Dispatch Pro

Dispatch Pro


Accounts Payable &

Financial System

User Guide

1038 Hooker Road

Sequim, WA 98382


Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Accounts Payable

Step 1 – Start the Accounting program and select Vendor Maintenance

Step 3 – Create Accounts Payable balancing totals

Step 4 – Input Invoices – Computer Checks

Other A/P Invoice Features:

Quick Purchase Order

Update General Ledger Account Numbers

Recurring Invoices

Change Markup %

Step 5 – Input Invoices – Hand Checks

Step 6 – Display Summary of Accounts Payable

Step 7 – Print Unpaid Invoice List

Step 8 – Print Pre-Checks List

Step 9 – Print Checks

Step 10 – Print Check Register

Step 11 – Print Batch Input Summary

Step 12 – Account Distribution Report and Post to G/L

Step 13 – Other Accounts Payable Features

Invoice Search

Change Due Dates

Check Payment Status

Recurring Payments

AP/GL Balancing Report

Monthly Check Register

1099-MISC Forms

Vendor Payment Report

Vendor List

Vendor Labels

Quick Purchase Order Comparison Report

Reprint Check Register

Reprint Batch Input Summary

List of Aged Unpaid Invoices

List of Purchases/Payments by Vendor

List of Vendors with Expiring Certificates of Insurance

Combine/Delete Vendors

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I void an Accounts Payable computer check?

How can I reverse a computer-check entry that is waiting to be paid?

How can write just one computer check without starting a new batch?

Financial System

Step 1 – Journal Entries

Step 2 – Recurring Journal Entries

Step 3 – Printed Reports

Journal Entries – Reference Number Sequence

Journal Entries – Account Number Sequence

Payroll Entries

Sales Entries

Cash Receipts Entries

Accounts Payable Entries

General Ledger

Financial Statements

Recurring Journal Entries

Monthly Trial Balance

Account Monthly Activity

Step 4 – Setting Up Financial Statements

G/L Chart of Accounts Maintenance

Financial Statement Layout Maintenance / Budgets

Account Number / Financial Statement Cross Reference Maintenance

Step 5 – Close Fiscal Year

Miscellaneous File Maintenance

G/L Chart of Accounts Maintenance

Financial Statement Layout Maintenance / Budgets

Account Number / Financial Statement Cross Reference Maintenance

Miscellaneous File Print

G/L Chart of Accounts List

Financial Statement Layout

Acct Number/Financial Statement Cross Reference

Financial System Budget List



Activation Key

Network Administrator Information




The Accounting Program is divided into 6 different menu bar selections. This Guide will cover the Accounts Payable and Financial Systems.

Accounts Receivable – All functions relating to the accounts receivable department; entering invoice data and printing related reports; recording payments; computing interest; printing A/R reports and service history.

Accounts Payable –Tasks for entering payable invoices, writing checks and printing related reports

Financial System – Journal entries, general ledgers, budgets, and financial statements, year-end closing

Miscellaneous File Maintenance – Create and maintain all databases such as customers, users, technicians, and work descriptions.

Miscellaneous File Reports – Print database information, customer labels, and database analysis reports


  • Separate cash and checks on Sales Journal for entries to General Ledger. Answer Y or N
  • General Ledger account number for separate credit card entries to General Ledger. Enter the account number for posting credit card sales.
  • Separate Master Card on sales journal for entries to General Ledger. Answer Y or N
  • Separate American Express on sales journal for entries to General Ledger. Answer Y or N
  • Separate Discover Card on sales journal for entries to General Ledger. Answer Y or N

QuickBooks Export File options

See Miscellaneous File Maintenance/GL Chart of Accounts Maintenance for additional information.

  • Enable this feature. Answer Y or N
  • Separate entries for Residential /Commercial sales. Answer Y or N
  • Separate entries for each sales category. Answer Y or N
  • Separate entries for each credit card sale. Answer Y or N

Accounts Payable

In this section we will cover the following:

Setting up your Accounts Payable vendors

Entering invoice data before writing checks

How to handle hand written checks

Printing checks and reports

Posting Accounts Payable to the General Ledger

Printing various A/P reports

Accounts Payable computer checks can be written at any time but you will probably want to establish a weekly schedule. Enter the invoice data on a daily basis as you receive statements and invoices from your vendors. Depending on your volume, one “batch” of invoices per week is usually sufficient.

Dispatch Pro requires that you run specific programs each time you process checks to ensure that your data is in balance and that the amounts are properly posted to the General Ledger. The mandatory programs (in bold and underlined below) and the manual processes are as follows:

  • Add up all the invoices that will be entered today. After data entry, you want to balance to this amount. (Step 3)
  • Start a new batch for this week and balance to the amount from Step 3. (Step 4)
  • If you have written hand-checks they are entered in the same batch. (Step 5)
  • Print checks. (Step 9)
  • Print the Check Register. (Step 10)
  • Print Batch Input Summary. (Step 11)
  • Account Distribution Report and Post to G/L. (Step 12)

IMPORTANT NOTE: If an error occurs (i.e. incorrect dates entered when selecting checks to print resulting in “no checks to print”) you still must run the Check Register, Print the Batch Input Summary program and the Account distribution Report before starting over.

