January 26, 2011



January 26, 2011

Representative Murphy stated that the purpose of the committee is to study all non mandated county programs and the efficiency of all county departments.

Representative Murphy suggested that the committee can succeed if a coordinated, comprehensive approach is taken. He suggested they focus on those programs and departments that would offer a higher likelihood of cooperation. He suggested that any observation made be guided by defining the problem, collecting the appropriate data, turning that data to information, designing and implementing a solution and controlling the improved process.

Representative Murphy stated that New York State Association of Counties offers some training through webinar and power point presentations on Lean Government. He stated that they offer these guidelines on Lean Government; Counties have customers, efficiency is not a job reduction strategy, efficiency is creating value for the customer while using the fewest resources possible, and it is about getting the right service in the right amount to the right person at the right time.

Representative Lindberg argued that he feels job reduction is necessary and the only step toward lean government.

Deb Taylor, Director of Tourism, reviewed the history of the tourism program. She pointed out that the program at one time was run privately and she is currently exploring this option for 2012. She explained that it would likely be funded by a percentage of bed tax funds and private partnerships similar to existing partnerships. She stated that there are still issues that need to be worked out but she has received support from the partners.

Representative Murphy suggested the committee review an updated list of programs and the county share of each. He suggested they also review space efficiency in the county buildings. He would also like input from department heads as to how they could eliminate, reduce, simplify or integrate department activities.

Representative Schwerd suggested that with the retirement of the E911 Coordinator and the Emergency Services Coordinator the committee look into combining the two departments under one supervisor. She also suggested looking into the various Department of Social Services programs.

Representative Lindberg suggested consolidation of the Department of Motor Vehicle offices to free space for offices currently housed in the Old Jail building. He also suggested looking into closing some of the outpost buildings for the Highway Department and working more the Town Highway Departments for snow removal and tree work. He also suggested looking into the various contracts to provide services for county departments. He asked the committee to review with the Treasurer the health insurance information and perhaps look into an employee clinic housed in the MeadowsBuilding.

Representative Clark suggested the committee study mandated programs as well since many are enhanced beyond what is mandatory. She stated that ErieCounty has established an efficiency program and suggested the committee look into this. She suggested the committee look into vehicle use and rental programs similar to that of Oswego, NY. She also suggested looking into county vehicles being taken home, such as the Deputies. She suggested looking into the usage of the local DMV offices with so many transactions occurring on the internet. She also suggested looking into consolidating programs that appear to offer the same service.

Other suggestions/concerns included changing shifts from three to two in the jail and at Otsego Manor, reimbursement policies, flexible scheduling, surplus equipment not going to auction, electronic monitoring and redistricting.

Representative Schwerd moved for executive session to discuss personnel. Seconded, Lindberg. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

The committee reconvened.

Representative Murphy will request department heads develop suggestions to make offices more efficient for the committee to review. Departments will be reviewed on a staggered schedule rather than all departments at once. He hopes to begin reviewing suggestions at the March meeting.

Representative Murphy will ask the Treasurer to provide the committee with an updated list of county programs, a spreadsheet of all transfers for 2011 and revenue and expenditure reports monthly.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. to tour the Meadows Office Complex and Old Jail with regular business immediately following in the CountyOfficeBuilding.