Lesson Plan
1. Standards
- List the codes and maybe the language of the PDE or district standards you will address in this lesson.
2. Lesson Topic
Name the topic in just a few words. / Subject: Course
Unit: Name or number of unit.
Grade/Level: Class grade level.
Time/s or Period/s: Period number.
Date of Delivery: One or more dates it will take to deliver lesson.
3. Lesson Objective/s
As a result of this lesson, the student/s will…
- Don’t have to write “the student will…” It is built into this plan.
- Do not state an activity of the lesson. State the intent, in future tense.
- Must be learner-centered.
- Must be operationalized to allow assessment. (Never say “be able to,” “will understand,” or “will know.”)
4. Concept Map (on reverse side or as attachment)
Level of Lesson? (select one)
[] Introductory
[] Developmental
[] Summary/Conclusion
Steps/Processes? (include all)
1. Gain Attention
2. State Objective
3. Facilitate Recall
4. Present New Information
5. Guide Practice
6. Allow Independent Practice
7. Provide Feedback/Discussion
8. Conduct Assessment
9. Schedule Elaboration
Learning Styles
Addressed (as applicable)[] Linguistic
[] Logic/Math
[] Body/Kinesthetic
[] Rhythmic/Musical
[] Spatial
[] Intrapersonal
[] Interpersonal
[] Natural
Accommodations to be Arranged?
Not all students in your class may be typical. Some will have IEP’s, or be ELL’s. List adjustments per student as needed. / 5. Planned Sequence of Teaching/Learning Activities1. Gain attention:
Plan something to motivate. No need to script.
T will…
2. State objective:
T will state objectives.
3. Facilitate recall:
T will…
Not just a review of previously learned material; help learners recall what they already know, on which to anchor new material.
4. Present new information:
T will…
Lecture, show a film, read, etc.
5. Guide practice:
T will… S will…
Present examples, ask questions to clarify points.
6. Allow independent practice:
S will…
Seat work, group work, homework, projects.
7. Provide feedback:
T and S will discuss…
Help learners understand what is right and wrong and why.
8. Conduct assessment
S will…
Complete a test, etc.
9. Schedule elaboration:
S will…
Present a project (or other activity to relate new information to existing knowledge).
6. Materials:
Materials the teacher will use during the lesson.
7. Lesson Closure:
T will…
Bring everything together. Answer the big questions.
8. Transition (Activity that will relate this lesson to other or future lessons)
T will…
Tell where you will go next and why. Tell how this lesson sets up the next. (Remember that lessons are part of units, and units are parts of courses.)
9. Assessment of Learning (Objective/s-based, See Part 2 above)
Summative assessment. Same as no. 8 in the teaching sequence.
10. Self-Critique/Reflection
When the lesson has been presented, flip over this page and answer the following question:
If you had it to do over again (and you will), what would you do differently?