Mr. Schmidt’s Weekend – Bar Graph

Mr. William Schmidt is a respected teacher at the William McKinley Middle School. He needs to organize his schedule on the weekends in order to be prepared for class each Monday.

This weekend he has the following 5 main activities (with one word label) related to home life:

  • shopping/errands (shop)
  • cleaning/upkeep of home (upkeep)
  • sleeping/relaxing/alone time (sleep)
  • entertainment/family time (family)
  • cooking/eating (food)

This weekend he also has the following 5 main activities with labels related to his employment:

  • grade student assignments, he promised to return them Monday (grade)
  • prepare class presentation – power points, research ideas (plan)
  • create accompanying materials for students – worksheets, activities (make)
  • strategize class review for state achievement tests beginning in three weeks (think)
  • prepare for meeting with a student’s parents on Wednesday – student is struggling (prepare)

In order to organize his weekend to be the most productive, he decides to create a bar graph to visualize how he might organize his time best.

He considers the “weekend” to be from Saturday Morning 8:00 am to Sunday Night 8:00 pm; thus he has 36 hours in which to fit all 10 activities.

Mr. Schmidt allows himself 8 hours of sleep, and then allocates the rest as follows:

2, shop

3, upkeep

8, sleep

4, family

3, food

5, grade

4, plan

3, make

3, think

1, prepare


Performance Tasks Point Tables on next page



In demonstrating your understanding of the Bar Graph statistic, the 20 points are divided as follows:

01-04Data are keyed into the internet calculator correctly

01-03Title for the bar graph is provided; labels for the X and Y axis are provided

01-03Instructor asks that the bar width and color be changed; completed successfully

01-03Instructor asks that new data be entered and min/max values changed; modified correctly

01-03Instructor asks about why bar graph, not histogram, is used with the data; explained correctly

01-04Instructor asks about conclusions from the data analysis; reasonable conclusions provided


In creating your own Bar Graph exercise, the 15 points are divided as follows:

01-03Realistic and appropriate scenario related to school teaching

01-03Data are created accurately

01-03Data are keyed into the internet calculator correctly

01-02Title for the bar graph is provided; labels for the X and Y axis are provided

01-02Instructor asks about why bar graph, not histogram, is used with the data; explained correctly

01-02Instructor asks about conclusions from the data analysis; reasonable conclusions provided