QUIZ - Act I

(60 pts.)

1.   In the beginning of the play, the audience is immediately aware of the fact that Willy has a problem. What is the first problem we learn about?

2.   How does Willy escape from reality?

3.   Identify the speaker of this quote and explain its significance. "Work a lifetime to pay off a house. You finally own it, and there's nobody to live in it."

4.   Who is Linda? What is her function in the story so far?

5.   Name two (2) symbols that Miller uses to show the constraints of life.

6.   Why does Willy keep going back to the year l928?

7.   Describe Willy Loman's physical appearance in 1942. How does this outward facade relate to his inner conflicts? Discuss three (3) of Willy's problems and explain why these are problems for Willy AND his family.

8.   Describe the character of Biff. Discuss three (3) of his problems.

9.   Who is Happy? Describe his personality.

10.   Who are Charley and Bernard? What is their function in the story?

11.   Who is Ben? What is his function in the story?

12.   Name one motif in the story and tell what it means.


QUIZ ON ACT I - 75 pts./5 pts. ea.


1.   Who is Willy Loman? Name 2 personality traits and give examples from the text where Willy displays these traits.

2.   In the beginning of the play, the audience is immediately aware of the fact that Willy has a problem. What is the first problem that we learn about?

3.   How does Willy escape from reality?

4.   Identify the speaker of this quote and explain its significance: "Work a lifetime to pay off a house. You finally own it, and there's nobody to live in it."

5.   Who is Linda? Name two of her personality traits and give specific examples from the text where she displays these traits.

6.   Name one symbol that Miller uses to show the constraints of life.

7.   What is a motif? Describe one motif from the play so far.

8.   Why does Willy keep going back to the year 1928?

9.   Describe Willy's physical appearance in 1942. How does this outward facade relate to his inner conflicts?

10.   Discuss/Explain two of Willy's problems.

11.   Who is Biff? Name two of Biff''s personality traits and give two examples from the text where he displays these traits.

12.   Who is Happy? Name one of his problems.

13.   Who are Charley & Bernard? What is their function in the story?

14.   Who is Ben? What is his function in the story?

15. Describe how Willy is hurting himself. How do Biff and Linda react?


Starring Dustin Hoffman


1.   Notice music in the beginning. What is the instrument? What mood does it suggest?

2.   Hoffman's interpretation of Willy: Notice Hoffman's portrayal of Willie. Listen to his voice. How does his appearance and his low nasal voice enhance his character?

3.   "Some people accomplish something." How does this statement relate to Miller's themes?

4.   What year was the chevy that Willy used to talk about?

5.   What kind of cheese does Willy like?

6.   What bothers Willy about apartment life? Explain this motif.

7.   Where does Biff want to be and what does he want to do?

8.   Notice Willy's dress. Describe it.

9.   What is different about the background in the scene where they throw the football? How does this relate to one of the themes?

10.   What is the real story of Willy's life in 1928?

11.   "A man who can't handle tools isn't a man." Explain.

12.   Where did Ben die?

13.   How did Ben make his fortune?

14.   What did Willy's father do? Connect this to theme of story.

15.   Critical scene in kitchen. Linda, Biff, Happy. "He's put his whole life into you. Attention must be paid." Reread this scene. Explain why this scene is so important.

16.   What is the significance of the planting of seeds? Cite an instance when this occurs and explain the symbolism.

17.   What is the tone that Linda uses with Ben? Why?

18.   Does man create his own destiny/fate? Why? How does this question relate to Willy?

19.   What was printed on Biff's sneakers? What happened to the sneakers and why?

20.   What happened at Willy's meeting with Howard?

21.   What is the significance of Charlie lending Willy money? What is confusing about this scenario?

22.   Where is Bernard going? What is Miller's message about the way Bernard handles this admirable task?

23.   Notice foreshadowing - "Worth more dead than alive."

24.   What happened in the restaurant scene? What does Biff tell his dad?

25. Why does Biff cry when he sees woman in Willy's room? How does this scene connect to one of Miller's themes?

26. What is Willy's accusation against Biff for all of Biff's failures?

27. Explain the last scene when Willy, Linda, Biff, and Happy are in the kitchen. Biff says he is through with lying. He says "I'm nothing; burn the phony dream.

28. Notice Biff blames his father for everything - for pumping him up too much. Are Biff's problems his father's responsibility?

29. In the end Willy throws money and then plants seeds? Interpret these actions.

30. At the end, Willy realizes that Biff really loves him. Do they love each other too much? Miller may be telling us that love is essential, but it can be crippling if it crosses a certain boundary. Explain how this idea applies to Willy & Biff.

31.   The requiem - Go over Linda's final speech. Why didn't anyone come? What is the significance that their debt is almost gone, but there is no one to enjoy it? How does this final scene relate to the theme illusion v. reality.



This test is a essay test similar to one you will get in college English. However, because this is your first timed writing, I will allow and encourage the use of the following: dictionary, thesaurus, notes. OUTLINE FIRST. Your essay must have an introduction, several support paragraphs, and a conclusion. You must have a strong thesis statement at the end of your first paragraph. Each of your body paragraphs must contain 3 specific examples that support your ideas. I WILL DEDUCT FOR FRAGMENTS AND RUN-ON SENTENCES. CHECK YOUR MECHANICS & SPELLING. PROOFREAD CAREFULLY. You may make neat revisions. Unlike a college test, I would like you to turn in your outline with the test. You must write on every other line of a sheet of notebook paper and please do not write on the back. When turning in your test, staple everything together (essay on top, outline on bottom) and be sure you have your name on the front page.


