Delaware Reformed Church

Reverend Gary Hegstad

May 8, 2016




Call to Worship

Praise & Worship LIFE

“For the Beauty of the Earth” Hymn #560

“Now Thank We All Our God” Hymn #556

Opening Prayer

Children’s Story Sy DeVries

Hymn “Blessed Assurance” Hymn #345

Congregational Prayer

Scripture Acts 16:16-34

Message “Road Blocks to Open Doors”

Worship in Tithes & Offering Jenna Duncan

Doxology & Offertory Prayer

Hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” Hymn #43


Closing Song “Seek Ye First” Hymn #42

Welcome to Delaware. We’re glad you are here!

If you are a visitor please fill out a visitor card and place it in the offering.

Birth-4 Nursery is available beginning at 9:15 and throughout the service. Serving in the nursery today is Tammy & Kevin.

Happy Mother’s Day! Today is a day to celebrate and honor all that mothers are and do. “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” Proverbs 31:25-26

This Week:

Monday: Consistory 7:00pm

Wednesday: Youth Group 7:00pm

Next week is Graduation Sunday. The high school graduates are Brady Heldt, Breanna Kruid, Tristan Namminga, Travis Hilt, and Dylan Hyronimus. The 8th grade graduates are Caleb Smit, Madeline Loewe, Levi Andernacht, and Matthew Kruid. Please plan to stay after services and help us celebrate!

Children's Ministry News: Delaware VBS will be June 6-10 with the Sunday School Picnic to be held on June 12. Worthing VBS will be held August 1-5.


Lois Hyronimus’ address: 3901 S Marion Road, Sioux Falls, SD 57106

FYI: The last day of Sunday School will be May 22nd.

Rev. Gary Hegstad’s contact info: (712) 348-4093 or

Offering Report
General Fund / Building Fund
Offering Received / 5/1/2016 / $3,308.00 / $480.00
Budgeted Average Weekly Offering / $2,692.31 / $748.08
Difference / $615.69 / -$268.08
Fiscal Year-To-Date Summary
Received Offerings / $50,600.54 / $4,538.00
Budgeted Offerings / $48,461.54 / $13,465.38
Difference / $2,139.00 / -$8,927.38

Women's Ministry Service Project: We are collecting items for Ronald McDonald House. Check the bulletin board for a shopping list.

Children's Ministry Offerings: Three campers will be finding their "True North" as our total offering has passed $600. John 14:6, “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” John 14:6.

The Union Gospel love gift for May is cash donations for the Mission's Vacation Bible School and camp. Please give cash to Rhonda, Marilyn or Barb P. Thank you!

Fellowship lunch for Sunday, May 15th is Katie & Paula. Praise and Worship is the Praise Band. Children’s Sermon is Tammy Adney. Nursery is Dianne & Cheryl. Usher is Scott Hyronimus. Projector is Paula Loewe.

Fellowship lunch for Sunday, May 22nd is Lisa & Mary. Praise and Worship is Joshua’s House. Children’s Sermon is Stacey Andernacht. Nursery is Angie & Jan. Usher is Kevin Adney. Projector is Brian Dangel.

Bulletin information should be given to Lisa Westra at 605-366-1037 or by Thursday at 9:00am.


I was so surprised to get a May Day basket from the grandkids and a nice visit from the Duncan’s. I sure appreciate this thoughtfulness. Thanks so very much. - Grandma Dena Bruns

Thank you to the youth and Joy Hyronemus for the very nice May Day basket I received. I appreciated the thought. Thank you! - Barbara Schneiderman

Thank you to my great grand kids and to the Youth group for the May Day Basket. Thanks for the birthday card greetings for my 90th birthday. - John Westra

Thank you Youth Group for the fruit bag that was delivered to us. We really appreciated it and enjoyed the fruit. – Delmar & Viola Kuper

Thank you to the Youth Group for the fruit basket. It was greatly appreciated. – Clara Hagena

A big thank you for the May basket. We really enjoyed the fruit and candy. – Bill and Donna Beck

Thank you to the Youth Group for the May Day basket. The candy and the fruit were very much enjoyed! – Gladys Wiebers