Step 1 – Start the Accounting program and select Vendor Maintenance

Diagram AP-1 is displayed.

Diagram AP-1

Vendor Maintenance is used to establish your regular and one-time vendors. Enter the first 5 characters of the vendor name to search for existing vendors or F3 key to create a new vendor, F4 to set up a one-time vendor. You can have a maximum of 300 one-time vendors.

Enter the first 5 characters of the vendor’s name to search for an existing vendor. From the Vendor Name Search window (Diagram AP-2) select the vendor and press Enter.

Diagram AP-2

If this is a new vendor, press the F3 key, or press F4 to set up a one-time vendor.

Complete all the fields necessary for the new vendor.

Diagram AP-3

Set up each vendor as follows:

  • Vendor name and name two, if desired
  • Address is entered on the third line
  • Telephone and Fax numbers
  • 1099 NBR – Enter the vendors Federal ID number. Required if you wish to print a 1099 for this vendor.
  • Type – Subcontractor, Material, Equipment or Other
  • Cert. of Ins. – W/C = Workers’ Comp Insurance policy expiration date

Liab = General Liability Insurance policy expiration date

NOTE: This message is displayed one month before the expiration date: There are vendors with expiring certificates of insurance…press any key.

  • Contact– Name of contact
  • Discount % – percentage of discount that can be applied (9.9% maximum)
  • Terms– Enter number of days or Date of the month/Invoice Date to automatically calculate the due date. For example:

30 Days will add 30 days to the invoice date and display it in the due date field when entering invoices.

10th/25 – i.e. if invoice is due on the 10th of this month if the invoice is dated the 25th or earlier. If the invoice is dated after the 25th of the month, the due date is calculated as due on the 10th of next month.

1st, 2ND or 5TH – Due on specific day of the month.

  • Notes– Enter notes you wish to keep for this vendor.
  • Valid G/L Account Numbers – If you are using the Dispatch Software Chart of Accounts you can select the button to display the General Ledger Account Numbers that are used for this type of purchase. A sample of the list is shown in Diagram AP-5.

Diagram AP-4

Diagram AP-5

Click on the desired account(s). If you are using a custom Chart of Accounts, enter the appropriate General Ledger number and the account description is displayed for you. The numbers are not required but entry here will facilitate A/P invoice data entry.

Click Save This to save your changes.

You can delete vendors you no longer use by clicking the Delete This button. Diagram AP-6 is displayed to alert you that there are invoices in the history file. If you wish to delete the vendor, answer Yes.

Diagram AP-6

Step 3 – Create Accounts Payable balancing totals

Batch the invoices that you have received to-date. If you have written hand-checks, add them into this batch also. Using an adding machine with a tape add the total of all invoices and checks written. Save and label the tape. This step is essential for balancing today’s batch of accounts payable.

IMPORTANT NOTE: A word of caution – you must balance this batch and print checks, a Check Register, a Batch Input Summary and the Account Distribution Report before creating a new batch.

Step 4 – Input Invoices – Computer Checks

Select Input Invoices – Computer Checks from the Accounts Payable menu. Diagram AP-7 is displayed.

Diagram AP-7

Batch Control- The program uses a “Batch Control” system to balance the input for a group of Accounts Payable invoices (usually done daily, bi-weekly, or weekly).

The first time you enter invoices after a check-printing cycle, the batch date will show today’s date. A check-printing cycle requires that Checks, Check Register,Batch Input Summary and Account Distribution be printed before you begin a new one batch.

Press Enter to accept today’s date or type the date you wish. If you change the date you are asked to confirm it by typing “Yes.”

NOTE: If you haven’t printed checks for the current batch you will see ”Please complete AP processing for 8/17/08 (date of last batch) first” displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.

Diagram AP-8

Enter up to 5 characters of the vendor’s name in the Search field. Select the appropriate one or click the Add Vendorbutton.

TIP: Press Enter when in the vendor search field to call up the last vendor you entered.

Diagram AP-9

Complete the A/P invoice input as shown in Diagram AP-10.

Diagram AP-10

  • Inv. Date– Date of the invoice
  • Invoice # – Enter your vendor’s invoice number.
  • P.O. #– Purchase Order Number if one was issued for this vendor. See additional information about QPOs in the Other A/P Invoice Features area of this section.
  • Description – Enter a description to print on the check stub and A/P Distribution Report
  • Due Date – The date you plan to pay this invoice.
  • Amount – Amount of the check to print.
  • Disc % – The discount percentage entered for the vendor is displayed.
  • Discount – The amount of the discount if paid within the terms is calculated automatically.
  • Charge following to the month of – Distribution to the G/L can take place this month or next. Press F9 to charge entries to next month or Enter to accept month shown.
  • G/L Account numbers– The numbers are shown if they were entered for the vendor. Accept these or enter other valid G/L numbers for distribution. If you are using the Dispatch Pro Chart of Accounts, you can select the buttons, as shown in Diagram AP-11. A list of General Ledger Account Numbers is displayed for selection. A sample of the list is shown in Diagram AP-5.

