BCA January Meeting Minutes
August 12, 2008
General Meeting Information
Date: 08/12/08 Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Amanda Veoni’s Place – 2701 Orlando
Attendees: Jen Suiters (Facilitator), Sarah Kuharik (Minutes), Bill Miller (Financials), Steve Jurman, Ceil Greber, Amanda Veoni, Liz Ure, Lee Borellis, Tara Taylor, Damon Mahon, Martina Hahn
Absent: Ashlee Esplen, Gary Pete
· Treasury Report (7:00-7:30)
Current Cash, Money Market Balance, and Liabilities
Update on 2009 Pool Lease
· Capital/Buildings & Grounds (7:30-8:00)
o Memberships
§ Update on draft membership draft letter; addition of October 1 dues to count for the following year
o Bingo Proposal – Update
o Park Mulch
· Development / Capital (8:00 – 8:30)
o Development Committee 501C3 (New Member, Martina Hahn)
· Upcoming Activities (8:30-8:40)
o Bingo – October 4th
o Fall Fest – October 25th
o Texas Hold ‘Em
· Marketing (8:40-9:00)
o BCA welcome package
o Directory of Preferred Contractors
o E-mail list creation (for events and reminders)
o Street Sign Project
Meeting Results
§ Treasury Report
Current Cash, Money Market Balance, and Liabilities:
There is currently $10,272 in the bank. The only thing left to pay for August is Dave Kline (estimated at about $540). The water bill has been paid - $1467. Total $8103 in bills.
The BCA taxes are $2140. They are allowing us to pay $780 by end of this month, $780 by October and $780 by February.
We are up to $8300 in membership (this is 106% of our goal).
We are also on track with rentals.
Amanda got trash lowered.
The gas bill is high. We may have been budgeting for past due amounts, so we may actually be okay.
The chili cook-off final amount was $2534. $500 was collected for the Churchill volunteer fire department ($347 was collected from the people’s choice. The committee voted to throw in an additional $153 to make it an even $500). Tara will write a letter/thank you to the head of the fire department.
Update on 2009 Pool Lease
Jen, Bill and Steve met with the pool board 2 weeks ago. Dave contacted them about the lease for 2009 so we will revise the current lease. We will have a new lease with them similar to this year with some different numbers. We owe them a couple hundred dollars from the 2008 lease.
We want to ask them to start kicking in for the building ($18 an hour) and for the parking lot. The loan we have for the parking lot is 7-10 years. It was recommended that we reseal every year to keep it in top shape.
There will be another meeting with them during the 2nd week of September. These will be discussed during that meeting.
§ Capital/Buildings & Grounds
Update on membership draft letter; addition of October 1 dues to count for the following year. We will be starting for 2009 membership.
Bingo Proposal – Update
There is $1800 currently in the bank.
The proposal would be to sell 120 tickets under the estimated revenues at $20 a piece to give us $2400.
The bingo machine has already been purchased, so this gives a total payout of $1900.
We will be targeting Blackridge to make it a community event, but we will also be advertising outside of Blackridge.
Basics of the Bingo:
There are 12 cards on one sheet for $20 (also called 12 on, 20 up) – the total payout of these would be $50.
To get in the door people will have to at least buy 1 sheet at $20 (this is the admission price). Many people will buy additional cards.
The minimum number of people needed is at least 25.
Jackpots and quickies will be separate (estimating $600).
Expenses are estimated at $651.
The concession has the potential to do really well, but food, daubers, extra card and anything additional should be considered bonus and should not be added as part of the budget. Otherwise the budget looks great.
The bingo will be held the evening of October 4th.
It was voted that we are okay to move ahead with this.
Steve will confirm that in the state of PA, you can hold 3 bingo’s per year.
Bill will put the money raised for bingo into a separate account with PNC. Jane will then call bill when she’s ready to buy or see if we can be billed.
Park Mulch
We will plan on this for spring. Liz will get an estimate on mulch. Also Martina knows someone – Jen will follow up with them.
We will need “triple shredded mulch”.
Introductions: Martina and Damon
Martina Hahn.
We would like to vote Martina Hahn in as an ad hoc capital development member.
There is debate to whether or not she should be a member at large, who focuses on capital development versus creating an ad hoc position. The ad hoc would not have voting privileges.
A motion was made by Ceil voting for Martina to spearhead the capital development committee. The motion was seconded by Liz Ure and all else are in favor of this much needed position.
Damon Mahon is also running for the vacant Churchill at large spot.
Damon and Martina were unanimously voted in for Churchill and Wilkinsburg at large, respectively.
Welcome to Damon and Martina!
§ Development / Capital
Development Committee 501C3 (New Member, Martina Hahn)
It was noted that Dan Morrow does grant writing and it was recommended that Martina could work with him to have proposals written up. There was also an idea of getting the students from CMU (Master of Public Management students) involved by having them use us for a project.
The BCA doesn’t qualify for 501C3, but we would like to see if the new organization would be. Martina will find out what we are and what we can be.
§ Upcoming Activities
Bingo – October 4th
Fall Fest – October 25th
Steve will orchestrate.
Jen will donate a keg to the event.
Tara will do posters.
We would like to try to make it a Halloween theme. Costumes, contests, pumpkins. We will need carving tools and temper paint for the pumpkins.
All board members will donate 5 pumpkins each.
Texas Hold ‘Em
Bill will be meeting with Carol on Friday to discuss the plans. He will see if we can borrow all of their stuff (chips, felt, dispensers, etc).
Bill will give a proposal at the next meeting.
The tentative date will be November 1st or 2nd. The 2nd is a Sunday, but it was confirmed that there is no Steelers game.
The event will be BYOB; we will see about getting food donated.
Think it will be a $60 buy in, $500 grand prize. There is also the possibility of having a Chinese auction.
Tara thought we should have a happy hour on Friday or Saturday night to get the pool and garden club. We will look into doing this.
§ Marketing
Tara will do Hollywood. Liz will email Tara the form/instructions.
There will be a note in the blackboard for the directory.
BCA welcome package
Directory of Preferred Contractors
E-mail list creation (for events and reminders)
Sarah will continue doing this.
Street Sign Project
Bill has the idea of unifying the Blackridge street signs. The Crafton Historical Society did this project; they were $475 per sign.
Received grant, had fundraisers specifically for this.
We could work with the other clubs to raise money for the signs.
Some additional thoughts for the signs were having a placard for names to donate and a plastic holder to attach the signs for our event posters.
Blackboard articles are due by August 18th.
§ Next Meeting:
September 16th. Ceil will host.
Work Items/Action Points
Item No. / Target Completion Date / Assignee / Description1 / 9/16/2008 / Tara Taylor / Tara to write a thank you to the head of the fire department for coming to the Chili cookoff.
2 / 9/16/2008 / Steve Jurman / Steve to confirm that in the state of PA, you can hold 3 bingo’s per year.
3 / 9/16/2008 / Bill Miller / Bill to put the money raised for bingo into a new account with PNC.
4 / 9/16/2008 / Liz Ure / Liz to get estimates on mulch.
5 / 9/16/2008 / Jen Suiters / Jen to follow up with Martina’s contact for mulch.
6 / 9/16/2008 / Jen Suiters / Capital Development Committee to be created.
7 / 9/16/2008 / Martina Hahn / Martina to find out what type of legal organization the BCA is and what the new sub-division is able to be.
8 / 9/16/2008 / Bill Miller / Bill to bring proposal for Texas Hold ‘Em to next meeting.
9 / 9/16/2008 / Tara Taylor/ Liz Ure / Tara to go door to door on Hollywood for the directory. Liz to email her the form/instructions.
10 / 10/25/2008 / Steve Jurman / Steve to organize Fall Fest
11 / 10/25/2008 / Tara Taylor / Tara to do posters for Fall Fest
12 / 10/25/2008 / All Board Members / All board members to donate 5 pumpkins each.