/ Haverhill
Planning Board
Phone: 978-374-2330 Fax:978-374-2315

Haverhill Planning Board Agenda

7/9/14 Planning Board Meeting

The Haverhill Planning Board will hold its public hearing on WEDNESDAY, July 9, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. in Room 202, Haverhill City Hall to hear the petitions listed below. (See files in the Planning Dept. for further information.)

1. Bradford Rail Trail—The City of Haverhill will be conducting a public hearing to incorporate certain publicly owned parcels as part of the Bradford Rail trail project. (Advertise: 6/26/14 & 7/3/14)

2. Performance Guarantees—No actions reductions etc. required for this meeting.

3. Definitive Plan Endorsement: Board to consider definitive plan endorsement for 50 South Cogswell Street and the definitive plan for Snow Road.

3a). 50 South Cogswell Street—The representative for the owner/applicant, Shawqi A. Alsarabi requested in his communication dated 6/15/14 to the board to endorse the definitive plan at the July meeting. The appeal period expired on 6/10/14 at midnight. Plan prepared by George J. Zambouras, P.E.

3b). Snow Road of Scotland Heights Definitive Plan—The owner/applicant, Scotland Heights Realty Trust, requests planning board endorsement of the cited definitive plan. The appeal period expired on June 11, 2014 at midnight.

4. Frontage Wavier Plans Board to consider frontage waiver plan endorsement.

4a). Green Street & School Street Frontage Waiver Mylar—The owner/applicant, Stephen Defeo, requests that the planning board endorse the cited frontage waiver Mylar. Decision filed with the city clerk on 6/17/14. Note: Appeal Period due to expire on 7/7/14

4b). School Street Frontage Waiver Mylar—The owner/applicant, Stephen Defeo requests that the planning board endorses the cited frontage waiver Mylar. Decision filed with the city clerk on 6/17/14. Note: Appeal Period due to expire on 7/7/14.

5. Form A Plans (Approval not required)

5a). Form A Plan for Hilldale Ave & Whittier Place; John Cormier, Trustee. Plan was officially filed with the City Clerk’s Office on 6/25/14. The owner/applicant requests planning board approval.

6. Any other matter

DISCUSSION: Back Nine @ Crystal Springs aka Back Nine @ Crystal Lake Definitive Plan (Cluster)


Paul B. Howard


Cc: Files cited above

Mayor Fiorentini

City Clerk

City Departments



Copies to the cited files

Community Development 309

Mary E. Roy, City Treasurer/Tax Collector

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