McGill OrgModelerInstructions



The McGill OrgModeler is an application that allows departments with proper authorization to be able to create "what-if" scenarios, without affecting live data. It’s a handy tool for management to be able to generate and examine changes in structure or size by constructing scenarios to display, study and review potential re-organizations and/or staff movement. It can be saved and shared with others.

1. Logging in

a)Go to the Minerva for Faculty and Staff website at

b)Click on the Login to Minerva key icon, and log in as usual, using your McGill ID and PIN.

c)In the MAIN Menu, click on “Nakisa – Organization Chart System” (this will take you to another page)

d)Click on “External Link to McGill Organization Chart” (this will launch a new browser window).



e)Click on the “Scenarios” button (bottom of left side bar) to start. You will be presented with the welcome screen.

Welcome Screen_


Click on the “Scenarios” button (top of left side bar). You will be presented with the New Scenario screen (Scenario-Listing Table). It displays the current scenarios that you have already created that can be loaded for use. This listing table can be customized to show relevant columns using the “Settings” button located in the Menu Bar. From the “Settings” you can select to show or hide certain columns, set the sort order and set the display number of records per page. Click the “Apply Settings” button to apply the settings.



2. Create a Scenario

To create a scenarioclick on “New Scenario”buttonlocated on the Menu Bar or the “Create a new scenario” caption located in the listing panel. This will bring up the Create New Scenariodialog box.



Scenario Name is the name of the scenario created. This name can be used to identify certain types of scenarios that you will create for reference.

Created by is used to identify the user who created the scenario. It is automatically populated with the McGill ID of the user who logged into the OrgModeler and cannot be changed.

Comments This is a text box field that can be used to store instructions or information pertaining to the scenario being created.

Create scenario based on Orgchart This drop down box allows users to select from the list of orgcharts available, that the new scenario should be based on.

Import from • Import from This field is used to import the selected root chart of the scenario. The root is where the scenario will start from. Click on the double chevron icon and the “Select Item--Web PageDialog” box will appear. You can expand through to the desired node to start importing the scenario from.

Import Box_


Click on the title/name line. This will bring you back to the Create New Scenario dialogue box.

Number of levels to import The number of levels that will be imported into the scenario.

Number of levels in linked hierarchy to import This field specifies the number of levels to import from other hierarchies that might be linked to the initial import from selected node in the previous fields.

Import Assistants Select yes.

Load Scenario after creationWhen checked off it will automatically load the scenario when complete.

When you finish filling in the “dialogue box” clickon the Create Scenario button on the bottom left cornerto begin creating the scenario. This scenario will be saved in your scenario-listing table. The“Close” button allows you to exit the dialog box without saving. It will bring you back to the “Scenario Listing-Table” screen.


The navigation panel is the main navigation tool for moving between the different modules of OrgModeler. To move between the sections simply click on the icon for the desired section and it will open.

3. Modify Scenario

Click on “Model” from the navigation panel. The scenario model is the organizational structure of the data that has been modeled into. It is where you will perform most of your actions and commands in regards to the scenario loaded.

Now you are ready to modify your scenario.



Click on the node (rectangular box) of the employee you would like to modify. This will bring up the “Details Scenario Actions”panel (on the right) and the “Work Panel” on the left.



3a. Scenario Actions using the “Scenario Action” Panel

You can select to edit, delete, move and create new child items in the selected node from the scenario actions panel.

i) Edit

This will allowyou to edit the selected node’s information. To edit a field click the“Edit” icon to prompt the Modify Employee web dialog box.

ii) Delete

This will allow you to delete the selected node. It will only delete the selected node and not the child items. The child items will report to the parent of the deleted node. Click the “Delete” icon and click the “Delete” button in the web page dialog to delete the selected node.

iii) Move

The move action allows you to select a new parent node for the selected node. You can choose to move the selected node only or the selected node along with its child items. To move a node click the “Move” icon and select a new parent node from the “Move Item” dialog box that appears.



You can move the child nodes along with the selected node by removing the check from the “Move only selected item” checkbox.

iv) Create new child item

This allows you to create new nodes into the scenario. These nodes will report directly to the node selected in the details panel. Clicking on the “Create New Child Item” icon displays a web dialog box. Fill out the available fields, and click on “Validate” to validate the fields. Once the validation is passed, click on the “Add” button to add the new node.

