Teacher Checklist

3rd -5th Grade

Name DOB Grade Date

Parents Phone Teacher

Speech Therapy is designed for students who are exhibiting a communication disorder that is adversely affecting their educational performance. The classroom teacher serves as an essential and vital participant in the intervention process. Please check the following items that apply to your student.

I. This student is demonstrating difficulty towards mastery of the following grade level TEKS/benchmarks:

The student listens actively and purposefully in a variety of settings.

The student listens and speaks to gain and share knowledge of his or her

own culture, the culture of others and the common element of cultures.

The student speaks clearly and appropriately to different audiences for

different purposes and occasions.

The student communicates clearly by putting thoughts and feelings into

spoken words.

II. Please check the following items that you feel best describe the communication difficulties of the student.

  1. Articulation

Substitutes sounds: for

Is not able to produce all sounds

Speech sounds unclear, imprecise, or sloppy

Is not understood by both familiar and unfamiliar listeners:


Some of the time

Most of the time

All of the time

  1. Language

Has difficulty with temporal, spatial and/or number concepts

Displays below average vocabulary

Is not able to provide complex descriptions

Unable to produce oral sentences containing: conjunctions,

prepositions and/or clauses

Is not able to accurately and sequentially relate experiences

about school, home, etc.

Incorrect use of irregular plurals, possessives, tense, and/or

comparatives (-er, -est)

Incorrect use of pronouns

Is not able to name opposites

Is not able to name synonyms

Does not understand multiple meaning words

Is not able to answer what, where,who, when, why, and

how questions

  1. Voice

Too soft/too loud

Nasal quality

Loss of voice, weak voice

Breathy, hoarse, harsh

Too high/too low

  1. Fluency

Repeats sounds, syllables and/or words

Blocks and sometimes can’t get words out

Excessive use of interjections e.g., uh, um

Sound prolongations

Secondary characteristics i.e., lip/jaw tension, eye blinking, or loss

of eye contact

  1. Listening

Asks for repetition

Difficulty attending to a story and answering simple

questions about it

Is not able to follow a 3-part command

Hesitates or does not respond when asked a question

III. Academic Achievement:

Student is doing above grade level work

Student is doing average grade level work

Student is doing low-average grade level work

Student is performing below grade level

IV. Student Progress:

Student is making satisfactory progress

Student is making unsatisfactory progress due to:

frequent absences


Benchmark scores:


V. Behavior Observation:

Disrupts class Cooperative

Distractible Average attention

Accepted by peers Rejected by peers

Completes work Does not complete work

Appears concerned for others Does not appear concerned for others

Next, schedule a meeting with the campus SLP.

Date of meeting:

Teacher signature: SLP signature:

SLP recommends:

Date of 2nd meeting:

Interventions tried: Data collected:


SLP recommends: