PCM 18th May 2015





Present: Councillors: Mrs Barnshaw, Barnshaw, Basnett, Mrs Cooke, Cooke, Cosker,

Edwards, Gallagher, Mrs Garner, Mrs Hopkins, Mrs Mason,

Orford, Williams

Clerk: Mrs Smith,


1.  1. Election of Chairman. Sign the “declaration of acceptance of office”.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Barnshaw that Cllr Mrs Garner be the Chairman.
All agreed. Carried
Cllr Mrs Garner accepted the position and signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
Cllr Mrs Garner welcomed the new councillors to the meeting, then everyone went round the table and introduced themselves.
3.  2. Apologies for absence. (Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting)
4.  Apologies were received from Cllr Estell.
5.  3. Declarations of interest for any agenda item.
4. Election of Vice Chairman. Sign the “declaration of acceptance of office”.
It was proposed by Cllr Cooke and seconded by Cllr Mrs Cooke that Cllr Barnshaw be the Vice-Chairman.
All agreed. Carried.
Cllr Barnshaw accepted the position and signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
6.  5. Signing of the minutes. To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on 13th April 2015.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Cooke that the minutes of 13th April 2015 were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.
8 Agreed, 5 Abstention. Carried.
7.  6. Matters arising from the last meeting. Only for discussion.
Cllr Mrs Hopkins asked if we had received any more quotes for the fencing round the play grounds.
The Clerk informed no not yet.
7. To receive an interest from a resident to be co-opted onto the Council.
8. Election of Committees:
i. Finance – minimum of 6 members (3 from East Ward and 3 from West Ward)
East Ward, Cllr Basnett, Barnshaw and Cllr Gallagher volunteered.
West Ward, Cllr Mrs Garner, Cllr Mrs Hopkins and Cllr Edwards volunteered.
ii. Planning.
Cllr Cosker, Cllr Basnett, Cllr Orford, Cllr Mrs Cooker, Cllr Williams and Cllr
Barnshaw volunteered.
iii. Waddington Playing Field Trust.
Cllr Barnshaw, Cllr Mrs Garner, Cllr Mrs Cooke, Cllr Cooke and Cllr Mrs Hopkins
9. Election of representatives to:
i.  Association of Local Councils
Cllr Mrs Garner volunteered.
10.Re-adopt the orders / regulations / Terms of Reference:
i.  Standing Orders
It was agreed that the Standing Orders would be reviewed at length at the meeting in July allowing Councillors time to look through them and come up with any changes.
ii.  Financial Regulations
It was agreed that the Financial Regulations would be reviewed at length at the meeting in July allowing Councillors time to look through them and come up with any changes.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Cooke that they would use the same internal auditor this year and look for a new auditor for the following year.
All agreed. Carried.
iii.  Planning Committee
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Cooke that the terms of reference for the Planning Committee be re-adopted.
All agreed. Carried.
iv.  Finance Committee
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Garner and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that the terms of reference for the Finance Committee be re-adopted.
All agreed. Carried.
v.  Risk Assessment
It was agreed that the Risk Assessment would be reviewed at length at the meeting in July allowing Councillors time to look through them and come up with any changes.
vi.  Social Media Policy
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Barnshaw and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that the Social Media Policy be re-adopted.
All agreed. Carried.
11. To discuss a Formal Complaint from a resident.
The formal complaint was read out by the Chairman.
It was agreed that the Chairman would send an apology to the resident from the Parish Council.
It was agreed that the office would need to be informed of the date for the ANZAC day ceremony every year, as it is not always on the 25th April, at least 3 months beforehand to allow time to get the road closed and the Council would have the road closed and the memorial cleaned for the event each year.
12. Report from the Project Assistant.
A report was given out to the Councillors from the Project Assistant.
9.  13. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence.
An email had been received from Mr James Estall, who had been elected as a Parish Councillors for the East Ward. Unfortunately due to work commitments Mr Estall would not be able to commit to being a Parish Councillor and therefore would have to stand down.
Councillors training, this is not just training for new Councillors but can be refresher training for other Councillors if they so wish. The Councillors were given a list of the LALC training and dates and NKDC are doing some training as follows:
7pm on Monday 8th June at North Hykeham Town Council Offices.
6pm on Tuesday 9th June at NKDC Offices.
7pm on Thursday 11th June at The Venue, Navenby
Councillors were reminded that they need to fill out their election expenses paperwork.
A request had been received from a resident to block up the gap in the hedge at the end of Somerville Close to Griffins Lane. The Clerk had spoken to NKDC and LCC who both have said this is not their hedge it belongs to the owner of Griffins Lane. Past communications with the owner of Griffins Lane he was happy for the gap to remain for residents to use it as a right of way onto Station Road. It was agreed that there is nothing the Parish Council can do, it is between the resident and the owner of Griffins Lane, the Clerk is to send the resident a letter informing him.
NKDC champions awards closing date for nominations is Monday 27th July, the categories are;
Young Achievers, Contribution to sustainable transport
Community Business, Contribution to sport
Community spirit, Contribution to Arts & Culture
Contribution to a better environment, Contribution to health & wellbeing
It was agreed that it would be put on the agenda for July’s meeting for further discussion.
The new memorial is now complete and so we can now go ahead and have the wall built to place the memorial on. The wall will be at an angle like the wall that is already on Bar Lane and it will be place next to it over the tree stump.
A letter from Highways has been received they will be doing some road improvements at Waddington, Grantham Road / High Dyke – signals refurbishment starting on 29th June for 3 weeks. They are also going to be replacing the concrete lampposts on Redwood Drive and surrounding streets.
A letter from Cereals, letting us know that it will be taking place on Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th June.
Grantham Road Development
I have spoken to Steve Watson today, who confirmed that;
They reduced the number of dwellings due to the MOD objections because of the directional radar. They have re-consulted with the MOD but they have not yet got back to them, they have sent an email saying they will respond in the next couple of weeks. When they do receive the reply they will then arrange for it to go to committee.
14. Finance
a.  (a) Monthly finance report – to receive and accept the monthly finance report.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Mrs Cooke that the finance report be accepted.
All agreed. Carried.
b.  (b) Signing of cheques. To resolve to sign cheques listed by the RFO. And certify invoices.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Cooke that the cheques and invoices could be signed.
All agreed. Carried.
15. Urgent matters for attention – Items which the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency due to special circumstances.
16. ‘In Camera’ item.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Barnshaw that in view of the special /confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.
All agreed. Carried.
The Clerk left the meeting.
a)  Staff.
17. Date of the next meeting. The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Monday 9th June 2014 in the Youth Club.
Meeting closed at 9.45pm / Action

