Elizabeth G. Matthews

Associate Professor

Department of Political Science

Department of Global Studies

California State University San Marcos

Curriculum Vitae


University of California, Los Angeles

Ph.D., Political Science, 2002

Dissertation: “The Power of Beliefs and Experience: Dispositional vs. Situational Policy Choices in U.S. Policy toward the Soviet Union”

University of California, Los Angeles

M.A., Political Science, 1997

University of California, Los Angeles

B.A., Political Science and History, 1994

Summa Cum Laude

El Camino College

Associate in Arts Degree, History, 1992


California State University San Marcos

Courses Taught:


Global Governance

Arab-Israeli Peace Process

Theories of International Relations

Russia and the World

International Organization and Law

U.S. Government and Politics

Global Studies Capstone

Perspectives in Globalization

International Conflict, War, and Peace

Genocide and Crimes against Humanity

U.S. Foreign Policy


Other Teaching Experience

University of California, San Diego

Visiting Lecturer, Spring 2007, 2008, 2009

International Relations/Pacific Studies Program

Graduate Course: International Negotiations

Rochester Institute of Technology

Assistant Professor, Fall 2003 – Spring 2007

American Foreign Policy

Introduction to International Relations

The Search for Peace: The Middle East Peace Process

International Systems: The Cold War and Beyond


Thesis Advisor for Public Policy Master’s students


Peer-Reviewed Publications


·  Elizabeth G. Matthews and Rhonda L. Callaway, International Relations Theory: A Primer. Oxford University Press, 2016.

·  Spiegel, Matthews, Taw, and Williams, World Politics in a New Era, 6th Edition. Oxford University Press, 2013.

·  Elizabeth G. Matthews (ed.) with David Newman and Mohammed Dajani, The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Parallel Discourses. Routledge Press, 2011.

·  Spiegel, Matthews, Taw, and Williams, World Politics in a New Era, 5th Edition. Oxford University Press, 2011.

·  Rhonda L. Callaway and Elizabeth G. Matthews, Strategic U.S. Assistance: The Battle Between Human Rights and National Security. Ashgate Press, September 2008.

·  Spiegel, Matthews, Taw, and Williams, World Politics in a New Era, 4th Edition. Oxford University Press, 2009.

Journal Articles

·  Elizabeth G. Matthews and Rhonda L. Callaway, “Where Have All the Theories Gone? Teaching Theory in Introductory Courses in International Relations.” International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 16, No. 2, May 2015.

Book Chapters

·  “Introduction” in Elizabeth G. Matthews (ed.) with David Newman and Mohammed Dajani, The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Parallel Discourses. Routledge Press, 2011.

Encyclopedia Entries

·  “Carter Doctrine,” “John Foster Dulles,” “Eisenhower Doctrine,” “Fourteen Points,” “Grenada Invasion” and “Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.” In Michael Genovese (ed.), Encyclopedia of the American Presidency. Facts on File, Inc. 2004.

Non-refereed Publications


·  Spiegel, Steven L., Jennifer D. Kibbe, and Elizabeth Matthews (eds.). The Dynamics of Middle East Nuclear Proliferation. Mellen Press, 2001.

·  Steven Spiegel, Gitty M. Amini, and Elizabeth G. Matthews. “Global Arms Control Issues: A Model Curriculum for Undergraduate Students.” Co-sponsored by the United Nations International Association of University Professors and the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs, 1994.

Instructor’s Manuals

·  Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank to accompany World Politics in a New Era, Sixth Edition. Oxford University Press, 2013 (with Kristin Williams).

·  Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank to accompany World Politics in a New Era, Fifth Edition. Oxford University Press, 2011.

·  Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank to accompany World Politics in a New Era, Fourth Edition. Oxford University Press, 2008 (with Rhonda L. Callaway).

·  Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank to accompany World Politics in a New Era, Third Edition. Wadsworth, 2003 (with Fred L. Wehling).

·  Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank to accompany World Politics in a New Era, Second Edition. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999 (with Fred L. Wehling).

Supplemental Teaching Materials

·  Between Nations, on-line assignments to supplement international relations courses: www.betweennations.com; “Levels of Analysis,” “Liberalism,” “Constructivism,” “Feminism,” “Balance of Power,” “Power Transition Theory,” and “Polarity.” Available January 2010.

Book Reviews

·  Book Review of Salim Yaqub, Containing Arab Nationalism: The Eisenhower Doctrine and the Middle East – for Presidential Studies Quarterly, March 2005.

·  Book Review of Liliana B. Andonova, Transnational Politics of the Environment: The European Union and Environmental Policy in Central and Eastern Europe. In Perspectives on Political Science, Summer 2004.



·  Leichtag Foundation Grant for Global Studies, $50,000, 2014-2016

·  O’Donnell Grant from the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation to conduct research at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library – Summer 2004, $1000.


·  CSUSM University Professional Development Grant, Fall 2007

·  RIT Faculty Development Grant, 2004.

Conference and Workshop Presentations and Professional Development

·  “Where Have All the Theories Gone? Teaching Theory in Introductory Courses in International Relations” presented at the American Political Science Association’s (APSA) annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois, August 2013 (with Rhonda L. Callaway).

·  “You Can’t Always Get What You Want: The Effect of US Foreign Aid on Democracy and Human Rights” presented at the International Studies Association conference in San Diego, California, April 1-4, 2012 (with Rhonda L. Callaway).

·  Workshop participant at the 5th Annual Tel Aviv University Workshop on Israel and the Middle East, July 4-15, 2010.

·  “No Experience Required? Foreign Policy after the Cold War,” presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, Denver, CO, April 9, 2009.

·  Panel Discussant and Chair, “Realism and Foreign Policy,” at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, Denver, CO, April 9, 2009.

·  “U.S. Aid to India and Pakistan: Strategic Choices versus Human Security,” presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, Las Vegas, NV, March 14, 2008 (with Rhonda L. Callaway).

·  Panel Discussant, “Models of Foreign Policy Decision-making,” at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, Las Vegas, NV, March 14, 2008.

·  “Ronald Reagan and the Cold War,” featured speaker at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum’s workshop for educators on teaching the Cold War. June 26, 2007.

·  “Friends or Foes: U.S. Foreign Aid to Pakistan,” presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association in Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 14-17, 2007 (with Rhonda L. Callaway).

·  “U.S. Foreign Aid to Turkey: Human Rights versus National Security” presented (by Callaway) at the 2006 Annual International Studies Association conference in San Diego, California, March 22-25, 2006 (with Rhonda L. Callaway).

·  “The Applicability of Track Two to the Situation in Kosovo,” workshop conducted at the American University in Kosovo (AUK) in Pristina, Kosovo, November 2005.

·  “Negotiating Behavior at Reykjavik: Reagan, Gorbachev and the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., September 1, 2005.

·  “Is Plan Colombia working? U.S. foreign aid and the cost to human rights” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, September 2, 2004 (with Rhonda L. Callaway)..

·  Panel member, “Roundtable on Conflict Resolution,” held in April 2004 at Rochester Institute of Technology.

·  Panel Chair, “Foreign Policy and Weapons of Mass Destruction” at the 2004 Annual International Studies Association Conference in Montreal, Quebec, March 17-20, 2004.

·  “The Search for an Enemy: A Psychological Explanation of George W. Bush’s Post-September 11 Foreign Policy” presented at the 2003 Annual American Political Science Association Meeting in Philadelphia, August 28-21, 2003.

·  “The Effects of Negative Beliefs on Presidential Decision Making: US Policy Towards the Soviet Union” presented at the 2002 Annual American Political Science Association Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, August 28-Spetmeber 1, 2002.

·  “Influences and Constraints in Foreign Policy Decision Making: Jimmy Carter and US Policy towards the Soviet Union” presented at the 2002 Annual International Studies Association Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, March 24-27, 2002.

·  Panel Chair, “The Making of Coercive Foreign Policy: Perceptions and Causal Mechanisms” at the 2002 Annual International Studies Association Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, March 24-27, 2002.

·  “Dispositional versus Situational Choice in Foreign Policy Decision Making: Reagan and Policy towards the Soviet Union” presented at the 2001 Annual International Studies Association Conference in Chicago, IL, February 21-24, 2001.

·  “A Psychological Explanation of Situational versus Dispositional Policy Choice: Reagan, Bush and Gorbachev” presented at the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, San Jose, CA. March 24-26, 2000.

·  “George Bush and Economic Aid for the Soviet Union: The Role of Belief Systems in US-Soviet Relations, 1989-1991” presented at “New Frontiers in Cold War History”: The Fourth Annual Graduate Student Conference on the Cold War at UC Santa Barbara, May 21-22, 1999.


Political Science Department

·  Chair, Search Committee, Joint Hire in Global Studies and Political Science (2017/2018)

·  Chair, Search Committee, Joint Hire in Global Studies and Political Science (2014/2015)

·  Member, Search Committee, American Politics (2014/2015)

·  Chair, Search Committee, Joint Hire in Global Studies and Political Science (2013/2014)

·  SBSB Building Occupants Association (BOA) (Fall 2011)

·  Organized Graduation and Alumni Reception (May 2010)

·  Assessment Committee Member, 2007-2009

·  Peer Evaluation (Adjunct), Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Spring 2012

·  Transfer Student Orientation, 2008-present

·  Updated list of non-PSCI courses counting for Global Concentration

Global Studies Department

·  Faculty Advisor, Sigma Iota Rho, the International Studies Honor Society (2014-present)

·  Faculty Advisor, Global Studies Club (2014-present)

·  Secured and administered Leichtag Foundation Grant, $50,000 (2013-2015)

·  Internship Coordinator (2014-present)

·  Chair, Department of Global Studies (2015-present)

·  Director, Global Studies Program (2012-2015)

·  Co-Director, Global Studies Program (2011-2012)

