Paul Brooks Duff

Professor of Religion

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies

The Columbian College of Arts and Sciences

The George Washington University

Washington, D.C. 20052

(202) 994-6210


University of Chicago Ph.D. (1988)

Miami University (Ohio) MA (1979)

Miami University (Ohio) BA (1974)


·  The George Washington University 1991-present

Washington, D.C.

·  University of St. Thomas 1985-1991

St. Paul, Minnesota

Administrative Experience

·  Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Columbian College of

the George Washington University: January, 2004-present.

·  Chair, Department of Religion at the George Washington University, 1997-2003.

·  Chair, Faculty Senate Educational Policy Committee, the George Washington University, 1999-2003.

·  Faculty Senate, Member, 1999-2003.



·  Who Rides the Beast? Prophetic Rivalry and the Rhetoric of Crisis in the Churches of the Apocalypse. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.


·  “ ‘The Synagogue of Satan:’ Crisis Mongering in the Revelation of John.” The Reality of Apocalypse: Rhetoric and Politics in the Book of Revelation, edited by David L. Barr. SBL Symposium Series 39: Atlanta: Scholars Press, 2006: 147-68.

·  “Glory in the Ministry of Death: Gentile Condemnation and Letters of Recommendation in 2 Cor. 3:6-18,” Novum Testamentum 46 (2004): 313-37.

·  “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Literary Opposition and Social Tension in the Revelation of John.” In Reading the Book of Revelation: A Resource for Students, edited by David L. Barr. Resources for Biblical Studies 44. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 2003: 65-79.

·  “Vision and Violence: Theories of Vision and Matthew 5:27-28.” In Antiquity and Humanity: Essays on Ancient Religion and Philosophy Presented to Hans Dieter Betz on His 70th Birthday, edited by Adela Yarbro Collins and Margaret M. Mitchell. Tübingen: Mohr (Siebeck), 2001: 63-75.

·  “Reading the Apocalypse at the Millennium,” Review Article, Religious Studies Review, 26 (2000): 217-21.

·  “The Sacrificial Character of Earliest Christianity: A Response to Robert J. Daly's ‘Is Christianity Sacrificial or Anti-Sacrificial?’” Religion 27 (1997): 245-48.

·  “ ‘I Will Give to Each of You as Your Works Deserve’: Witchcraft Accusations and the Fiery-Eyed Son of God in Rev 2.18-23.” New Testament Studies 43 (1997): 116-33.

·  “Murder in the Garden? The Envy of the Gods in Genesis 2 and 3,” co-authored with Joseph Hallman (University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN). Contagion 3 (1996): 183-200.

·  “René Girard in Corinth: An Early Christian Social Crisis and a Biblical Text of Persecution.” Helios 22 (1995): 79-99.

·  “2 Corinthians 1-7: Sidestepping the Division Hypothesis Dilemma.” Biblical Theology Bulletin 24 (1994): 16-26.

·  “The Mind of the Redactor: 2 Cor 6:14-7:1 in its Secondary Context.” Novum Testamentum 35 (1993): 160-80.

·  “The March of the Divine Warrior and the Advent of the Greco-Roman King: Mark's Account of Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem.” Journal of Biblical Literature 111 (1992): 55-71.

·  “Processions.” Anchor Bible Dictionary 5 (New York: Doubleday, 1992): 469-73.

·  “Apostolic Suffering and the Language of Processions in 2 Cor 4:7-10.” Biblical Theology Bulletin 21 (1991): 158-65.

·  “Metaphor, Motif, and Meaning: The Rhetorical Strategy Behind the Image `Led in Triumph' in 2 Cor 2:14.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 53 (1991): 79-92.

·  “The Phallus-Bearing Winnow and Initiation into the Dionysiac Mysteries,” co-authored with John Kloos (Benedictine University), Journal of Religious Studies 16 (1991): 65-75.

·  “The Transformation of the Spectator: Power, Perception, and the Day of Salvation.” Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers 26 (1987): 233-43.


·  Review of H. A. Drake (ed.), Violence in Late Antiquity: Perceptions and Practices (Hampshire: Ashgate, 2006). Church History (forthcoming).

·  Review of David R. Hall, The Unity of the Corinthian Correspondence (JSNTSS 251; London: T & T Clark, 2003). Journal of Religion 87 (2007): 268-69.


·  Review of Glenn Most, Doubting Thomas (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005). Journal of Religion 87 (2007): 95-96.

·  Review of David W. Kling, The Bible in History: How the Texts Shaped the Times (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004). Church History 75 (2006): 242-44.

·  Review of Elizabeth A. Castelli, Martyrdom and Memory: Early Christian Culture Making. Gender Theory and Religion (New York: Columbia University Press, 2004). Church History 74 (2005): 837-38.

·  Review of William Horbury, Messianism among Jews and Christians: Biblical and Historical Studies (London: T & T Clark, 2003) Jewish Culture and History (forthcoming).

