Church Notices.
Quiet Day: This year we have a Quiet Day at Hilfield on Wednesday 31st August. Anyone who wishes to come on this day can they please contact the office on 01963 824503 and give their names in. If you require transport please make that known. This applies to both Wincanton and Pen Selwood Churches.
Parish Office: The new address for the parish Office from 13th September will be 38 High Street Wincanton BA9 9JF. Telephone number, email and website will remain the same.
Sponsored Knit: We will be holding our sponsored knit on Saturday 8th October at the Coffee Morning in the Memorial hall Sun Lounge form 10am. This year we are going to knit sheep, as we did a couple of years ago, which was great fun! The sheep will be used in a Christmas Activity. To take part please take a sponsor form and pattern from the back of the church and put your name on the list so that we have an idea of numbers. If you are not going to knit please sponsor someone who is. Any queries contact Judy Tel 33834.
Prayer Diary
From today’s readings So, we can say in confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. Hebrews 13: v 6.
Prayer Chain: If you would like immediate prayers for yourself or someone you know please contact one of the following (requests passed in confidence): Diana McEwen 33873, Julie Russell 31607, Gary Harvey 33990 or Judy Chiplen 33834. If you wish to join the prayer chain - contact Judy 33834.
Please continue to pray for those of our fellowship and friends who are ill or recovering from operations: Michael Bazin, June and Steve Beech, John Bentley, (son of Joyce) Margaret Brown, Keith Butt, Rosie Fitzgerald, Vivienne Hounsell, Betty Issacs, Ben Legg, Diana Paley, Mavis Paley, Leigh Ransome, Mary Riley, David Squires, Robin Wickenden, Wendy Wilton, Richard and those caring for them. Please remember the long-term sick, carers.
Please pray for those who grieve, and for the departed: Frances Checkley.
We pray for Wincanton Health Centre, for the staff in their work pressures
Parish Office Hours: Mon 9.00am – 12.noon, Tues, Thurs & Fri: 8.30am -12.30pm. 5 High Street, Wincanton BA9 9JN. Tel: (01963) 824503
All items, for the Newsletter, to the Parish Office by 9am Friday at the latest. Email
St. Peter & St. Paul, Wincanton and
St. Michael, Pen Selwood
Rector: The Rev Nigel Feaver
Parish Office: 824503 or 31507 Day off: Tuesday
Church website:
August 28th 2016
Wincanton 8.00am Holy Communion BCP NF
10.30am Holy Communion* CW NF
Pen Selwood 6.30pm Evensong NF
Readings: Hebrews 13: 1-8, 15-16 Luke 14: 1, 7-14
Please join us for tea and coffee after the services marked*
A loop system operates at both churches. Large print publications are also available – please ask for them. ‘Play bags’ are available for youngsters in the play corner at Wincanton. A public toilet is available just up the road on the right-hand side at Wincanton. At Pen Selwood toilet facilities are in the adjacent village hall (please obtain the key from a sides-person / helper).
Sunday 4th September 15th Sunday of Trinity
Pen Selwood 9.00am Holy Communion
Wincanton 10.30am Holy Communion*
Please take a copy of this newsletter to a friend or neighbour who is not in church today so that they may keep in touch with events
Another Day Trip Following the successful Foresters trip to Bournemouth & Poole, another has been arranged. This time a visit to Cadbury Garden Centre and Weston Super Mare will take place on Friday 16th September. Members £8.00 Non Members £12.00. If you would like to join us please contact Richard D'Arcy Tel: 01963 33160 to book.
Exploring Christianity Course: A course will be commencing on Thursday 15th September at 7-30pm in the Village Hall at Weston Bampfylde. A cosy hall with a wood burning fire for warmth. The course will be run by Yolande White and Alan Hoskins for the Bruton & Cary Deanery. Leaflets are available at the back of the church.
Dear Friends,
In last week’s newsletter I ended my written piece with a verse from a favourite hymn - the Boys’ Brigade Vesper:.
‘We thank Thee for the day that's done,
We trust Thee for the days to be,
Thy Love we learn in Christ Thy Son,
O may we all Thy glory see!’
This week I hope you will join me on thinking about this verse. The reason being, that here in a simple set of words is a summary of a Christian’s every-day attitude and thinking. The verse is set as a prayer; which is a very big hint to us all .. that our everyday attitude (even amidst the ‘daily round and common task’) can be uplifted into joy and peace if we do everything with a prayerful attitude. Of course that is easier said than done. But I would suggest that regularly throughout the day we turn our mind to God’s Holy Spirit living within us, and developing the habit of what I call ‘prayerful chatter’ … in our mind or under our breath. One can also recite Bible verses, or bits of a favourite hymn.
Looking specifically at the verse above), 1st line: quite simply reveals an attitude of thankfulness and gratitude, rather than regret. 2nd line: expresses hope and trust in God for the future, rather than worrying about it. 3rd Line:
Admits the central importance of Love (for God and neighbour) – as shown and taught by Jesus- and that our journey through life can be described in terms of always learning to love better. 4th line: expresses hope, and faithful belief in eternal life in God’s nearer presence.
In the light of that summary of the Christian life we can all feel pretty imperfect as we realise that we are not walking as closely with God as we would like. So what can we do about it? This coming Wednesday (31st) about 12 of our two congregations are having a ‘quiet day’ at Hilfield Friary. If we use it properly, the day should become more than just one of ‘a relaxing time amongst friends’. Learning to come closer to God in silent prayer, (and overcoming our unsettled feelings about silence) is one aspect of the day. But also at the Quiet Day we need to be reminded of
God’s great love forgiveness and compassion for us if we are to build up gratitude, trust, hope and love within our hearts.
Why not come and join us at the quiet day? .. Just let me or Penny Ashton know beforehand and we can get you travel information etc I hope as many as possible can grow together in the Way of God’s love: just as I did – over the years –since I sang, in my teenage years, that Vesper at BB camps.
Worship Notes:
Today we welcome all who are new to our worship this Sunday: In particular we welcome baby Zoe and her family, as she comes for baptism. Also, Tiny Church re-starts on Monday 5th September, 9.00 am do encourage young families you know to join us.
With every good wish. Nigel (Rector
Mon 29th 8.45am No Morning Prayer
Tues 30th 7.30pm Bell Ringing Practice
Wed 31st 8.45am No Morning Prayer at Stoke Trister
10.00am Quiet Day at Hilfield
Thurs 1st 8.45am Morning Prayer
2.30pm Mothers Union Holy Communion Service
7.30pm Choir Practice
Fri 2nd 8.45am Morning Prayer
Church Notices.
Coffee Morning: 10th September Coffee Morning will be held in the church as part of the Heritage Open Day being held in the church.
Contactpool: Winners of the July Draw drawn on 13th August are: 1st Ria Caines No 15, 2nd Mollie Carr No 123, 3rd Ruth Budden No 61.
Mothers Union: will meet this coming Thursday 1st September at 2-30pm in the church. This will be Holy Communion and Bring and Buy Stall.
Thursday Mid-week Holy Communion and Bring and share lunch will re-start on 8th September (not 1st September). Hopefully this will continue as a regular part of our worship and fellowship. Nigel.