.

·  How does it relate to the standard above? (use language of the standard to explain how the artifacts relates or support the selected elements of the standard). When using the language of the standard, (a) be sure to make connections between the selected standard language and the artifact and (b) be sure to bold any selected standard language used in your response.

B.  Artifacts* (3 for each CEC standard). Select artifacts from your completed graduate coursework to demonstrate your competence with regards to the major elements in each individual CEC standard. Include a VARIETY of artifacts that show the breadth of your experience, skills, and knowledge. Artifacts may include: student work samples, journal article reviews, photos, assessments, observations, lesson plans including student assessment and lesson feedback from your cooperating teacher or supervisor, course work from your classes, behavior support plans, field observations, research papers, and other relevant items. The included artifacts must be part of your GMU special education graduate program of study.

*Note: When possible, each artifact should include the comments and grades from your instructors. Translated this means the graded artifact is preferred – not required when included in your portfolio.

Portfolio Content: Electronic (built via TaskStream)

·  Cover – No cover

·  Tabs: - No tabs

·  Table of Contents – No Table of Contents as the electronic portfolio set up uses a pre developed table of contents.

Introductory Narrative (USE TEMPLATE on Bb) Note: Final Instructor approved IN is added, in the appropriate location, to TaskStream.

Prepare a narrative to accompany as well as introduce the reader to your portfolio, a performanced based assessment measure to showcase your development and growth in the graduate program. The Narrative must include the following required elements: