Philosophy and Literature Graduate Conference
University of Warwick
17 March 2007
10 am – 6 pm
10-10:45 Daniel Whistler (Oxford)
Narrative in Schelling's Die Weltalter: Theory and Performance
Commentator: Lee Watkins (Warwick)
10:45-11:30 Alun Davies (Manchester Metropolitan)
Philosophy as Literature
Commentator: Eve Tandoi (Warwick)
11:30-11:45 Coffee
11:45-12:30 Ben Hickman (Kent)
'It had been raining but it had not been raining’: John Ashbery and Paradox
Commentator: Peter Shum (Warwick)
12:30-13:15 Matthew Rowe (Open U)
My Philosophy or Anyone's Artwork?
Commentator: Rebecca Mahay (Warwick)
13:15-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:15 Mahlete-Tsigé Getachew (York)
Metaphors of Metaphilosophy
Commentator: Peter Wolfendale (Warwick)
15:15-16:00 José Luis Fernández (Fordham)
Visible Unrealities: Borges’ Problem of Epistemic Ontology
Commentator: Jonah Wilberg (Essex)
16:30 Keynote Speaker:
Joshua Landy (Stanford)
Beckett, Rorty, and the End of Philosophy
Registration is free, but please contact Joseph Kuzma () or Eileen John () to register ahead AND LET US KNOW if you will attend the conference dinner (cost: £15). Check the Warwick Philosophy website for updates
All sessions on the Warwick campus in the Maths & Statistics Building: MS.03.
Campus map (the MS building is labeled 35 on the map):
Map of parking on campus: parking lot 15 is the closest to the Maths building, but it's not free. Try 8, 8a, 9, or 10 since they will be free that Saturday.
Coventry and Leamington Spa are the nearest rail stations; you can reach the Warwick campus by the #12 bus from either station, or by the Uni bus from Leamington.
The following link steers you to some listings for accommodation.The Welcome to Kenilworth link might be most helpful, since the conference dinner will be in Kenilworth. The Visitors Guide link is more scattershot, giving listings all around the area, but you might look for places near the Coventry rail station, if that's how you're traveling.