PFA Meeting Minutes

November 8, 2016

Presidents Updates:

·  Approval of the minutes from October. Julie Tesser makes a Motion to approve. Katie Greco seconds the motion.

·  Red Ribbon Week was as success great job

·  Halloween parade was amazing- parents were here and enjoyed it

·  Science night was as huge success

Upcoming Events:

·  Rosti Restaurant Fundraiser - November 7-11

·  Auction will go live November 16

·  Casino Night December 3 @ 7pm Auction ends December 3

·  Need to sell tickets for Casino Night; 11/5 early bird discount $10.00; $125 afterwards; 30 RSVP’s so far

Principals Report:

·  Additional personnel on campus for today’s election

·  Next week parent teacher conferences 12:15 dismal M-F grade 1-5

·  Wednesday is the last day for Kinder/Journey conferences

·  Enrichment is done

o  No School this Friday November 11 Veterans Day

·  New report cards- coffee with the principal in two weeks to discuss the new report cards again.

·  K-2 new evaluation of implementation of report cards.

o  Standards based on report cards it will be divided into three categories beginning, progressed or mastered standards.

o  this is a shift in philosophy for elementary schools

·  Link to get info on New Report Cards – -info/video/common questions sample report cards

·  New Gaga pit – acquired game for the kids

School Site Council

·  Group of teachers, parents and staff approve SPI SA academic plan

·  Green team- will work on another garden and plant, composting, assigning jobs and responsibilities for the garden.

·  Recently purchased new kinder curriculum already being used, new ELD curriculum, new furniture for the computer lab, new text 2nd grade books for teacher library, new smart TV for computer lab.

Treasure Update

·  Monthly Treasurer Report is available

·  Need to find 2 new treasurers

Bay Laurel Teacher- Ms. Larkin

·  Thank you to everyone who helped with Halloween parade

Board Member update

·  Executive vice president- circulated calendar

·  Picture make up day November 30; PFA Picture 8:15 sharp in Courtyard.

·  November 29 proposal meeting voting 8:30 remind teachers to turn in forms by 11/14

·  5th grade fundraiser change for change November 14-18


Casino Night

·  -Casino night December 3; 7-11pm at the ACCC

·  -please get the word out remind room moms to send out in blast

·  Hosted bar and sushi/tempura all you can eat dancing open to friends of Bay laurel families.

·  -Punchbowl instant RSVP

·  -Someone will sit out in front of dolphin to sell tickets every day next week


·  Amazing carnival chair

·  Rides booked

·  grilled cheese truck, fresh brothers, funnel cake booked

·  booths will be assigned per grade level

·  More details to be provided as date nears

Literacy Week 2/27-3/3

·  Need to have fundraising dinner options lined up for that week: Menchie’s, fresh brothers, raffle, etc.


·  Slow on sponsorships. Currently have $14,000 and the goal is $25,000

·  Looking for sponsors if you know anyone please send out in newsletter.

Traffic & Safety:

·  2 Kinder parents attended meeting and raised concerns about safety of campus and the wandering of unsupervised students near the front of the campus.

·  Discussion about hiring an aide to monitor the front of the campus.

·  Will look into a new Check-in Process (Raptor is the program CHS and AHS uses for badges).

·  Need to change culture to making sure everyone signs in.

·  Alicia Weintraub suggested a meeting with Matt Slatoff, City of Calabasas Public Safety Commissioner to discuss some ways to increase Safety on the BL Campus.

Meeting adjourned at 9:36am