Room B-132014-2015

Science Office Hours: Tuesday 1:50 – 2:30 PM

And Team Yale Office Hours

Dear Student,

I am looking forward to working with you this year as you investigate and explore the world of Biology. I am sure that you have many questions about my expectations of you this year. This handout is to serve as a way to introduce both you and your parents to my policies and expectations during this year.

Course Description: Biology I- Honors is a course designed for above average ninth and tenth grade students who are highly motivated and have a desire to pursue the advanced science sequence. Emphasis is placed on modern areas of molecular biology such as microscopy, biochemistry, cytology, cellular genetics, and ecology. A survey of traditional topics is also covered. Students are encouraged to develop proficiency in laboratory techniques, independent study, writing and organizational skills.

Materials: You should bring with you EVERY DAY…

  • Pen - Blue or Black
  • Notebook (preferably loose leaf 3 ring binder) with paper. If you are better organized with a spiral notebook then you will need pocket folders with brass brads to keep your papers in.
  • Homework - Separate Homework Folder is recommended
  • Your Textbook (Unless otherwise notified by your teacher)

Materials: You should bring with you AS NEEDED…

  • Lab notebook (Hardcover 3 ring binder used for only labs)
  • Jump Drive – This can be used to save reports and projects in school, share information with other students in your group, and in a last minute emergency in case of printer or e-mail error.

*** You will be issued textbooks this year, some along with a CD-ROM tutorial (found inside back cover). The activities in the CD-ROM are great resources for review and mastery of material. Students will be expected to hand in the textbook and CD-ROM in good condition at the end of the year. An additional fee will be charged for lost or broken CD-ROMs.

Grading: Your marking period grades will be determined by the following point system:

  • Homework- 5 to 30 points based on the length and depth of the assignment
  • Lab Reports- 50 to 100 points each. You will receive a rubric of what I expect before our first lab
  • Class work- 5 to 30 points depending on the length and depth of the assignment
  • Lab Activities – 30 to 100 points depending on the difficulty of the activity
  • Dipsticks/Quizzes –10 to 50 points depending on the length
  • CFA’s/Tests / Projects– 100 to 200 points depending on the length of the unit. Note: some tests may take more than one class period to finish.

Extra Help: If you are having difficulty with a given topic, it is your responsibility to see me for extra help. I am after school most days (please tell me a day before you would like to come (or early in the day of) to ensure that I don’t have a meeting and remind me that you are coming the day of your appointment). Science and Yale Academy Team office hours are on TUESDAY from 1:45 – 2:30. We move at a very fast pace in this class, so it is important that you get the help that you need as soon as possible so you do not get left behind. A few days before each test there will be an optional review session after school. Students, who earn lower than a 75 on a test, will be required to attend a scheduled tutoring session, most likely after school.

Class Rules: There are the rules of my classroom:

  • Follow Directions the first time they are given
  • Be prompt (Be on time)
  • Be Respectful (of yourself, others, and property)
  • Be prepared (Bring Notebook, homework, pen, etc.)
  • No food or drink in class *
  • Follow the School Rules outlined in the Student Handbook

Attendance: Your attendance is extremely important to your success in this class. If you are absent you should call a classmate to get the homework assignment. If you are absent for a test or quiz, you will be required to take that test or quiz the day of your return unless you are absent for an extended period of time (more than 2 days in a row). I cannot pass back tests until everyone has taken them, and it is not fair to your peers to have to wait. I follow the school’s attendance policies very strictly and remind you that more than 16 unexcused absences could result in a loss of credit in this course whether you are passing or not. Anyone who chooses to cut class will receive a zero for that day’s work and you will not be able to make up any work missed (3 Cuts = Loss of credit for the marking period).

Tardiness: Tardiness is not tolerated. If you are tardy to class, you will receive one warning. After that, I will employ the school’s tardiness policy as listed in your student handbook. Detentions will be served on Tuesday after school (1:45- 2:30 PM). A written note or a phone call from a parent is required for a student to reschedule a detention, due to scheduling conflicts (ex. doctor’s appointment). If you are late coming back from a lab break, you will receive a detention and lose you lab break privilege for the rest of the marking period.

  • 3 Tardies = 1 unexcused absence; Tardiness will result in mandatory detention(s) and possibly a phone call to parents/guardian.
  • 16 Unexcused Absences or 48 Tardies = Loss of credit for the whole year

Field Trips: We will be taking at least two field trips during the school year. The Biology I – Honors classes participate in a study on the Yale/ Old Bayer property of a section of the Oyster River. We will be studying benthic macro-invertebrates (bugs that live in the bottom of stream beds) to assess the water quality of the stream using a protocol created by the Department of Environmental Protection. Our results get published annually by the DEP and sent to Washington, D.C. to be viewed by congress. Everyone is expected to participate fully in this experience. All school rules and classroom policies apply when we are off school grounds.

Late Assignments: All assignments are due by the due date AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD.

If you have a problem with your printer when a lab report is due, you must PUT IT ON A JUMP DRIVE or EMAIL IT TO ME and have it ready on the due date.

Cheating and Plagiarism: Cheating will not be tolerated in this class. Any assignment, which I designate as a solo assignment, may not be collaborated on with peers and doing so will result in a 0. Copying the work of another or using another’s ideas without giving credit will constitute plagiarism. Any assignment that you cheat or plagiarize will be counted as a 0. Talking during quizzes and tests, and cheating are an automatic zero

E-mail- I can be e-mailed at. Please feel free to e-mail me at any time.

I look forward to our year together!


Mr. Dickson

Teacher’s CopyMr. Dickson

Dear student and parent(s), Honors Biology

If any of this information is unclear to you, or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to an interesting and fun year together.

My E-mail address is and my web-page can be found at:

School phone: (203) 937- 4360 Ext. 5122

Science Office Hours = Tuesday 1:50-2:30 PM (Detentions/ Extra Help)

Below, I am requesting parent(s)’ e-mail address and most direct day phone numbers in an attempt to open communication during the school year, and share more easily the student’s achievements or challenges. Within three weeks, I plan to send an e-mail to each parent to verify that I have a working and updated parent’s e-mail.

Thank you

Mr. Dickson

Classroom Rules and Procedures Contract

Signing this contract tells your teacher that you are aware of the classroom rules.

I, (Print student’s name)______have received and read a copy of the classroom rules and procedures. I understand its contents completely, and agree to follow the classroom rules and guidelines that have been established.

Student Signature ______Date______

Parent/Guardian’s Name ______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature ______

Parent E-mail ______

Parent’s Day Phone Numbers ______

Please return this page to me no later than September 4th.

Parent CopyMr. Dickson

Dear student and parent(s), Honors Biology

If any of this information is unclear to you, or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to an interesting and fun year together.

My E-mail address is and my school web page can be found at:

School phone: (203) 937- 4360 Ext. 5122

Science Office Hours = Tuesday 1:50-2:30 PM (Detentions/ Extra Help)

Below, I am requesting parent(s)’ e-mail address and most direct day phone numbers in an attempt to open communication during the school year, and share more easily the student’s achievements or challenges. Within three weeks, I plan to send an e-mail to each parent to verify that I have a working and updated parent’s e-mail.

Thank you

Mr. Dickson

Classroom Rules and Procedures Contract

Signing this contract tells your teacher that you are aware of the classroom rules.

I, (Print student’s name)______have received and read a copy of the classroom rules and procedures. I understand its contents completely, and agree to follow the classroom rules and guidelines that have been established.

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian’s Name ______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature ______

Parent E-mail ______

Parent’s Day Phone Numbers ______