Model Agreement for School to School Support
STAR Teaching School Alliance
[xxxxxxxxxxxx] School
DFE Number:
Contract Number: STAR#####
School to School Support
(1)STAR Teaching School Alliance, c/o Monk Fryston Primary School, Chestnut Green, LS25 5PN, North Yorkshire
(2)xxxxxxx School ('You') - Contact name:
and[delete if not appropriate]
(3)the commissioning body North Yorkshire County Council (“NYCC”): - Contact name:
IT IS AGREED asfollows:-
1.Date and Duration ofEngagement
1.1.This Agreement will run for the period from ……………… until …………………..
1.2.The STAR Teaching School Alliance cannot, and does not, guarantee that these services will be offered to you beyond the date statedabove.
1.3.The Agreement can be terminated by 10 working daysnotice, by either party, and notice must be provided inwriting. If the contract is commissioned by the Local Authority it is they that must give notice, if though a School, it is them.
1.4.If the STAR Teaching School Alliance terminates the Agreement in full or in part, we will complete all agreed outputs during thenotice period and reimburse any billed coststhereafter.
1.5.If you terminate the Agreement in full or in part, we will in the first instance offer to provide you with alternative services. If this is not possible we will invoice you for the full cost of completed work, for any fixed costs for the notice period, and for any work required to wind up plannedactivity.
1.6.This contract may offer preferential rates and discounts for the services described. If you terminate the Agreement in full or in part, before the end of the period shown in 1.1, the costs you will be invoiced for will be calculated at our standardrates.
1.7.For the purposes of contract management, your contact at the STAR Teaching School Alliance is Liz Tuddenham, Business Manager.
2.STAR Teaching School AllianceService
2.1.STAR are pleased to be able tofacilitate a limited amount of school-to-school support work both within and working beyond its existing network of 17 strategic partner schools and associate members
2.2.Whenmaking a support request please consider the type and quantity of support required, intended impact outcomes along with approximate timescale for implementation.
2.3.STARmaintains a database of staff suitable for school to school support work and will work to meet the needs of your request.
2.4.Oncean appropriate member of staff has been identified within STAR, they will get in contact to discuss the details of deployment and together draw up a Specicification of Services (as per Schedule 1), to be signed by the Headteacher of the deploying school, the Headteacherof the supported school and the member of staff deployed. The specification will outline terms of deployment and agreed outcomes.
2.5.Followingdeployment, the supporting member of staff will write up and circulate a Record Of Visit.(Schedule 2) For a seriesof visits, this will take the form of a running record.’
3.Charging Arrangements for academic year 2016/2017
3.1.Charging rates for North Yorkshire schools are as follows:
•NLE charge rate – £550 per day
•LLE charge rate – £450 per day
•SLE charge rate – £350 per day
•Lead practitioner Headteacher costs are charged at £400 per day.
•Lead practirionerteacher costs are charged at £250 per day.
•Lead practitioner teaching assistant costs are charged at £100 per day.
•Business management support is charged at £150 per day.
•Other staff may be deployed and will be quoted for individually.
3.2.10% of all fees will be taken by STAR to cover administration charges.
3.3.These charges are indicative and may vary by negotiation for blocks of time purchased or where staff deployed are on significantly different payscales.
3.4.Some additional charges may be incurred for travel costs.
3.5.Packages of support will be designed on a bespoke basis, based on the above charging scale
3.6.Non-NYCC Schools will incur an additional surcharge 10% in addition to travel charges
3.7.Charging arrangement within the STAR Teaching school Alliance – from time to time discrete pieces of support may be commissioned by a STAR Member School from another STAR Member School, in such instances charges will be made based on the agreed STAR supply cover rates, unless otherwise negotiated between schools . STAR Members can request the current rates from the STARBusiness Manager
4.Your obligations
4.1 You will provide The STAR Teaching School Alliance with a named contract manager and will take part in an end of contract review.
4.2The STAR Teaching School Alliance will make recommendations to xxxxxxx School (School) it is up to the School to take these recommendations forward and action them.
