11 – 13 May 2008, MARITIM Park Hotel Riga, Riga, Latvia
Registration form for LatvianNGO representatives
Contact information / Please type in Word file or print clearly in block letters
Last (family) name / First (given) name / Male / Female
Address: Street / P.O.Box
City and postal code / Country
Telephone / Fax
E-mail: / E-mail to send confirmation to (if other than the e-mail to the left):

A short description of your organization

Your organization’s aim with participating in the Baltic SeaRegion NGO-Forum

ACCOMMODATION during the NGO Forum 11-13 May
Participants are welcome to stay at the MARITIMPark HotelRiga.Two nights in a double room are paid by organizers. Please mark your choice in one of the left boxes.
Double room one night (11/05) / I wish to share room with:
Double room two nights (11-12/05) / I wish to share room with:
PARTICIPATION - markthe days you will participate and choose one Thematic Working Group, in the boxes to the left (for more information and updates about the program see or (in Latvian)).
Day 1 (Monday 12/05, the Opening Session starts at 10.00 pm, registration at MARITIM Park Hotel Riga from 9.00 pm).
Forum Themes (Choose one of the themes 1-5 below)
1) NGO sustainability
2) Environment / Climate change
3) Social inclusion / Human rights
4) Education / Adult education
5) Culture / Intercultural learning
Day 2 (Tuesday 13/05) at 15.00 pm there will be possibility to visit regional organizations. If you are interested, please, make a mark: a) I am interested
b) I am not interested
Special requirements (for example: disabilities)

Please send the registration form by e-mail to Civic Alliance – Latvia until 14th of April!!!


1)Deadline registration14th of April

Please send the registration form by e-mail (one per person) as soon as possible or latest 14th ofApril, to Civic Alliance – Latvia.

2) Participation fee

Participation is free for Latvian NGO representatives.

3) Visiting regional organization

For those who are interested to visit regional organizations, we offer an excursion to Zemgale NGO Support Centre and to The Educational Centre for Adults of Jelgava Region (more information see:

Zemgale NGO centre is an umbrella organization for Zemgale region (Latvia, Southern part) NGOs. Organization is serving around 260 NGOs by means of consultations, informative services, organizing seminars and special events for promoting NGO sector work. We are a regional organization with wide local and international projects in field of development cooperation, non-formal education, social work, inclusion, voluntary work. One of our most successful activities are e-services including e-mailing lists with more than 1100 recipients, updating of local authorities web sites NGO section.

PROGRAM (preliminary)

11th May, Sunday

Arrival at the venue, MARITIM Park Hotel Riga

12th May, Monday

10.00 – 11.00 Opening

Official speeches

11.00 – 11.30 Coffee break

11.30 – 13.30 Key speakers

What are the actualities/challenges in the region to better life quality of people what NGOs and government can do in this field according the 5 topics:

  1. NGO sustainability
  2. Environment/Climate change
  3. Social inclusion/Human rights
  4. Education/Adult education
  5. Culture/intercultural learning

13.30 – 14.30Lunch

14.30 – 15.00 Introduction of the working groups, experts

  • What is the role of NGOs according the topics
  • What recourses/opportunities should be improved within the Baltic Sea region
  • What is the message of the Forum’s participants to Ministers of the Baltic Sea region

15.00 – 18.30Work in groups (Coffee break – during the working groups)

20.00 – Reception

13th May, Tuesday

9.00 – 11.00 Presentation of the working groups prepared by moderator and expert.

11.00 – 11.30 Coffee break

11.30 – 13.00 Presentations of practical projects by organisations and regional NGO centres

Depends on Latvian organisations/youth can be as well.

6 presentations: - 3 regional projects, 3 national projects

  1. Environment project
  2. Education project
  3. Culture /Youth
  4. Civil society/NGO sustainability
  5. Social inclusion
  6. Civil security

Adoption of the common statement (Addressing)

13.00 – 13.30 Closing, results and wishes/tasks for the next Forum

One common statement for the governments of the Baltic Sea states, including 6 messages from the working groups

13.30 – 14.30 Lunch

15.00 - Visiting regional organisation – Zemgale NGO Support Centre and The Educational Centre for Adults of Jelgava Region – for those who are interested.

Focal Points of the Baltic Sea NGO Forum








Denmark / Kjeld Aakjaer
Jens William Grav
Kirsten Gjaldbaek / DANFO; Danish Focal Point /

Estonia / Helmut Hallemaa / Representative council of the Estonian NGO roundtable /
Finland / Paivi Karna
Larserik Hagman / Finland – Russia society; Finnish Focal Point
Pohjola - Norden /

Germany / Albert Caspari / Infobalt /
Iceland / Odinn Albrektsson / Norden Association /
Latvia / Guna Lapina / Civic Alliance - Latvia /
Lithuania / Martinas Zaltauskas / NGO Information and Support Centre /
Norway / Hanne Garder / The Norwegian Women’s Voluntary Defence Association /
Poland / Agnieszka Grafinska / Regional Information and Support Centre for NGO’s /
Russia / Darja Akhutina / Norden Association /
Sweden / Margareta Hammerman
Birgitta Engman / NGO Focal Point in Sweden
The Norden Association /