Project Maths Development Team

Application Form for the Post of

Regional Development Officer

Office Use Only: Date Received: _


Application No: ______

Name of Applicant: ______

(i)An electronic copy of the completed application form must be submitted by 5pm on 8th May 2015 to

(ii)Whilst e-applications are accepted up to5pm on 8th May 2015 a signed copy must also be made available by candidates PRIOR to interview to:

Ms Grainne Haughney

The Project Maths Development Team Office

Drumcondra Education Centre


Dublin 9

Tel: 01 8576422

Fax: 01 8576499


Late applications will not be accepted. Receipt of completed application forms will be acknowledged.

1.Personal Details

Teaching Council Reg. No.
Telephone Numbers / Home: Mobile:
Driving Licence
(Please √ as appropriate) / Full Licence Provisional Licence

2(a) Current Employment Status:

Roll Number
/ Phone number:
Position i.e. Principal, Deputy Principal, Class/Learning Support Teacher etc.
Category (e.g. Post-primary, Special School, Irish-medium school)
If Post-holder, please
specify duties

2(b) Current Position if on secondment:

Host Organisation:
Telephone Number /
Position: /
Date appointed to Organisation:
Number of years in current position:
Brief description of position and duties undertaken

3. Competence in Irish: Please indicate byticking (√) a box as appropriate

3 (a).Oral language

Very good: Good: Fair: Poor:

3. (b) Written language

Very good: Good: Fair: Poor:

4.Qualifications (including post-graduate). Please complete in date order, starting with the most recent.

Full title of Degree(s)/
Qualification(s) held / Major Subject(s) / Awarding Body / Year / Grade obtained / NFQ Level

5. Employment Experience. Please complete in date order, starting with the most recent.

5 (a) Teaching experience, including experience of teaching Mathematics through Irish

Position (Title/Subject/ Programme/ Learning Support etc.) / Responsibilities
(include details of year groups and levels taught) / School Name(s) / Years

5 (b) Employment experience other than teaching(outside of secondary teaching)

Position / Responsibilities / Employer / Years

6.Association with professional groups/networks

Professional Group/ Teacher Network / Brief Details of Role / Years

NOTE: Where possible, please respond to the following questions in bullet format

7.Briefly outline how you employ innovative learning and teaching approachesthat promote active student engagement with Mathematics in your practice

8.Briefly outline your involvement in and your experience of curriculum and assessment development and reform

9.ICT Skills: Please indicate your level of competence by ticking (√) under the headings provided below

Basic / Good / Excellent
E-Mail/ Internet
PowerPoint or other presentation packages
Spreadsheets and Databases
Using mathematics software to support teaching and learning
Developing/managing online resources

10. Provide details of how your ICT skills were applied in the context of past/ current employments

11.Motivation and innovation Skills: Please provide two examples of how your motivation and innovation skills were demonstrated in the context of past/current employments and the

pertinence of these skills to the position of RDO for Project Maths

12.TeacherEducation - Continuing Professional Development (CPD):Provide details of your experience and main achievements in the organisation, design and/or delivery of CPD.

13Communication and Interpersonal Skills: Briefly outline how these skills were applied in the context of past/current employments and the pertinence of these skills to the position of RDO for Project Maths.

14.The role of the RDO: Please outline your knowledge/understanding of the RDO for Project Maths

15.Details of two people from whom references may be obtained

1. Referee’s Name and position
Telephone Numbers
E-mail Address
2. Referee’s Name and position
Telephone Numbers
E-mail Address

Please include evening and daytime contact numbers.

PMDT reserves the right to seek additional or alternative referees if deemed appropriate.

I hereby certify that all information provided on this application form is true and correct:

Signature of Applicant:______

Date: ______