MINUTES of the meeting of Hough on the Hill Parish Council held at 7.43 pm on Thursday 18th May 2017 at All Saints Church Community Area, Hough on the Hill.

Present: Cllr R Kingscott (RK) (in the Chair), Cllrs. Milnes (PeM) Morgan (SM),

Ramsden (PR) and Rhymer (SR) and Cty Cllr A Maughan (AM) and one member of the public.

01/17.Public foruma parishioner mentioned the problem with water running down the track from Gelston to the C001. She had spoken with Anglian Water who had attended and said that there was nothing wrong with either the effluent output nor the water supply. She had contact Highways and the Clerk will chase this up on behalf of the PC.

02/17Apologies for absence from Cllr S Nevin (SN) who was detained at work.

03/17.There were no declarations of interest.

04/17.Minutes for the meeting held on 16th March 2017had been read, were approved, and it was resolved unanimously that they be signed.


S15/1764–application for 10 wind turbines at Fulbeck Airfield has been refused and there is a timescale of 6 months during which an Appeal can be lodged.

S15/2537 – straw storage – approved conditionally – condition relates to netting the lorries.

S17/0218 – tree works at Hough Manor – approved.

Works at The Row, Gelston – still not had any response – Clerk to ask Cllr B Sampson again for an update.

06/17.Playing field:

Reports for April and May had been received. Lottery labels will be attached to the MUGA by SR and he will cut back the trees that are overhanging the play area. SR will also check the missing fascia and repair if possible. The ID label will be attached to the MUGA as recommended by Wicksteed in their report. Clerk advised that she had had quotes for 4 builders bags of bark and it was resolved that 4 bags be ordered from Gravel Master – delivery to be on a Friday during the first two weeks of June. Note that Village Fete will take place at the Church this year, not on the field.

07/17.Road safety/Highways

Chair advised AM of the embargo regarding reducing the speed limit on the C001. Agreed that he will forward e-mails to AM. Another HGV had tried to go down Church Lane into Brandon and churned up verges, before getting stuck. Clerk to write to Highways requesting a sign for the roadside at Church Lane, near the phone box, saying “Unsuitable for HGVs”. Chair will deal with SatNav issues.

08/17. Footpaths

Several fields around Gelston are being more securely fenced. One farmer has a field with a footpath through it and has put in stiles (Folly Lane to Gelston) – should disabled people be considered? Clerk to ask Footpaths Officer about this point.

09/17. Gelston to Loveden Hill track: water problem (see public forum).

10/17. Onside:

RK has not as yet had chance to produce a newsletter but hopes to get something out, to be distributed with the fete mailshot.

11/17. Social Media:

SR is setting up a village Facebook site which will link to other sites in the village. This is a village FB page and not a PC FB page.

12/17. Defibrillators:

PeM had circulated details of how VETS works. There is now an opportunity to have VETS x 3 which would cover our 3 villages. The cost is £195 for the set-up fee. It is then a free service for the first year, with an annual fee thereafter of £175 (total). However, no volunteers have come forward as yet. AGENDA next meeting.

An invoice for pads had been received but this was credited back when Clerk raised the issue of why we had to pay, when we had paid a maintenance fee for the year.

13/17 – Broadband:

RK advised that there will be a dedicated junction box for Brandon in early 2019. A wireless transmitter is now available.

14/17. Insurance.

We are in the final year of our 3 year agreement – the invoice total is £447.90.

15/17. Financial matters:

Clerk had omitted to send out the budgets and bank reconciliation – this will be rectified.

Clerk had had a renewal request for subscription of £36 for CPRE membership. Questions were raised as to whether we needed this membership – Clerk advised of what it provided for the PC and it was resolved to pay it this year. SR will look into benefits, or otherwise, of membership.

The following payments were authorised: Hire of church £10.

[a] Clerk read out each question on the Annual Governance Statement of the Audit Return and it was resolved that the Chair and Clerk sign it.

[b] Clerk produced the Accounting Statement on the Audit Return and it was resolved that it too be signed.

[c]Clerk had produced a bank reconciliation and receipts/payments schedule at 9.5.17it was resolved unanimously to accept and sign the same.

[d] Bank balances at 9.5.17 are £4,458.77 (deposit account) and £6,853.85 (current account).


Clerk had had an invoice for £120 from Grant Thornton for audit work last year.

It was resolved unanimously that this be paid.

PR and RK have no objections to S17/0771 planning application.

17/17.Presentations from invited speakers:

AM will be attempting to get monthly meetings with Highways. Another consultation is to come with regard to a unitary authority.

18/17. Next meeting: 21st September 2017 at 7.30 pm. (SR will be away).

Meeting closed at 9.02 pm.