Date:September 4, 2015

To: English Department Lecturers

From: Theresa Colletti, Associate Chair

Re: Travel Funds for July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016

The English department will support, up to the amount of $800, the travel of lecturers with a half-time or greater appointment who are not graduate students (English graduate students have separate travel funding.)

To receive departmental travel support, lecturers in the category listed above must be delivering a paper at a national, international, or regional conference. These funds cannot be used for travel to graduate-student conferences. You may use this amount to cover registration fees and, outside the Washington metro area, to defray costs for travel, lodging, and food. All travel must be completed by June 30, 2016.

Please complete the accompanying Travel Request Formand return it to the Business Office by September 30, 2015. On the basis of that information, we will set aside up to $800 for your planned trips. You will receive notice of approval/disapproval of your request soon afterOctober 15. If we do not receive the Travel Request Form, we cannot promise thatfunds will be available, so even if your travel plans are tentative, please complete the form. If such travel is international, it will require additional campus authorization. For such travel, please make your request as early as possible and provide detailed information about the purpose of your trip to the Business Office, so we can request approval on your behalf.

In addition to the Travel Request Form, there are two other forms to be completed. BEFORE you leave on your trips complete a Travel Processing Form. This form authorizes campus-sponsored travel; submitting it in advance is required by the University for out-of-state trips. The Travel Processing Form is due at least a week before you depart, but if any portion of your travel is being charged to the department in advance, it is due as soon as you wish to purchase tickets.

Finally, after you complete your trip, please submit your ORIGINAL itemized receiptswith the Travel Reimbursement Form to the Business Office in a timely manner to have your claim processed. All of the travel forms are also available online: (