5.Value and payment
5.1.STAR Teaching School Alliancewill invoice NYCC/xxxxxon a monthly basis in arrears. Invoices must be settled as per the terms and conditions stated on the invoice.
5.2.The charge for services provided under this Agreement shall be as per Schedule 3 – Service Charge, unless agreed otherwise in writing by the Parties.
6.Contract Authourities
6.1.On behalf of the STAR Teaching School Alliance:
Signed Date
6.2.On behalf of xxxxxxx School:
I accept the offer for this service on the terms and conditions, which I have read, understand and I am in a position to fulfill in their entirety.
Signed Date
6.3.On behalf of North Yorkshire County Council: [delete if not appropriate]
Signed Date
Please return one signed and dated copy of thisagreement.
Schedule 1 – Specification of Service
Description of activityOutputs
Schedule 2 - Record of Visit
Date of visit: ______
Name of member of staff:
Follow up
Schedule 3 – Service Charge
School to School Support
Agreed charges for support to xxxxxxxx from______to ______
Support / Agreed Days / Rate per day / Total Cost £’sTotal
Schedule 4 - Standard Terms and Conditions for STAR School To School Support
1.Entitlement – we will provide:-
1.1.High quality support and effective management that is subject to independentinspection.
1.2.Fair treatment which recognises and respects equality of access and opportunity and to feel free from discrimination orharassment. The right to appeal to a third party if learners feel they have been treatedunfairly.
1.3.An environment which is safe and suitably equipped to meet the demands of thework to be undertaken.
1.4.STAR Teaching School Alliance staff that are competent, experienced, andsupportive.
1.5.Institutional compliance with Data Protection and Safeguardinglegislation.
2.Equal Opportunities
2.1.Our offer is inclusive and designed to provide the maximum opportunity for schools.
2.2.Every effort will be made to accommodate colleagues with special educational needs to allow for participation, for example provision of access, learning materials orequipment.
2.3.In accordance with Section 59 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, if, regardless of any reasonable adjustments which may have been made, a disabled person would be at risk (or might pose a risk to others) in a particular situation or activity, STAR Teaching School Alliance may have to consider excluding the individual from that situationor activity, in his/her owninterests.
2.4.This contract is subject to STAR Teaching School Alliance’s Equality Policy, available onrequest.
3.STAR Teaching School Alliance role
3.1.All STAR Teaching School Alliance staff undergo DBS clearance upon appointment and adhere to the North Yorkshire County Councils Safeguarding Policy, available onrequest.
3.2.STAR Teaching School Alliance will provide support and guidance and appropriate resources if required.
3.3.Quality Assurance: All STAR Teaching School Alliance support will be subject to quality monitoring and a commitment to continuous improvement.
3.4.The STAR Teaching School Alliance will contribute to the school’s evaluation of theactivity.
4.School role
4.1.The school is responsible for ensuring staff are available and on board with the programme.
4.2.The school will ensure all health and safety is complied with.
4.3.Any changes in the information or support required by the school must be discussed with the STAR Teaching School Alliance as soon as possible and no later than 48 hours before the start of the support. The STAR Teaching School Alliance reserves the right to postpone or cancel support where such changes are not notified within the timescale.
5.1.All information regarding the work undertaken will be stored and handled in a manner which complies with the Data Protection Act and with regard to the safety and welfare of learners. No explicit sensitive data will be given to any third party without the consent of theschool.
6.Complaint Procedure
6.1.In the first instance, we hope you will feel able to raise concerns directly and informally with the member of staff you have been working with. All STAR Teaching School Alliance employees will endeavour to resolve issues promptly and courteously at thislevel.
6.2.If, however, you have not had satisfaction at this level, or if you prefer to go directly to a member of our Management Team, or if you are simply not sure what to do, then pleasecontact the address below:
Liz TuddenhamEmail:
Business Manager
STAR Teaching School AllianceTel: 07565 398897
c/o Monk Fryston School
Chestnut Green
Monk Fryston
LS25 5PN
6.3.You are welcome to contact us in writing, by email, by telephone or in person by appointment. Please let us have full details of your complaint and how best to contact you to enable us torespond.
Name of School: xxxxxxxxxDFE Number: Contract Number: STAR#####