·  Transfer Student Orientations, 2011-present

·  Global Studies Assessment

·  Global Studies Steering Committee Member, 2007-2011


·  Chair, CHABSS Global Commitment Initiative (2014-2017)

·  Member, CHABSS Organizational Task Force (2015)

·  Member, Social Sciences Steering Committee (2015-present)

·  Member, CHABSS Strategic Plan Implementation Team (2013-2017)

·  Member, CHABSS Strategic Planning Team (2012-2013)

·  Interdisciplinary Committee and Subcommittee (2011-2016)

·  Reinstatement Committee (2008-2016)

·  Faculty Development Committee (FDC), 2010-2011

·  Faculty Adviser, Political Science Club, 2009-2013

·  Faculty Adviser, Model United Nations, 2008-2009

·  General Education Assessment (PSCI 100) (Spring 2008)

·  Commencement Marshall (2008-present)


·  Member, Program Assessment Committee (PAC) (2017-2019)

·  Faculty Leader (with Melissa Simnitt), Faculty Center Faculty Learning Community: “Learning Matters” (2016-2017; 2017-2018)

·  Member, Search Committee, AVP Diversity, Educational Equity and Inclusion (Fall 2016-present)

·  Member, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan Work Group (2015-present)

·  Member, President’s Award for Teaching Innovation and Excellence Selection Committee (2015)

·  Member, Review Advisory Committee, Periodic Review of Provost Oberem (2015-2016)

·  Member, WASC Steering Committee (2013-2016)

·  Chair, WASC Writing Team 3 (2013-2015)

·  Chair, Brakebill Selection Committee (2014)

·  University Global Affairs Committee (UGAC), 2012 to present

·  Faculty Advisor, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 2012-2014

·  Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC), 2011-2013

·  Chair, President’s Award for Teaching Innovation and Excellence Selection Committee (2010)

·  Campus Connect, 2009/2010

o  Facilitator, 2010/2011

·  Student Affairs Committee (SAC), 2008-2010

·  Academic Senate, 2008-2010

·  Faculty Mentoring Program, Fall 2008 to Spring 2015

·  Study Abroad Interview Committee (2008-2016)


·  Series Editor Summer 2006 - present

Book Series: Middle East Peace and Security

Published by Routledge Press


Abdulwahab Alkebsi, Nathan J. Brown, and Charlotta Sparre (eds). Reconstructing the Middle East: Political and Economic Policy. Routledge, Forthcoming 2017.

Tom Najem, Michael James Malloy, Michael Dougall Bell, and John Bell (eds). Track Two Diplomacy and Jerusalem: The Jerusalem Old City Initiative, Routledge, 2016.

Norman Cigar, Saudi Arabia and Nuclear Weapons, Routledge, 2016.

Yvette Hovsepian-Bearce, The Political Ideology of Ayatollah Khamenei: Out of the Mouth of the Supreme Leader of Iran, Routledge, 2015.

Yaacov Bar Siman Tov, Justice and Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,

Routledge, 2014.

Galia Golan, Israeli Peacemaking Since 1967: Factors Behind the Breakthroughs and

Failures, Routledge, 2014.

Chen Kane and Egle Murauskaite (eds.), Regional Security Dialogue in the Middle

East: Changes, Challenges and Opportunities, Routledge, 2014.

Galia Golan and Walid Salem (eds.), Non-State Actors in the Middle East: Factors for

Peace and Democracy, Routledge, 2013.

Fatima Sadiqi and Moha Ennaji (eds.), Gender and Violence in the Middle East,

Routledge, 2011.

Elizabeth G. Matthews (ed.) with David Newman and Mohammed Dajani, The

Israel-Palestine Conflict: Parallel Discourses. Routledge, 2011.

Fatima Sadiqi and Moha Ennaji (eds.), Women in the Middle East and North Africa: Agents of Change, Routledge, 2010.

Nathan Brown and Emad Shahin (eds.), The Struggle Over Democracy in the

Middle East, Routledge, 2009.

Manuscripts Reviewed

·  (2016) Blind Review. “The Apparent Demise of IR Theory: Relative Gains or the Discipline Is What We Make of It.” International Studies Review.

·  (2013) Blind Review. “The United States and Human Rights Around the World: Hegemonic Help of Hindrance?” American Political Science Review (APSR).

·  (2011) Benjamin MacQueen, The Middle East: Continuity, Change, Conflict, and Co-operation, SAGE Publications

·  (2011) Danile Di Mauro, UN and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: American Hegemony and the UN intervention since 1947, Routledge Press.

·  (2009) Amal Jamal, The Politics of Indigeneity: Arab Minority Nationalism in the Jewish State, Routledge Press.

·  (2009) Between Nations (Introduction to international relations assignment collection), Soomo Publishing.

·  (2008) Lev Grinberg, Democracy versus Military Rule: Politics and Violence in Israel/Palestine: 1992-2006, Routledge Press.

·  (2008) Coleman, Goldstein, and Howell, Understanding American Politics and Government, Pearson/Longman.

·  (2008) Paul Viotti, American Foreign Policy and National Security: A Documentary Approach. Longman.