Discussion Guide for VCT billboard/message testing
Stimulus material will be used during the FGD: 2 billboard designs, 1 for men, 1 for womenI. Introduction- [1 minute]
Welcome and thank you for taking time to participate in the discussion today. My name is …, we are working on behalf of an International NGO in Vietnam to get your opinions or feedbacks on a design and concept for a campaign.
II. Ground Rules- [2 minute]
We are interested in all of your opinions and feelings. There are no right or wrong answers. We need your ideas, so any criticisms you have will not hurt our feelings. We encourage you to provide frank comments that will improve these messages and make them appropriate and interesting for people like yourselves.
Since your views and opinions represent your perception of issues at hand your comments will always be seen as right answers even if you disagree with the rest. All views are expressed here are important and everything we discuss will be confidential.
It is important that everyone contributes to this discussion so that we get as diverse opinion as possible, covering the subject we are discussing today. However, please try to avoid interrupting others while they are talking. I would also kindly request that you switch off your mobile phone if you got one so that our discussion is not interrupted. The session will last approximately 40 minutes.
III. Confidentiality-[1 minute]
Everything that is said in this room is confidential and we will not tell anyone that you participated in the discussion. A tape recorder will record what is said so that we have an accurate account of your views to assist with improving the billboard.
Keep in mind that the materials that we show you today are rough visualizations and that the final advertisements will be just like the ones that you usually see outdoor. We will also make changes to the content to reflect your views and opinions. Does anyone have any questions?
IV. Introduction of participants (Warm Up) - [5 minutes]
We would like each of you to introduce yourself. Also, [please tell us what is your favorite outdoor (billboard, poster etc.) advertisement. And why do you like it?]
V. Assessment of VCT billboard design and message:
Today, I have two billboard designs to show you to ask your opinions about.
Moderator: show 2 billboards together. These should be placed in a visible place and enable all FGD participants to see them throughout the discussion.
o After seeing this advertisement, describe what you just saw and read? What are they talking about?
o What service is promoted in the billboard?
o Is this service clear? What is the name of the service?
o What is the billboard telling you? Are they asking to do something? What is it?
o In your own words, what do you think is the main message in the billboard?
o What are the different messages and ideas in the billboard?
o Is there anything in this billboard that is confusing? Why?
o Are you able to read the language in the billboards?
o Are there any words that are not clear to you?
o Do you think the language used is easy to understand?
o Is it simple or complicated? What is complicated?
o What does the line “When counseling we are professional, when talking we are your best friends” mean to you?
o How does it relate to the service offered in the billboard?
o What’s your first impression after seeing the billboard?
o Attractive? Unattractive – why?
o Do you find the billboard interesting?
o What attracts your attention?
o Have you ever seen a billboard that is similar to this?
o What, if anything, do you like about the billboard? Why do you like this?
Probe: color, picture, font style, structure, etc
o What, if anything, do you dislike about the billboard? Why do you dislike this?
Probe: color, picture, font style, structure, etc
o What do you think of the images in the billboard (if haven’t commented)?
o How do you think that people like you will notice this billboard? How will people like you react to it?
o Do you think the information is acceptable to people like you in general?
o Do you feel like you could be the person in the billboard? Would something like this be relevant to you or your friends?
o Does it remind you of anything in your life or of your friends?
o Are there any words that you do not like?
o Is there anything in this billboard that is offensive? Why?
Moderator: Say to participants “Please do not pay attention to the Tagline at the moment, we will discuss that later”. Cover the tagline and then reveal at the Tagline section.
o Who is the billboard talking to?
o What kind of person would be interested in this message?
o What message in the billboard is of interest to you?
o How does it relate to your life?
o Is it relevant to you?
o Do you learn anything new from this billboard?
o How do you think that other people like you will react to this? What are they likely to do?
o Why do you think that?
o Do you think this billboard will make people like you want to use the services mentioned?
o Would you be interested in the service offered by this ad?
o What slogans or information in the billboard would encourage you to use this service?
o Does the billboard make you recall to something similar you’ve seen before?
o What are the differences? What is new? Which one do you like better?
o What do you think should be changed (cut/added) to make the information more interesting or beneficial to people like you?
Moderator: explain there are different taglines that we would like feedback on (do not show them at this time). Moderator to explain that we are interested to get feedback on the different ‘catch’ phrases to include on this poster. Moderator to explain that only one tageline will be included and it will be placed here [moderator to point to area of poster where the tagline will be placed]
8 taglines will be tested:
1. I was worry and concern, now I have found peace of mind (2 ways of translation for “peace of mind”)
2. I was worry and concern, now I have found peace of mind since I went to Chan Troi Moi center (2 ways of traslation for “peace of mind”)
3. I was worry and concern, now I can plan for a brighter future
4. I was worry and concern, now I can plan for a brighter future since I went to Chan Troi Moi center
5. I was worry and concern, now I can look forward to a brighter future
6. I was worry and concern, now I can look forward to a brighter future since I went to Chan Troi Moi center
First, Moderator to show 4 following taglines, one by one (each tagline in one separate paper) to test the different benefits:
1. I was worry and concern, now I have found peace of mind (2 ways of translation for “peace of mind”)
2. I was worry and concern, now I can plan for a brighter future
3. I was worry and concern, now I can look forward to a brighter future
What do you think the meaning of the tagline? What do you feel and your impression?
o Are these phrases easy to understand? How can we rephrase to make it understandable?
o What do you like or dislike about these phrases? Why
o Do these phrases urge you to take action? Are these phrases memorable?
o What is your favourite phrase? Why?
o Is there any other phrase that you can think of that is better or ‘catchier”? What is this?
Moderator: show the poster with 4 different taglines together
o Which options you would prefer? Why?
o Which one will fit the best to the billboard?
Once there is agreement on the favorite tagline, or suggestion for a referred tagline, then the moderator asks if it is appropriate and desirable to link with ‘Chan Troi Moi cente” or “VCT”
Thank you for your time and comments on the billboard design and messages.
Wrap Up Group Discussion