Review Questions for Religion Test


What are the holy scriptures of Islam? Koran/Quran

What is the name for God in Islam? Allah

What are the followers of Islam called? Muslims

What is an Islamic Holy War called? Jihad

Who is the prophet of Islam? Muhammad

What is the month of fasting called in Islam? Ramadan

What is the holy building in Islam that holds the black stone? Kabba

What is the holy city of Islam, that people make a pilgrimage too? Mecca

What are the basic duties of Muslims outlined in? 5 Pillars

What mountain was Muhammad on when he was told to spread Islam? Mt. Hira

What is the actual pilgrimage called? Hajj


What is it called when a Hindu reaches enlightenment? Moksha

What is the social system in Hinduism called? Caste System

What is the Hindu practice of training the consciousness called? Yoga

What is the 6th book of Mahabharata called?

Bhagavad Gita

What is a spiritual leader in Hinduism called? Guru

What is the name for Hindus social duty and religious law? Dharma

What is the name of the ONE god in Hinduism, the Creator God, known as the ONE, Ultimate Reality, and World Soul? Brahma

What is the rebirth of the soul in another body? Reincarnation

What are good and bad acts that determine the quality of the next life in Hinduism? Karma

Basically the holy scriptures of Hinduism are called what? Vedas


What are the holy scriptures in Christianity called? Bible

What is death by hanging on a cross or pole called? Crucifixion

What are rituals by Catholics to receive the grace of God called? Sacraments

What is rising from the dead called? Resurrection

What are the first 4 books of the New Testament called? Gospels

What is the early part of the Bible called, the history part? Old Testament

Who were the close followers of Jesus during his lifetime? Disciples

Christians consider Jesus the what? Messiah


What was the founder of Buddhism’s’ name, real name? Siddhartha Gautama

What was he better known as? Buddha

What is enlightenment called in Buddhism? Nirvana

A Buddhist shrine is called what? Stupa

What was the name of the tree Buddha found enlightenment under, the sacred tree of Buddhism? Bodhi Tree

What is the river in India that is sacred to Buddhists? Ganges

What is chanting a phrase in Buddhism called, the verse itself? Mantra

The principle of law that orders the universe in Buddhism and Hinduism is called what? Dharma

What path must a Buddhist follow for the path to enlightenment? Eightfold Path

The main points Buddha taught are called what? Four Noble Truths


What are the 2 principles one positive and one negative? Yin and Yang

“The mind” or clear thinking makes you calm and wise. Yi

Holy Text of Confucianism Five Classics

“Human Heartedness” most fundamental virtue. Jen

Wood, Earth, Metal, Water, and Fire Five Elements


What is a Jewish Religion Leader Called? Rabbi

What is the Holy Book [scroll] of Judaism? Torah

What is belief in ONE God called in Judaism? Ethical Monotheism

What person was chosen by God to be the father of many Nations? Abraham

What was the spreading out of the Jews from Israel called? Diaspora

What is the name of the Jewish New Year? Rosh Hashanah

What is Gods name in Judaism? Yahweh

What is the name of the holiday celebrating the exodus of Hebrews from Egypt? Passover

What is the name of the biding agreement between God and Abraham? Covenant

What is the 8 day festival for Jews around Christmas time? Hanukkah

What is a Jewish Church called? Synagogue