Present: Cllr M BawdenRawsthorne chairman,Cllr P Gash, Cllr E Gough, Cllr D Martin, Cllr P Murton, Cllr A Slater

Also present: Two members of the public

Public Question Time

There were no questions.


62/16 Apologies for Absence

Baroness Cllr. Jane Scott, Cllr S Greenman – family commitments, Cllr P Sobers – work commitments, Cllr K Tillotson – work commitments.

63/16 Declarations of Interest


64/16 Minutes of theOrdinary Meeting held on 12 October 2016

The minutes of the ordinary meetingwereagreed and signed as a correct record.

65/16 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk read a report and willappendit to the minutes.

66/16 Planning Applications

  1. Mays Farm – 25 The Street – N/16/04835/FUL – pending
  2. Holly House 3 Watts Lane – N/16/08278/LBC – approved with conditions
  3. 20 The Parklands – N/16/08909/FUL – awaiting a decision
  4. 19 Hill Hayes Lane – N/16/08987/FUL – approved with conditions
  5. 63 – 156 Wellington Place – N/16/09863/FUL – support
  6. Hanger 88 – N/16/07818/FUL – support but concerned regarding the disposal of the car wash water – as highlighted by the Land Drainage engineer. However, should permission be granted it is requested that a condition be attached to limit any advertising signs to be placed only within the site boundary and be no larger than 1200mm x 900mm in size.
  7. Mays Farm 25 The Street – N/16/09965/LBC – support

67/16 Finance and Administration

a)Update on Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group

Graeme Slaymaker a member of the NDP Steering Group gave a report which is appended to these Minutes

b)Schedule of receipts and payments of invoices

The following receipts and payments were proposed by Cllr Greenman, seconded by Cllr Sobersand unanimously agreed.

Receipts / Amount
Village Hall payment for PWLB Loan / £1,209.36
Total / £1,209.36
Payments / Chq No / Amount
In-House Research and Training LTD – NDP money / 376 / £960.00
Clerk salary, travelling, stationery / 377 / £531.72
Wiltshire Pension Fund employers / 378 / £104.63
Wiltshire Pension Fund employees / 379 / £27.27
Total / £1623.62

Invoices will be available at the Novembermeeting for members’ perusal.

c)Update on the possible Community Asset Transfer of the corner of Gardners Drive from Wiltshire Council

The Chippenham Area Board meeting held on Monday 7November 2016 agreed to transfer this asset to Hullavington Parish Council with the proviso that if it is not maintained as it is Wiltshire Council could buy it back for £1.

d)Consideration of application for transparency funding

Quotes had been sourced.

e)Budget preparations

Councillors will consider and bring back to the next meeting

f)Administration of Community resilience plan

Deferred to the December meeting

g)Parishioner’s request for the Parish Council to rectify dog fouling on the path between Wellington Place and Frog Lane and supply another bin

Cllr Bawden Rawsthorne offered to contact the contractors who deal with the MOD site and Wiltshire Council.

h)Agree pension contribution rate for the next 3 years

This was agreed.

68/16 Footpaths and Rights of Way

a)Obstruction on footpath 9

This has been rectified by the footpath warden who removed the gate and installed rails and stile

69/16 Car Parking, Traffic and Highway Matters

a)Update on A429 junction with the C31

No information received at the time of the meeting.

b)Considerations of alterations to existing bus stop opposite the Star Inn

This had been refused at the Area Board meeting on Monday 7 November 2016, Cllr Bawden Rawsthorne had requested it to be reconsidered and will offer further evidence as to why it should be a priority. This will now be addressed at the CATG meeting to be held on 14th December.

c)Effect of increased traffic through the village due to a possible distribution site at ‘Chippenham Gateway’ junction 17 M4

The situation is being monitored.

70/16 Cemetery and Churchyard Matters

a)Update on re-seeding the unused area in the Cemetery

Cllr Gash reported that this had been completed and will review in the spring.

b)Removal of the tree stump and reinstatement of the footpath

Cllr Slater is continuing with the tree stump removal work.

Cllr Bawden Rawsthorne reported that a tile was broken on the bier shed. Cllr Slater offered to replace the tile.

71/16 Village Maintenance

a)Update on the Parish Steward’s first visit

Cllr Bawden Rawsthorne had a satisfactory meeting with the parish steward and gave a tour of the village.

b)Christmas Tree arrangements

Cllr Murton confirmed that the soldiers will be able to erect the tree.

c)Update on grass cutting

The grass cutter has completed the 13th cut for this year.

d)Update on the Best Kept Village results

The report was noted.

72/16 Exchange of Information, Councillors Reports and Items for Next Meeting

a)Village Hall

The 40th show and 10th anniversary was reviewed. A water leak from the disabled toilet has been fixed. The booking system is being reviewed. A suggestion to change the lights to LED is being investigated. Cllr Bawden commented that funding from the Area Board may be available for this work. The treasurer will be leaving the committee in February.

b)Buckley Barracks

Cllr Murton reported that there had been several incidences of vandalism and public nuisance. The police have been notified. Cllr Martin will attend the Remembrance lunch to represent the Parish Council.

Late Correspondence


c)Items for next meeting

No further items at the time of the meeting.

73/16 Date of Next Meetings

Wednesday 14 December2016

The meeting closed at 9.05pm