In the play Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller carefully traces man's inability to deal with the disappointments in life. He reveals the tragedy of man in our competitive society through the characters of Willy, Linda, Biff, and Happy. In a well-developed and well-organized essay, trace the theme of illusion v. reality through each of these characters. Be sure to use specific references from the text and use quotes where applicable. You must use quotes properly and use MLA parenthetical notation for reference. Do not just THROW quotes in but introduce them in a logical format and clearly show through your analysis how these lines support your thesis. Use at least ONE quote per character.



1.   Name the themes that come to mind from the movie.

2.   Is Willy a tragic hero? Did Willy die a hero? Is this another illusion - he sacrificed his life to give money to his family, or was his suicide the easy way out.

3.   Analyze Willy's motivation for committing suicide. List reasons.

4.   Discuss the relationship between Willy & Linda. Pros & cons.

5.   Discussion relationship between Willy & Biff. How was it dysfunctional?

6.   Biff blames his father for his problems - how do you feel about this?

7.   Discuss the internal and external conflicts that Willy & Biff face.

8.   Is Linda a help or a hindrance to Willy? Dissect the character of Linda - give examples from the text. Why does Linda seem to resent Ben?

9.   Is suicide ever an answer? Think of Hamlet's "To be or not to be" soliloquy.

10.   Is man responsible for his fate/destiny? At what point is man no longer accountable for his problems.

11.   What are some of the symbols Miller uses to enhance his message?



GOAL: 5 performances/day; 2-3 days to work on in class; each group will sign up for performance date.

Note: Each part of project is worth 50 pts. Your serious effort and hard work will be properly rewarded; in other words, no messing around!!!! Individual students will be docked points for time off task. Each group member must present orally, and the written part of the assignment must be done collaboratively.

IN PAIRS: Write a script for one of the following scenarios and perform it for the class. You will receive 2 separate grades for this project; (1) Script writing (50 pts.); the script must contain dialog, setting, stage directions, props, AND, OF COURSE, CORRECT MECHANICS & SPELLING; (2) Oral presentation (50 pts.); 5-10 minute skit. YOU MAY USE YOUR SCRIPT BUT KNOW YOUR LINES WELL ENOUGH THAT YOU CAN MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH YOUR AUDIENCE. You must present in a dramatic manner; e.g., facial expression, gestures, volume, etc.. Use props to set your stage. Feel free to bring in music, costumes, etc., whatever you need to capture the interest of your audience.

1.   CRISIS HOTLINE - Write and perform 2 scenes. You have 2 actors; the crisis intervention specialist and the client. Write a scenario about someone who is contemplating suicide. Suggested motivations are: divorce, job loss, serious illness, debt, guilt over a previous action, rejection by a lover, depression, addiction, mid-life crisis, etc. Your character decides at the last minute to call the crisis hotline. In Sc. 1, he describes his problem. It is the specialist's job to successfully dissuade this person by emphasizing reasons to live. The specialist and this character must also analyze why the client experiences these problems and how he can overcome them. In Sc. 2, you will write and perform a soliloquy given by the client. He will consider all that has happened and reflect on his next course of action that will put him on the road to recovery. Suggested props: bulletin bd with poster of Crisis hotline - call 1-800-CRISIS; 2 phones; paper for notes; a board to separate the speakers, etc.

2.   THE PSYCHIATRIC WARD IN THE HOSPITAL: Write & perform 2 scenes. You have 2 actors: the staff psychiatrist and Willy Loman. The staff psychiatrist is sent to counsel Willy. In the first scene, you will have Willy candidly telling the doctor about his problems. Willy must present at least two of his problems to the doctor. The doctor and he must thoroughly discuss Willy's motivation for suicide and why he made his last-minute decision to seek help instead. Then the doctor must offer viable solutions for Willy's problems and set out a realistic plan for him to follow. For the 2nd scene, which you will also perform, you must write a soliloquy for Willy. Willy will react to his doctor's advice by weighing the pros & cons of the plans, and then Willy will resolve his conflict. (Please be realistic) Suggested props: chairs put together for a couch; pillow; doctor's white coat; IV, clipboard or pad of paper for doctor to take notes, etc.

AUDIENCE RESPONSIBILITY: Critique each performance. Write short notes to your actors or actresses on good points and with sensitivity cite areas for improvement. SIGN YOUR NAME.


Script: 50 points.

1.   You must have an introduction that clearly explains the background for the upcoming scenario. In a well-written intro, describe the characters, their personalities, the setting, and the conflict. (See Salesman script for format.)

2.   Dialog - See setup for script writing in Salesman book.

3.   Proofread carefully. MECHANICS & SPELLING COUNT. Do you present your ideas logically and clearly? Are your characters believable? Do they arouse your audience's emotions (catharsis)?

n  Organization/format (10 pts.)

n  Spelling (10 pts.)

n  Mechanics (10 pts.)

n  Creativity (20 pts.)

TOTAL (50 pts.)

Oral Presentation: 50 points.

1.   Volume (10 pts.)

2.   Expression/confidence (10 pts.)

3.   Gestures/eye contact (10 pts.)

4.   Diction (10 pts.)

5.   Creativity (10 pts.)

TOTAL (50 pts.)



Criteria Pts. Possible Pts. Earned

Volume 10

Expression/confidence 10

Gestures/Eye contact 10

Diction 10

Creativity 10





n  Born in New York l0/17/15

n  Studied at Univ. of Michigan