Present -:

Cllrs. A MacCreadie (Chairman) (AM), R Toms (RT), C Tankard (CT), D Laud (DL), Mrs C Vaughan (CV), G Bone (GB), P Waller (PW) & H Farmer (HF)

Also attending -:

Mrs K Rees (Clerk) & 9 Members of the Public

093/16 / Public Safety Announcement:
094/16 / Apologies:
Cllrs. M Harvey, P Harris & E Green
095/16 / Urgent Business Identified After Circulation of Agenda:
097/16 / Public Session:
Mr R Thomas & Mr P Charlesworth introduced themselves as candidates in the forthcoming By-Election.
** advised that there is a problem with speeding traffic along The Stiles. In addition, the pub delivery lorries often go there which causes an issue. She asked what could be done about the problem.
Mrs Emma Caddis spoke in support of her planning application for a dwelling on Land East of Shepherds Farm. An original application was approved for a 1-bed holiday let. However, a new application has now been submitted for a 2-bed dwelling. Although the owners wish for it to be used as a holiday-let, they have been advised to submit the application as a dwelling so that they can get finance for the project.
Mr J Humphreys, Mr B Wood (Planning Consultant) & Ms A Hoskings (architect) spoke on the proposed housing development on land behind Parknoweth Close. Pre-application advice has been received and Cornwall Council has agreed with the principle of an open-market/affordable homes development on the land. A draft plan of the proposed development was circulated and an outline planning application will be submitted once the technical surveys have been completed. The larger properties will have two parking spaces, the smaller properties one and the roads will be wide enough for on-street parking. Concerns were expressed about the access to the site. The splay will be lost so visibility when turning left into Station Road will be poor. It was also discussed that Parknoweth Farm is a 24 hour working farm. The plan shows building right up to the boundary which concerns the farmer.
098/16 / Minutes:
RESOLVED: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 13th June 2016, as circulated, were correctly recorded. These were signed by the Chairman.
099/16 / Cornwall Councillor Report:
No report. A By-Election will be held on 28th July to fill the vacancy left by Mrs L Gorman.
100/16 / Planning Application, Appeals & Decisions:
PA16/02175 / Land adjacent to Moonfleet Cottage / SUPPORT / P/S: MH/CV
PA16/04942 / 5 Trevilson Close / SUPPORT / P/S: CV/GB (RT abstained)
There were no decisions.
The Clerk advised that the application for a new dwelling at 9 Halt Road will now go before the Planning Committee. RESOLVED: RT/PW to represent Council, subject to date of the meeting.
101/16 / Matters Arising
a)  Highway Issues: The speed of the traffic along The Stiles was discussed. It is unclear whether the road is privately owned or the responsibility of Cornwall Council. RESOLVED: Clerk to clarify ownership before next meeting. The lines outside The Pheasant showing the priority need repainting as do the double yellow lines on the bend by the Church & the lines in Mitchell. RESOLVED: Clerk to report to Highways. EG carried out a survey of the drains and no further action is required at this time. The quote for a speed visor is ongoing and the consultation for the dualling of the A30 has been delayed until early Autumn.
b)  ‘Welcome to St. Newlyn East Signage’: Ongoing. NOTED.
c)  Installation of a Multi-Use Sports Court: The Clerk gave an update from the recent steering group meeting. Several residents from Neeham Road attended and raised concerns about the orientation of the court and it was agreed that this could be changed. Grant options are being investigated and one other quote is in-hand. NOTED.
d)  Neighbourhood Plan Update: A meeting of the initial steering group has been organised for 20th July at 7pm in the Village Hall. NOTED.
e)  Update - Purchase of the Methodist Chapel: The Terms of Reference and request for the search fee has been received from the solicitor. RESOLVED: Terms of Reference to be signed and returned. The financing of the purchase was discussed. The Clerk has investigated applying for a Public Works Loan Board and the initial application has to be made via CALC. It was discussed that the project could be financed with the Carland Cross Windfarm monies, with the money being given upfront and then a portion deducted from the grant received each year. RESOLVED: Both options to be considered, Clerk to contact Scottishpower to discuss options.
f)  Damage to Gate at Village Hall/Installation of Bench by Noticeboard: A quote has been received from Steve Dawes for the work. RESOLVED: Clerk to accept quote.
g)  St. Newlyn East Emergency Plan: AM will go through the plan and make the necessary amendments. It was discussed that a First Aid Course will be organised in the Autumn. RESOLVED: First Aid Course agenda item next month.
h)  Installation of Rubbish Bin at Entrance to Carland View: The bin can be supplied and installed for free but there will be an annual charge of £29.00 for it to be emptied. RESOLVED: Clerk to accept quote.
i)  Painting of the BT Phonebox & Railings at the Park: Di Jobes has advised that she will be unable to undertake the work. RESOLVED: DL to contact alternative contractor.
102/16 / Business Matters:
(a)  Grasscutting at the Church Cemetery: The Clerk and AM met the Church Warden to discuss the cutting of the grass at the cemetery. It was discussed that the Parish Council and the Church could pay for one further cut each, making a total of 5 cuts pa. The possibility of purchasing a small mower was considered but it was considered that this is not viable at this time. RESOLVED: Parish Council to pay for one further cut at the Church.
(b)  Installation of Cooker at Village Hall: The Village Hall Committee would like to purchase an alternative cooker than the one that the grant was applied for. RESOLVED: Alternative proposal accepted.
(c)  Halt Road Deliveries: There has been a complaint that delivery drivers are delivering to the wrong properties due to confusion with the road numbering. Following discussions, it was RESOLVED to contact Ocean Housing to see if a solution can be found.
(d)  Installation of Youth Shelter: A discussion took place about the installation of benches in the Recreation Ground as a meeting place for young people. RESOLVED: GB to investigate options and bring to the next meeting.
(e)  Mitchell Bus Shelter: The roof of the shelter needs washing and the electronic sign is now working. RESOLVED: Clerk to ask Mark Dalby to clean the shelter and contact Cornwall Council regarding the sign.
103/16 / Correspondence:
St. Newlyn East Post Office / Update on opening of Outreach Service / NOTED
Cornwall Council / Local Plan Consultation / NOTED
Muriel Jenkins / Speed limit in Fiddlers Green – TRO paid for out of Carland Cross Funding / Following discussions, it was RESOLVED that the Carland Cross money is for capital projects only
104/16 / Reports from Outside Bodies:
CV & PW attended the Village Hall Committee Meeting but no-one was there.
DL, GB & CV attended a meeting of the Trevilson Education Trust.
PW advised that there were no crimes in the Parish this month.
105/16 / Finance:
a.  To receive the draft minutes of the Finance & General Purpose Meeting held on Monday 11th June 2016: Agenda item next month as the minutes weren’t available.
b.  Accounts: RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £4174.98 were approved for payment (appendix 1).
c.  Urgent Financial Matters: None.
106/16 / Items for the August 2016 Agenda:
107/16 / Closure:
There being no further business, the Chairman thanked members for their attendance. He advised that the next scheduled Full Council Meeting will take place on 08th August 2016 at 7.00pm in the Primary Room, St. Newlyn East Methodist Chapel. The meeting closed at 21.45pm