GMCVO Board MemberSelection Form 2015

Thank you for your initial interest in becoming a member of the GMCVO Board of Trustees. We would at this stage like some further written information from you. This information will be assessed by the Nominations Committee. Your name, current position and Section 5 will be forwarded to GMCVO members, who are responsible for the election of new trustees, should you stand for election


Your Name:
Your Address:
Telephone number (daytime)
Email address:


a. Current role

Current position (job title) or status:
Organisation / Company Name and Address:
Brief Role Description (c100 words):

b. Other and/or previous relevant work / voluntary experience

(Please provide brief details for each position. There is no need to list everything, but please include any experience relevant to this role)

Organisation / Company Name and Address: / Job Title and/or brief Role Description:

Please extend this table if necessary


Please list other directorships and trusteeships held with brief details of each

Name of organisation: / Brief role description:

Please extend this table if necessary

SECTION 4PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES (relevant to the person specification)

GMCVO is asuccessful organisation with a high profile. We are therefore looking for Board members who can provide strong leadership in a complex and changeable environment, and have the skills and influence required to enable GMCVO to deliver its vision.

In this context please provide brief information relating to each of the following points. If appropriate, address any current “gaps” identified by GMCVO (see advertisement).

In this context please provide brief information (up to c150 words) relating to each of the following points:-

  1. Experience of serving on Board(s) of organisation(s) operating at a similar strategic level and in organisation(s) of a similar size or larger

  1. Understanding of the role of governance in voluntary organisations with executive staff and a formal membership

  1. An understanding of appropriate strategic risk management in a complex and evolving organisation

  1. A general awareness and sympathy for the local voluntary, community and social enterprise sector

  1. Commercial acumen


Please use this section to provide a statement (up to c200 words) as to why you wish to join the GMCVO Board, and what you believe you could bring to GMCVO governance. Please note this statement will be forwarded to GMCVO members, who are responsible for the election of new trustees, should you stand for election.