·  Review of Robert M. Grant, Paul in the Roman World: The Conflict at Corinth (Westminster John Knox, 2003), Journal of Religion 84 (2004): 604-05.

·  Review of Magnus Zetterholm, The Formation of Christianity in Antioch: A Social –Scientific Approach to the Separation between Judaism and Christianity (London and New York: Routledge, 2003), Jewish Culture and History (forthcoming).

·  Review of Thomas H. Olbricht, Jerry L. Sumney (eds.), Paul and Pathos (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2001), Review of Biblical Literature. Published online at

·  Review of Stephen D. Moore, God’s Beauty Parlor: And Other Queer Spaces in and around the Bible (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001). Journal of Religion 84 (2004): 329-30.

·  Review of John W. Marshall, Parables of War: Reading John’s Jewish Apocalypse (ESCJ 10; Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2001). Review of Biblical Literature, edited by Marvin Sweeney. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 2003: 497-99. This review also appeared online at

·  Review of Steven J. Friesen, Imperial Cults and the Apocalypse of John: Reading Revelation in the Ruins (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001). Journal of Religion 83 (2003): 112-114.

·  Review of Joseph A. Fitzmyer, The Letter to Philemon (AB 34C;Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 2001). Interpretation 56 (2002): 338.

·  Review of Pilchan Lee, The New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation: Revelation 21-22 in Light of its Background in the Book of Revelation (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2001). Journal of Religion 82 (2002): 276-77.

·  Review of Mark D. Nanos, The Irony of Galatians: Paul’s Letter in First-Century Context (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2001). Journal of Religion 82 (2002): 621-22.

·  Review of Bruce Malina and John Pilch, Social-Science Commentary of the Book of Revelation (Minneapolis, Fortress, 2000). Journal of Religion 81 (2001): 631-32.

·  Review of Jan Lambrecht, Second Corinthians (Sacra Pagina 8; Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1999). Review of Biblical Literature, edited by Marvin Sweeney. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 2000. This review also appeared online at

Selected Academic Papers

·  “Global PBL: Building Global Living-Learning Communities on Problem-Based Learning.” Presented with Elizabeth Chacko and Marcela Pizzi at PBL-2006-APB, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru, July 20, 2006.

·  “The World as Instrument: Global Liberal Arts and Sciences.” Presented with William Frawley at the National University of Singapore Centennial Global Education Convention 2005, Singapore, July 18, 2005.

·  “If God is One, What About the Other? The Mediator in Gal 3:19-20.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, GA, November 25, 2003.

·  “Whenever Paul is Read, a Veil Lies over Our Minds: A Polemic against Judaism and the Law?” Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Denver, November 17, 2001.

·  “Student Expectations and Faculty Expertise: Teaching the Bible in a Department of Religion.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Denver, November 19, 2001.

·  “‘Strange Doctrines and Old Fables’: Judaism in the Letters of Ignatius of Antioch.” Presented at the Mid-Atlantic regional meeting of the American Academy of Religion, New Brunswick, NJ, March 15, 2001.

·  “What Language Does God Speak? Text, Translation, and Canon in the Jewish and Christian Traditions.” Presented at the George Washington University Sixth Annual Human Sciences Conference, April 8, 2000.

·  “Surrounded by Enemies: John’s Competition in the Churches.” Rufus Monroe and Sophie Paine Lecture in Religion. Part of conference entitled, “Apocalypse! The Book of Revelation in its own Time,” University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, September 9, 1999.

·  “Vision and Violence: Theories of Vision and Matthew 5:27-30.” Presented at the Mid-Atlantic regional meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Arlington, VA, February 25, 1999.

·  “‘The Synagogue of Satan:’ Crisis Mongering in the Revelation of John.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Orlando, November 22, 1998.

·  “‘Whoever Is Not With Me Is Against Me’: Irony in the Revelation of John.” Presented at the fall meeting of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion, New Orleans, November 22, 1996.

·  “Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: Witchcraft Accusations in the Revelation of John.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, New Orleans, November 23, 1996.

·  “High Gods in Low Places: ‘Evil-Eyed’ Gods from Zeus to Jesus.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Philadelphia, November 20, 1995.

Recent Professional Service

·  Steering Committee for the Society of Biblical Literature Consultation: “John's Apocalypse and Cultural Contexts: Ancient and Modern.” Society of Biblical Literature annual meeting, 2002-present.
·  Editorial Board, Journal of Biblical Literature, 2001-2006.

·  Chair of the Society of Biblical Literature Section: “John's Apocalypse and Cultural Contexts,” 2002-2005.

·  Steering Committee for the Society of Biblical Literature Consultation: “John's Apocalypse and Cultural Contexts: Ancient and Modern.” Society of Biblical Literature annual meeting, 1999-2001.

·  Treasurer, Theta Alpha Kappa (national honor society for students and faculty in the study of religion and theology), 1996-2002.