October 24 – 28th
I hope everyone had a nice and relaxing fall break. I certainly did! I was fortunate enough to be able to spend the first week visiting my oldest Navy son out in San Diego. While we were there, he arranged for a private tour of the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier. Wow! That ship was HUGE!!! I have a whole new respect for the sailors that live and work on these floating cities for months at a time!
We will be celebrating RED RIBBON WEEK from Monday, October 24th-Friday, October 28th. As part of this weeklong celebration, we will also have a different spirit day theme each day:
Monday – Wear RED to kick off Red Ribbon week! Tuesday – Wear your BOOTS to stomp out drugs! Wednesday – Wear your SHIRT BACKWARDS to show that we turn our backs on drugs! Thursday – Wear your sweats to show that being drug free is NO SWEAT! Friday –Wear you VIKINGS or CG spirit wear to show that Vikings are proud to be drug free!
With the store shelves massively stocked for Halloween, I think this might be a good time to put out a request for donations of individually wrapped candy. (Not for me - I like to reward the students when they make good choices )
Remember to check my teacher web page and your child’s agenda book for dailyassignments.
Literature:Monday – Thursday as been set aside for students to share their Give Me Liberty projects. On Friday students will begin their next novel. They will have their choice between 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea or Island of the Blue Dolphins.
Math: This week we will cover lessons 4 (Write Algebraic Expressions) and 5 (Evaluate Algebraic Expressions). Students will have practice assignments given after each lesson, which we will then grade together. On Thursday they will have an in-class assessment over these two lessons.
Investigations:On Monday the students will be assigned an American Revolution timeline project. While I will set aside some time to work on this during class, please understand that they will also need to spend time outside of class, as well, to complete this project.
Communications: We have a lot going on in Communications this week. First, in Grammar, the students will have a quiz over the 49 prepositions on Thursday. On Tuesday we will English and our study of Latin roots/stems. From this point forward, this is where their spelling/vocabulary words will come from. A test over these words will take place approx. everythree weeks. In Writing, students will continue working on their personal narratives.
Be Respectful; Be Responsible; Be Safe