Diagram AP-11

  • Amount– Dollar amount to distribute to this G/L account.

The Undistributed Amount must be zero before saving the invoice data.

Click Save This to save your changes.

NOTE: When you enter the vendor, invoice date and invoice number of an invoice that already exists in this batch the following message is displayed:

“Duplicate in current batch. F8 to try again, F9 to recall entry.” Press F9 to make corrections to this invoice.

NOTE: If you press the Esc key before saving your entries the following message is displayed:

You pressed Esc. There are unsaved entries. F7 to discard and exit or SHIFT F7 to continue

Other A/P Invoice Features:

Quick Purchase Order

When you enter the Quick Purchase Order Number in an A/P invoice, the amount of the QPO and other information obtained at job completion are shown at the bottom. Also shown is the status of the job, such as Job is completed but not invoiced or Job is completed and invoiced in batch mm/dd/yy. If the amount of the QPO from Dispatch is different than the amount from the vendor and the job has not been invoiced, you may decide to correct the QPO now before processing the commission report or if it can be corrected in the Service Invoicing program.

If the amount you enter for the invoice is not the same as the QPO, a question is displayed:

You have entered and distributed an amount different from the original purchase order! Do you want to adjust cost for commission purposes? (Y or N)

See a sample in Diagram AP-12.

Diagram AP-12

Update General Ledger Account Numbers

If you have entered G/L account numbers for this invoice that are not already shown for the vendor, Dispatch Pro will ask if you wish to add the G/L number. See Diagram AP-13. Answer Yes to this question to save the new accounts.

Diagram AP-13

Recurring Invoices

If you have the same payment for this vendor each month (or week) you can make it a recurring invoice, which means that it will automatically be set up. After entering all the current invoice information, simply select the button, , to memorize this invoice for the next period. Enter the pay frequency and the number of payments as shown in Diagram AP-14.

Diagram AP-14

To activate the Recurring Payments, see instructions in Step 13 later in this section.

Change Markup %

The Change Markup Percentage button allows you to make changes to the percentage of markup for Quick Purchase Orders (U tasks) from the A/P Invoice window. This same button is also available in Commission Reports and in Service Invoicing.

NOTE: When you enter the vendor, invoice date and invoice number of an invoice that already exists in this batch the following message is displayed:

“Duplicate in current batch. F8 to try again, F9 to recall entry.” Press F9 to make corrections to this invoice.

Step 5 – Input Invoices – Hand Checks

Select Input Invoices – Hand Checks from the Accounts Payable menu. Diagram AP- 15 is displayed.

Diagram AP-15

Batch Control – The program uses a “Batch Control” system to balance the input for a group of Accounts Payable invoices (usually done daily, bi-weekly, or weekly).

The Hand Checks batch is the same batch discussed in Step 4 above. The date shown is the same date used when starting a new batch of invoices for computer checks.

Press any key to open the batch.

Enter the first 5 characters of the vendor’s name and select the appropriate one. Complete the input as shown in Diagram AP- 16.

Diagram AP-16

  • Inv. Date – Date of the invoice.
  • Invoice # – Enter the invoice number you paid.
  • Description – Enter a description to print on the A/P Distribution Report.
  • Due Date – The date of the check you wrote.
  • Amount – Amount of the check.
  • Disc %– The discount percentage entered for the vendor is displayed.
  • Discount – The amount of the discount if paid within the terms.
  • Charge following to the month of– Distribution to the G/L can take place this month or next. Press F9 to charge entries to next month or Enter to accept month shown.
  • G/L Account numbers – The numbers are shown if they were entered for the vendor. Accept these or enter other valid G/L numbers for distribution. If you are using the Dispatch Pro Chart of Accounts, you can select the buttons, as shown in Diagram AP-16. A list of General Ledger Account Numbers is displayed for selection. A sample of the list is shown in Diagram AP-7

Diagram AP-17

  • Amount– Dollar amount to distribute to this G/L account.

Click Save This to save your changes.

TIP: Press Enter when in the vendor search field to call up the last vendor you entered.

NOTE: If you press the Esc key before saving your entries the following message is displayed:

You pressed Esc. There are unsaved entries. F7 to discard and exit or SHIFT F7 to continue.

Step 6 – Display Summary of Accounts Payable

Select Display Summary of Accounts Payable. See Diagram AP-18. The total of computer and hand checks should match the tape you created in Step 1. If not, return to Input Invoices for either Computer or Hand Checks and make corrections.

Diagram AP-18

Step 7 – Print Unpaid Invoice List

Select Printed Reports from the Accounts Payable menu.