Grade boundaries and weightings

Weightings for Assessment Components

The structure of the examinations and the method of assessment require learners to demonstrate:

  • levels of performance that match or exceed the minimum expectations described in the syllabus;
  • engagement in creative, critical and reflective practice;
  • ability to identify, describe and discuss key issues, practices and understandings relevant to the context and setting in which they operate.

The constructs

The outcomes-based nature of these awards means that there are no explicit subject specifications. However, there are key constructs indicative to each module. Learners are expected to have systematically engaged with the qualities and attributes set out for each optional module.

The assessment framework for Social and Personal Development is based around a set of core constructs:

  1. Self awareness
  2. Social skills
  3. Managing feelings
  4. Empathy
  5. Motivation

Weightings for Assessment Constructs for Social and Personal Development

Social Skills / Self Awareness / Managing Feelings / Empathy / Motivation
% / % / % / % / %
Knowledge and
Application / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20

These constructs reflect the overarching skills and abilities that a group of connoisseurs or community of practitioners would expect to see performed by a competent person in this field. Indeed within Social and Personal Development one can trace a general consensus on the constructs from the early 1990s work of Goleman through to Sharps ‘Emotional Literacy framework’ and the recent DfES, Social, Emotional and Behavioural Skills Programme.

The constructs are then mapped out to give examples or what we call the characteristics for each construct, this is what the construct would look like when performed. For each construct a wide range of characteristics are given.The characteristics are outlined in graded form, starting at grade B (entry level equivalent) through to grade 8 (level three equivalent). These constructs can be delivered and assessed on either a cross-curricular basis or in specific situations. The emphasis is placed on skills being developed and demonstrated through group work, team challenges, activities, creativity and project work.

An example of the constructs and characteristics would be:

Construct - Social Skills

Characteristics - Demonstrate that you can introduce yourself to your peers (Grade B)

Identify how your behaviour affects other people in a group

(Grade 2)

Show that you can encourage and support others in a group situation. (Grade 5)

Show an ability to communicate with your peers effectively (Grade 7)

The characteristics are provided to guide and direct assessors. They are not intended as definitions or for use as a checklist but as means of ensuring common levels of understanding and expectation.

The Grades

The grade descriptors form a context for assessor judgments and when taken as a whole, are indicative of expectations. The assessment constructs and characteristics are used to assess performance, knowledge and understanding in relation to the expectations for the grade through the processes of observation and review.

The grade descriptorsessentially form the basis for assessment and are intended to ensure that both assessors and learners have a clear understanding of what skills and abilities will be assessed. Strength in one area of performance may have compensated for weakness in another but the overall achievement necessary to match these descriptors will have been demonstrated by a candidate awarded a Pass. Learners achieving a Pass with Merit or a Pass with Distinction will have matched and exceeded the qualities of performance described.

The grades are set out by the community practicing in this field who describe the level of demand for each grade. This is done in aprogressive manner and with the greater challenge and complexity for each grade clearly indicated.

Award / Description of Achievement / Provisional Score Boundary


/ The maximum mark a learner can achieve is 35.
To achieve the award of a Pass the performance of a learner must match the minimum expectations indicated in the criteria and grade description in at least three but not necessarily all of the five Assessment Constructs. The performance of some learners may have exceeded the minimum requirements in one or more aspects of the assessment and this reflects the fact that strength in one aspect may compensate for weakness in another. However, if learners achieve only a score of 1 or 2 on any construct then they cannot pass. The minimum pass is therefore a score of 18, which would include at least a score of 4 on three constructs. The defining characteristic of the overall performance of a learner awarded a Pass is that it demonstrates the minimum levels of mastery indicated in the Grade Description. / 51%
Merit / The maximum score a learner can achieve is 35.
To achieve the award of a Pass with Merit the performance of a learner must match the minimum expectations indicated in the criteria and grade description in all of the Assessment Constructs. The performance of some learners may have exceeded the minimum requirements in one or more aspects of the assessment and this reflects the fact that strength in one aspect may compensate for a relative weaker performance in another. The minimum score for a Pass with Merit is therefore 23, which would include at least a score of 5 on three constructs. A defining characteristic of the overall performance of a learner awarded a Pass with Merit is that it consistently matches and occasionally may exceed the minimum levels of mastery indicated in the Grade Description. / 66%
Distinction / The maximum score a learner can achieve is 35.
To achieve the award of a Pass with Distinction the performance of a learner must at least match or exceed the minimum expectations indicated in the criteria and grade description in all of the Assessment Constructs. The performance of some learners may have exceeded the minimum requirements by a considerable margin in one or more aspects of the assessment and this reflects the fact that strength in one aspect may compensate for a relatively weaker performance in another. The minimum score for a Pass with Distinction is therefore 28, which would include at least a score of 6 on three constructs. A defining characteristic of the overall performance of a learner awarded a Pass with Distinction is that it consistently exceeds the minimum levels of mastery indicated in the Grade Description. / 80%

Independent Assessor Role for Assessment 3

Independent Assessors can not complete assessment 3 on their own candidates, or candidates where they have provided Supervision for the Involved Assessors

Grades B – 3; Verification of grades and scores by reviewing the scoring sheets and FAR form. Check decisions with Involved Assessor where clarification is needed

Grades 4 and 5; Review scoring sheets and interview with candidates. Check decisions with Involved Assessor where clarification is needed

Grades 6, 7 and 8; Final Assessment (3) to be completed by Independent Assessor

Copyright; The Manchester College. November 2009