National Association of Teachers of Travellers + Conference

Best Practice in Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Education

What has worked before will work again!

Friday 10 March 2017

in George Fox Room, Second Floor

Friends House (London)

173-177 Euston Road


Application Form

Please complete one form per person. (complete in BLOCK CAPITALS – thank you)

First Name: ……………………………………Surname…………………………………………………

Address (for all correspondence to be sent): ..………………………………………………………….

……………………………………………………………………… Post Code: ………………………….

Telephone: …………………………………… mobile: …………………………………………………..

Email address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Service/Organisation: ……………………………………………………………………….………………

Are you a current NATT+ Member: YES/NO I wish to join NATT+ now: YES/NO

I would like to attend the NATT+ conference: £150.00 for NATT+ members. If you are not a NATT+ member the cost is £200.00 per person. Student rate of £50.00 (must provide evidence of student status) *please see below for cancellation charges, and enclose a cheque to the value

of: £ ……………… made payable to NATT.

If you require and invoice, please indicate here: YES/NO.

Stating who and where you wish the invoice to be sent to if different from your above address.



Requests for invoice need to be emailed to .

A place is not secure until payment has been received

Please return the form with payment, no later than 28 February 2017 to: Maggs Harrison

c/o 8 SomertonGardens, Earley, Reading RG6 5XG. email:

Once payment has been received confirmation of place and further details will be sent to you direct.

*Cancellation charges:

In the unfortunate event that you would need to cancel your place at the conference, NATT+ would make every effort to re-sell your place, but in the event of NATT+ being unsuccessful in reselling the following cancellation charges would apply:

Cancellation between 4 - 6 months prior to Conference 50%

Cancellation between 2 – 4 months prior to Conference 75%

Cancellation between 8 days and 2 months prior to Conference 100%

The charges apply to the total amount paid for the conference. Meh/2017