Minutes of the
Regular Board Meeting
August 17, 2016
8:30 AM
USDA Service Center
2 Sutter St, Suite D, Red Bluff
Directors Present: Jack Bramhall, Walt Williams, and R. Sale.
Directors Absent: Anne Read
Associate Directors Present: None.
Staff Present: Vicky Dawley, Kris Lamkin, Brin Greer, and Rob Rianda
NRCS Staff Present: Larry Branham and Alphonso Acosta
Visitors Present: Gregg Avilla - former County Supervisor, Shane Edwards – Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, and Chuck Schoendienst
I. Introductions
Attendees briefly introduced themselves.
II. Public Communications:
S. Edwards noted the need to gather restoration work and other project information among the various agencies and watershed groups that pertain to Battle Creek.
III. Minutes: Approval of the July 20, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes.
The Board reviewed and approved the minutes as presented.
Motion: W. Williams moved to approve the July Board Meeting Minutes as presented.
Second: R. Sale
Vote: Unanimous
IV. Action Items:
A. Annual Donation to Tehama Conservation Fund
It was noted that the District provides personnel to administer the TCF and that there is an outstanding administrative expense owed to the RCD by TCF. R. Sale recommended that the board waive the $2,051.08 in administrative expenses as ‘forgiven debt.’
Motion: W. Williams moved to Approve the Annual Donation to Tehama Conservation Fund
Second: R. Sale
Vote: Unanimous
V. Finance:
Approval of Finance Report
R. Sale reported that the Finance Committee met prior to the regular board meeting and discussed the financial status of the District and received further explanation of the budget including; advances, assets, liabilities, revenue, expenditures, outstanding invoices with resolution and paid warrants.
The committee reviewed accounts receivable and payable, revenue, liabilities, net assets, open invoices, and profit and loss by class. It was noted that the District received the $250,000 competitive grant from the DWR to continue the successful Mobile Irrigation Lab. In addition, the CDFA’s SWEEP verification fee-for-service will add the income from up to 21 verifications before the end of March 2017. The Aging Summary Report was discussed to include invoicing for David’s Engineering, Inc., SPI, and Tehama Environmental Solutions, Inc.
V. Dawley provided an update regarding the longevity of the chipper program in that staff is trying to secure long-term projects with strategic partners to fully utilize the program. She feels that having T. McCubbins host a meeting with various partners in an effort to establish program work could be helpful.
Motion: W. Williams moved to Approve the Financial Report
Second: R. Sale
Vote: Unanimous
VI. Warrant Orders:
Approval of the Warrant orders to be paid in August
Motion: R. Sale
Second: W. Williams
Vote: Unanimous
VII. Discussion/Report Item:
A. NRCS Staff Report
Larry Branham introduced the new NRCS Farm Bill assistant Alphonso Acosta who will be splitting time between the Redding office and the Red Bluff office. He noted they’re hosting a regional meeting on September 9th.
B. District Manager Report
V. Dawley provided an update regarding the side channel project and collaboration with the Sacramento River Forum. She noted the District will be providing the CEQA documents and implementing the construction of the project. She also shared insight regarding the longevity of the chipper program in that staff is trying to secure long-term projects with strategic partners to fully utilize the program.
C. RCDTC Staff Reports
Staff updated the board on subjects stated in their staff reports included as part of the board packet.
D. Staff Anniversary
There were no anniversaries during July.
E. Land Use Reports
F. Other Reports
The outlook of SRA funds was discussed and it was noted that the funds will be broken down by county.
G. Board of Directors Comments
VIII. Correspondence: Reviewed after meeting.
XI. Next Meeting Date:
Regular Meeting: September 21, 2016 8:30 a.m.
Finance Committee: September 21,, 2016 7:45 a.m.
XII. Adjourned at 9:52 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brin Greer, Office Administration Anne Read, Board Secretary
Minutes of August 17, 2016 pg. 2 of 2