Open Forum


PCSO Munroe reported that from the 13th April 15 to 18th May 15 there had been 4 crimes.

1 x burglary other, where fishing equipment had been stolen from a garage on Hobart Close.

2 x Theft from Motor Vehicle, on Bar Lane and High Street.

1 x Interfere with Motor Vehicle, on Brant Road.


Flt Lt Bennett sent his apologies.

District Councillors

Cllr Burley had nothing to report as they had been busy with the elections. He thanked everyone for their support and voting him back in, and he will do his best for them.

Cllr Cawrey had nothing to report as they had been busy with the elections. She thanked everyone who voted for her and she will do her best for them.

Cllr Pennell sent his apologies.

Cllr Gallagher informed that he was pleased to be back / re-elected. The District Council has been very busy with the elections, Marcella and her team did a fabulous job. It was very tiring for the counters.

The North Kesteven Community Champion Awards are looking for nominations with a closing date for of Monday 27th July, with a number of categories.

The Full Council will be meeting on Thursday when they will decide who is elected for the various roles.

County Councillor

Cllr Mrs Talbot congratulated the Parish Councillor for being elected to Waddington East and West Ward.

She informed that Highways would be replacing the street lighting on the Redwood Drive area and that the traffic signals on Grantham Road / High Dyke were being replaced.

There will be a public enquiry into the Eastern Relief Road in July / August of this year.

Cllr Mrs Talbot will be commenting on the Grantham Road development on the highways issues.

She has awarded Sharon’s Christmas Dinner Group £300 for the dinner they will be putting on Christmas Day in the Youth Club.

Cllr Mrs Hopkins asked when the Canwick Hill road works would be finished.

Cllr Mrs Talbot informed her that they were on schedule for the end of May.


Mrs Oates from the Foss Dyke Band welcomed the new Councillors. She gave a full description of the achievements of the Foss Dyke Band and asked the new Councillors for their support as the last Council had decided not to renew their lease.

She informed that she was pleased that Stephen Phillips and Karl McCartney had written to the Parish Council but they had not received a reply.

She asked what the Council were going to do with the band hut, she had heard that they were going to knock it down and build houses.

Mr Oates informed that they attended every meeting and asked questions but they got no response to them.

Cllr Mrs Hopkins informed that the Council had not made any decision on what they were going to do with the building or land.

Finance Report for April 2015
Current Account
Balance as at 31 March 2015 / £13,809.93
Precept / £53,861.17
Add Customer Payments
Burial Ground / £0.00
NKDC / £553.00
Village Hall / £0.00
Redwood Drive / £0.00
Youth Club / £0.00
Deposits / £50.00
Transferred to Deposit Account / £55,000.00
Less Expenditure
NKDC / £1,232.00
PAYE for April 15 / £648.34
Wages for April 15 / £4,848.84
returned deposit / £100.00
EON / £1,046.63
Lincolnshire Flooring / £2,966.75
Other expenses / £2,023.07
Balance as at 1 May 2015 / £408.47
Deposit Account
Balance as at 31 March 2015 / £25,320.43
transferred to current account / £3,000.00
Interest received / £20.92
Balance as at 1 May 2015 / £22,341.35
Accounts for Payment / Description / Amount
EON / Street light repairs / £37.52
ESPO / Paper towels, toilet rolls, black bags / £131.70
Continental Landscapes / Cut back the hedge at Redwood Drive / £858.00
Continental Landscapes / Monthly grass cutting for April 2015 / £1,757.86
Community Heartbeat / defibrillator and cabinet / £2,496.00
Hillman Brown / Suspended ceiling insulation / £3,300.00
MB Electrical / carry out a electrical installation condition report / £904.80
MB Electrical / To fit hand dryers at Redwood Drive / £288.00
MB Electrical / To fit hand dryers at Village Hall / £288.00
MB Electrical / To fit hand dryers at Youth Club / £468.00
MB Electrical / To carry out work picked up on the installation check / £856.80
Anglian Water / Water Bill for Redwood Drive / £88.66
Sage / Annual instant payroll / £162.00
FJP / 4 x large swing seats and 2 x cradle seats / £484.80
Konica minolta / photocopier rental / £152.64
Konica minolta / photocopier usage / £11.24
Chattertons / conveyance charges Foss Dyke Band / £480.00
Chattertons / professional charges Foss Dyke Band / £240.00
Energize / charges from January to April / £2,167.35
LRCS / Skip Exchange / £110.00
Total / £15,283.37
Accounts Paid Since Last Meeting
Total / £0.00

7 Chairman:
