25 WATER LANE • SEEKONK, MA 02771-4615 • (508) 399-5106 • FAX (508) 399-5128

Dr. Emile M. Chevrette Jane L. Daly Arlene F. Bosco Barbara Hamel

Superintendent of Schools Director of Curriculum Special Education School Finance

and Instruction Director Administrator


Marjorie Bradley John P. Bilodeau William Barker Robert J. McLintock Fran Creamer

Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Member Member

September 2, 2008

Dear Parents and Interested Community Members

The following committees are being formed to carry out the action plans developed last year as part of our District’s Strategic Plan. Brief descriptions of each committee’s goals are included. Your participation is vital in the process of continued district and school improvement. Please consider joining a committee, and indicate your interest below.


Dr. Emile M. Chevrette

Superintendent of Schools

SPS Planning Committee – (Superintendent or his/her designee, Administrators, School Committee Member,

PreK-12 Educators, Parents, Students, Community Members)

To oversee the action plans of the District’s Strategic Plan. This will include assessing the effectiveness of how the master schedule and school/district calendar meets the needs of students and allows for time to accomplish the goals of the strategic plan.

Identify goals and an action plan to ensure that class size, staffing patterns, and programming reflect current and sound educational research. Survey the needs/wants of the students and then develop and prioritize plans to meet these needs.

Elementary Report Card - (Dir. of Curr. & Inst, Elementary Principals, PreK-5 Educators, Parents)

Review and revise the elementary report card to ensure it communicates achievement to students and parents.

Professional Development Committee- (Dir. of Curr. & Inst., Administrators, Director of Technology, Tech.

Integrators, PreK-12 Educators, Educational Partnership Members)

Identify professional development needs in district. Provide district-wide professional development based on identified needs, including planning Inservice Days. Publish and review mentor program guidelines.

District Technology Team -(Dir. of Tech., Tech. Integrators, Administrators, Parents, Community Members,

PreK-12 Educators)

Review and revise Technology Plan and provide annual updates, this includes budget recommendations. Align curriculum with student technology literacy standards.

Full Day Kindergarten Committee - (Dir. of Curr. & Inst, Elementary Principals, PreK-5 Educators, Parents)

Investigate implementation of Full-Day Kindergarten for 2009-2010.

Return this form or email your interest to the Superintendent of Schools at 25 Water Lane () by September 19, 2008.


Brief statement describing your interest in this committee:

The Seekonk School Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, race, color, or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.



25 WATER LANE • SEEKONK, MA 02771-4615 • (508) 399-5106 • FAX (508) 399-5128

Dr. Emile M. Chevrette Jane L. Daly Arlene F. Bosco Barbara Hamel

Superintendent of Schools Director of Curriculum Special Education School Finance

and Instruction Director Administrator


Marjorie Bradley John P. Bilodeau William Barker Robert J. McLintock Fran Creamer

Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Member Member

The Seekonk School Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, race, color, or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.