4. Details Panel_


Details Panel acts as a control panel for the selected scenario. You can load, delete or copy the selected scenario. To access the details panel click on the “Details” button on the Menu Bar or selectone of the scenarios from the listing table. This allows you to view and execute the following:

• Load scenario Allows you to load the selected scenario currently viewed in the details panel. To load a scenario, click the “Load Scenario”icon.

• Copy scenario Allows you to make a copy of the current scenario. This is used if you decide to have more than one scenario using the same criteria and values of the selected scenario. Once you click the “Copy Scenario” icon, you will be prompted with the Copy Scenario dialog box to which you can assign a new scenario name.

• Delete scenario Allows you to delete the scenario selected. Click the “Delete Scenario” icon to delete the selected scenario.

• General information This displays any relevant information associated with the scenario.

Click the icon “” on the top right to close the details panel.

5. Settings Panel_


Settings Panelis used to control the scenario-listing table. To access the panel click on the “Settings” button located in the Menu Bar. Click the “” icon on the top right to close the panel.

Show/Hide Columns in ListingYoucan select which columns to show in the listing table. To show or hide a field, you must check off the desired field and click“Apply Settings”.

Set Order of Fields in ListingYou can select the order of the fields displayed in the listing table. To change the order or move certain fields simply highlight a field and use the up/down arrows to move the field. Click“Apply Settings” to apply the changes to the sort order.

Set Number of Records Per Page This section allows you to set the number of records to be displayed in the scenario-listing table for the active session. You can set this number by selecting it from the drop down list and then click “Apply Settings”.

Note: The default value is twenty-five records, that is restored at the end of each session or when you close and log out of the application.

6. Load a scenario

When you load a scenario from the listing table, the Navigation panel on the left will display the“ScenarioSide Panel: Current Scenario, Model, Chartbook and Changes” to work from. You can begin moving nodes or branches in the scenario.



6a. Current scenario

This contains all the information relevant to the scenario that you have loaded. It is broken into the following sections:

i) Scenario Information

This is a general information section where the field values are read only with the exception of the comments section, which can be updated by clicking “Edit Comments…”. Once the changes have been made, you can select “Update”to update the changes or “Cancel”to cancel the changes. Additional fields can be added through the Scenario Management panel.



ii) Scenario Management

It allows you to set conditions and changes to the loaded scenario. To access this panel you can click on the “Scenario Management” button located on the Menu Bar.

-Allow other users to access scenario

The Owner can grant access and special privileges to a specific user. Click the “Access Rights” icon to prompt the Manage User Access web dialog box. Click on the double chevron icon and the select item dialog box will appear to select theuser you wish to give permission to access the current loaded scenario. Enter a user’s name or the McGill IDof the employee that you’d like to grant access to your scenario. Then, select the access permissions from the drop-down list. The access rights can be either read only, read-write or owner permissions. Click “Add User” button to add the selected user. The added user will be displayed in the table. When the added user logs in into the OrgModeler application, he/she will be able to see and access it. Users who have only read access to the scenario cannot modify or make any changes. Users who have read-write permissions can perform all normal scenario operations. Users who have owners permission can perform all operations including deleting scenario.



- Unload scenario you can unload the scenario by clicking the “Unload Scenario” icon.

- Save current scenario You can save the loaded scenario under a different name. This is used to save changes from the original loaded scenario under a new scenario name. Click “Save Current Scenario As…” icon to enter the new scenario name in the web dialog box that appears, and then click“Save” to save the scenario.

- Add Count This will create an additional tab calledCountin the details panel of the selected node in the scenario Model.



- Update counts will update and regenerate the counting information. To update counts, click“Update Count” icon to prompt the dialog box. This feature is also available in the Work Panel in the scenario Mode.

Note: Update Counts will only be generated if you add the counts for the loaded scenario. Based on the number of items in the scenario and complexity of the hierarchy, updating may take a few minutes.



7. Moving nodes in Scenario using the “Edit Mode” under the Work Panel

In the work panel, click on the “Edit Mode” button to toggle the Edit Mode (On). Note that there is the icon attached to the hand pointer.

Browse through the scenario and select the desired node you wish to move by clicking on it. For example, Staff Relations Officer.

Select a new parent node for the node selected by browsing through the scenario. In this example, let’s move Staff Relations Officerso that her new parent node is the Executive HR.



Click on the new parent node to move the selected node.

This move will move the selected node along with any child nodes that might be reporting to the selected node.

8. Chart Book - Printing

Refer to the “McGill Organizational Chart” instructions.


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