

A quick question...... How many schools have a full time technology coordinator? If so, what is your district or school enrollment?

We have one full time coordinator. Our district enrollment is about 950.

I am the Director of Technology for Mt. Zion School District. I teach 1 class and do technology issues the rest of the day. I am considered an administrator. I do more of the management technology issues. We also have a full time Technology Specialist who does more of the "techy" technology issues. Our school district is around 2500 students.

We do. He is non-certified and handles technology but not curriculum. We are a single building district of 650.

We have one. Enrollment about 550.

Was part of a coop. not sure how many are left. It is a godsend. If you can afford one it is truly worth it.

Our district has a full time coordinator. We have 960 students in two buildings.

Yes, 1500 kids

We have a technology coordinator. We are a K-8 district in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago with 5 elementary schools (K-5) and 2 middle schools. Are total population is 4,316 kids.

Dallas City has an enrollment of 230 (PreK-8) and we have a full time

technology coordinator.

We have a full-time coordinator (was a teacher) who is an employee of the district. We also contract someone from Charley’s in Robinson. A third person was hired by the district this year to groom him for Mark's retirement after next year. We have around 1300 students in the district.

Our district does. He is actually formally retired from teaching, but he is

our technology person and is full time. He just cannot do any teaching of

the technology in the classroom due to his retirement. Prior to his

retirement, we did use him at times in that capacity. We are a high school

district of 450 students.

I cannot imagine life without him. I was at a district 7 years ago as a

teacher that did not have a good one and it was a nightmare. Hope this


Genoa Kingston has one with 2065 students, 5 buildings

Jasper County employs 3 such people.

yes...plus a full-time assistant...about 3000 students K-12, however, one person plus an assistant is not able to keep up with the demands of the job...we need additional staff in technology...we just can't afford them...


We do have a full time IT with 1141 middle school students

Could you define tech. coordinator? We have an IT person that fixes,

installs, repairs, etc all computer / tech. issues. A teacher maintains the

website. Our district enrollment is around 1,750.

Illini Bluffs has a full time techie for the entire district-we are all under one roof-about 1000 students, K-12

We do 900 students.

Lincoln Community High School

We have a full-timer. Total AFC School District #275 enrollment in three

buildings - 600 students.

He is a God send for me!!!

We have 3 full time technology people, one being the main coordinator. Our enrollment is 3000.

As of right now, Head tech coordinator and an asst. coordinator.

Our district is K-12 and 524 students total. Our technology coordinator is full-time.

We still do this year. We have a Tech coordinator--certified, special

contract (quasi-administration) and a tech facilitator--non cert, but does

the fix it, loading systems, keeping the server up to date, etc.

We are two buildings, PreK-8, with approx. 750 students.

Mattoon does have a full time tech coordinator. School enrollment here at

Williams Elementary is around 720 kids. We share our tech coordinator with

our other elementary and they are around 760 kids.

Yes we do. Our enrollment is 1750.

District #228, yes - enrollment 2700 K - 12.

We have a part time tech coordinator. He is high school computer teacher half the day and afternoons are tech. We have roughly 1000 students in the district, two towns, 4 buildings. Meridian CUSD #15 Macon & Blue Mound

Flora High School has a half time tech person. Our district has another full time person.

Yes, full time district size 430 split between two buildings

Streator Elementary has 2 full time technology positions. Our district population runs at approx. 1950.

We do. 650 students. HS district gds 9-12

Uni does with a tech aide; 312 students; teaches one course

We have a tech coordinator who teaches 1 class of school publications. She has an administrative certificate. Enrollment 200.

Yes - we have a full-time Tech Coordinator. Our district enrollment is 1,515.

We do! We have two assistants as well. 3,300 students--district wide

Belle Valley School District 119 has a F/T Tech Coord for approx. 1000


Elverado Dist. 196- with less than 500 students-- has one full time technology coordinator and he is paid on the teacher's salary schedule plus he works in the summer and receives additional salary for that. Part of his salary is funded through Title monies. Hiring him was one of the best moves we ever made. He does E-rate for us and we received an E2T2 grant this year (over $200,000) and a Lt. Gov. grant for laptops as well. He earns his salary and more. This year he does not teach any classes and really does not have time to do so. We have four building locations and he serves all four. Great district asset. We are far ahead of neighboring and much larger districts in technology thanks to him.

There are 3 techs in our district, 1 coordinator and 2 asst. all work full time.

Iroquois West has a tech coordinator for the District (5 buildings and 920 students)

When our tech coordinator resigned, we split up her responsibilities between me (principal), the superintendent, and the superintendent's administrative assistant. I do all the software and computer lab duties, including the website. The superintendent does hardware purchases and repairs. The admin. asst. does e-rate.

One full time (12 month) with a full time assistant (9 month).

District size 1000.

We have a technology director who teaches one math class. School/district size 567.

W-L does, and our district enrollment K-12 is 1100.

We have two technology people. One district wide coordinator with primary responsibilities with the central office, high school and middle school. The other has responsibilitieswith the two elementary buildings and he teachesa class. District enrollment is 1700 students.

Lincoln ESD 156 has a tech supervisor/coordinator for 1,100 students.

Bond County Comm Unit #2 / 1,900 / Yes

Earlville CUSD 9 has about 440 students K-12 and we have a full time technology coordinator.