Location: Hauser City Hall, 11837 N. Hauser Lake Road, Hauser, Idaho 83854
Regular Meetingof 5/14/14 – 6:30 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER:6:32 p.m. by Mayor Claire Hatfield
ROLL CALL: B. Ray, present; Sitko, present;Beck, present; Lindsay, present
MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of 4/9/14
Council member B. Raymoved to approved the minutes of 4/9/14. Council member Sitko seconded the motion. Roll call: B. Ray, aye; Sitko, aye;Beck, aye; Lindsay, aye. Motioncarried. B. Ray voiced his appreciation of receiving the minutes prior to the meeting via email.
REPORTS: Mayor: Claire Hatfield
.Mayor Hatfield asked that council members take turns in writing a “Council Messages” article for the Hauser website. She will write the first one and suggest another council member write one two months later. B. Ray will take June, Sitko August, Beck October, and Lindsay December.
.Miller reviewed income and transfers plus disbursements.
.Miller said he added a check for B. Ziel and for B. Appleton in the batch of checks to be approved tonight.
.Budget Worksheets: Miller verified the design of the budget worksheets for next year. B. Ray asked that for next year he would like to see last years budget column added and also add a clarification of what percentage of the budget has been used. Miller explained that it would not be actual since some bills have been received before May and some only through April.
.The Post Falls Hwy. District bill was fairly high because the City was billed for two months of winter maintenance.
.Annual State Code books will be ordered and bill for same is approximately $190. D. Ray will get the new codes for Miller to be able to access the billing information.
.Council member Lindsay moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Disbursements. Council member Beck seconded the motion. Roll call: B. Ray, aye; Sitko, aye;Beck, aye; Lindsay, aye. Motioncarried.
.Appleton said there is no news on the Gun Club.
.Hauser is scheduled for a mediation session on a Gun Club issue on June 13, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. Mayor Hatfield, Attorney Appleton, and Cindy Espe are scheduled to attend. It will be at the office of James Vernon & Weeks, 1626 Lincoln Way, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and B. Ray was also invited. It will be mediated by a Judge from Lewiston, Idaho.
.BILL RAY, PUBLIC WORKS: Streets and Roads
B. Ray said he had nothing new to report.
Sitko said he had nothing new to report.
Council member Beck said she attended the PAC/RC&D meeting, and their By-Laws and membership regulations were reviewed,and the discussion of financial aspects of PAC/RC&Dwas postponed until the next meeting on May 24, 2014. She will get the paperwork to the City Clerk for files.
.Purchase of a weed wacker and lawn mower was discussed. Mayor Hatfield said the City needs to find funds for the equipment needed. She asked Lindsay to get prices and present the figures to council at the next meeting. Hatfield also suggested the City Clerk get figures for a heater in council chambers rather than using the 220-wall controlled heaters currently in use.
.There is a bid from the sprinkler system to turn the system back on for summer but Lindsay said he would get the key from the City Clerk and check the system out first.
.More vandalism has occurred. About 12-15 edging blocks were stolen from the retaining wall in front of the swale. We also have “lost” several of the covers related to the sprinkler system, and wiring caps were removed.He found some of the caps but the one for a key is gone, and he fixed the wiring part as well. Discussion was held on what to do about it. Blocks have been knocked down near the front office door and on the other side of the building as well which Lindsay has replaced. Beck suggested using the website to try to deter it. Attorney Appleton suggested reporting it to the Sheriff’s office.
CINDY ESPE, Code Administration/Enforcement & Hauser Rinse Station - Absent
DONNA RAY, City Clerk
.The AIC has asked the City of Hauser for an article for the Association of Idaho Cities magazine. It features two cities each publication on the history of the chosen cities. They have asked again this year to spotlight Hauser. The Historian for the city has been Olita Johnston, the passed Mayor. D. Ray said she has called Ms. Johnston since she has most of the Historian information at her home and has left messages to no avail so far. D. Ray then suggested that she contact long-time residents of Hauser, like Dorothy Sales and John Matheson (both over 60 year residents.)
.B. Ray turned in the applications from businesses, which could be used for supplies/repairs to Hauser equipment. The Clerk is in the process of completing those applications. There is an outstanding invoice in the amount of $27.00 from Rathdrum Perfection Tire. The Clerk will use Petty Cash to settle the account since Perfection has been “very patient.”
.Tate Engineering invoice: Discussion followed on having a purchase order system, which is not currently in place. Discussion followed. Cindy Espe will be asked to give explanation on the reason(s) for the charge, which occurred during the recent flooding situation. Verification of a dry well, or lack thereof, at the base of Spuler Lane was in question and who should be responsible for the payment of the invoice. Attorney Appleton added that just because there is a mistake in design doesn’t mean that we have to pay a bill that someone citizen thinks is the issue. More discussion followed. The Clerk will hold the check until sufficient explanation has been made.
Councilmember B. Ray moved to adjourn the meeting. Councilmember Lindsay seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
Donna Ray, City Clerk Claire Hatfield, Mayor
2014 0514min
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