Parish Life
8th November 2015 – 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time B
Weekend Mass Times St. Mary’s Castlegregory
Sunday – 10.30am
Confessions after Vigil Mass and after First Friday Mass
Parish Office – St. Mary’s Presbytery, Castlegregory
Monday - Closed
Tuesday 10.30am to 4.00pm
Wednesday 10.30am – 4.00pm
Thursday 10.30am to 3.00pm
Friday 10.30am to 4.00pm
(Check out newsletter for any changes in times of opening hours due to holidays etc)
Tel: 066 7139145 – Mobile 087 1438060 – Email:
Kerry Diocesan Website –
Notices for Newsletter to reach office by 11.30am on Fridays
Priest: Fr. Michael Hussey 087 1438060 - Secretary: Bernie Dowling
Weekend Mass Times
Clochán Bréanainn
Séipéal Naomh Bréanainn
An Satharn – 6.45 i.n.
Confession before and after Mass on Tuesdays
Parish Pastoral Council: Chairperson: James Kildea, Julia Dowling, Vincent Filgate, Bernie Dowling, Patricia Hennessy , Audrey Stephens , Joan Herbst, , Sheila Kelliher, Eileen Nicholl, Siobhan Hennessy, Síle Mulcahy , Anne Dennehy, Angela O’Sullivan, Eileen O’Grady, Kathleen Dowd Liturgy Group Contacts: Eileen Dowling (Servers) Kathleen Spillane (Readers) Mary Lynch (Eucharistic Ministers) Martin Finn (Collectors) Vincent Filgate (Parish Youth Council) Maire Begley (organist/adult choir) Pat Finn & Trish Browne (Folk Group) Síle Mulcahy (St. Brendan’s Choir) Area Pastoral Council Representatives; James Kildea and Bernie Dowling, Eileen Nicholl Finance Committee: Joan Ferriter, Gerard O’Donnell, Kathleen O’Rourke, Bernie Dowling, Fr. Michael Hussey. Building and Maintenance: Sean Lyons, Denis Dowling, Pat Joe Flynn, Micheál O’Leary, Trish Browne, Sheila Kelliher, Pat Finn, Tommy Fitzgerald, James Kildea,
Parish Reps for Safeguarding Children: Kathleen Spillane, Susan Browne and Kathleen Brosnan
Youth Council: Cathy Browne, Darragh Rohan, Jena Cronin, Shannon O’Grady, Amy Byrne, Hannah Hennessy, Eva O’Connell, Kate Shannon, Sinead Sheehan ,Timmy Walsh, Ellen Goodwin, Shannen Cronin-Maunsell, Cody Stafford, Michael Scanlon, Claire Dennehy, Carrie Dowling, Niamh Shannon, Caitlyn Browne, Hazel Browne, Grace O’Sullivan.