Business Intelligence & Analytics

Tableau / BI Group Project

- Date of Project Presentation / Write-up Deadline–November 14/16, 2017

- Submit slides and write-upvia email

For the project, I will request that you analyze the “Superstore”dataset (download form course website).

The requirements for the project are to push far into the data in your role as an analyst. An initial in-class assignment was designed to introduce you to Tableau and business intelligence (BI) / dashboard tools. For this project, the goal is to push that level of analysis much further. The requirements for this section entail probing into the Superstores file to see what business intelligence you can uncover and providing screen shots of your findings along with a brief description of your findings. In addition, this section will require strategic recommendations regarding the practices of this store. The videos outlined on the course website will also provide insight.

I leave much of this up to the insight and creativity of you (i.e. the analytics consultant). The problems that you will be exploring may pertain to: What products are under performing? What correlates with profit? Are there issues with certain product lines, products, markets, pricing structures (margins), costs, etc.? There are multiple answers. Treat this like a typical case study where you’ve been given data and you need to find where the problems are. I provide a summary of the requirements for this section below. The grading scheme for this section will be based on the sophistication of your analysis and the overall level of insight derived within your findings which are articulated in your analysis.

Part A - Findings

12 Screenshots with a brief description of your finding for each screenshot (2-4 sentences).

Part B - Strategic Analysis

The analysis should explore problems that may pertain to: What products are under performing? What correlates with profit? Are there issues with certain product lines, products, markets, pricing structures (margins), costs, etc.? This project should be treated like a typical case study where you’ve been given data and the team needs to examine what problems exist. This project includes a strategic analysis of the findings. The project team should provide detailed tactical and strategic recommendations based on the statistical findings. The project team should consider the CEO and top management team of the “Global Retail Store” as the recipient of your analysis. The length of this analysis is to be approximately 3pages single spaced. A key skill required is to take the statistical findings derived and articulate these findings toa top management audience. This will require critical writing skills so that highly technical details are provided succinctly to an executive audience. The quality of the analysis will be based on the sophistication of the analysis and the overall level of insight derived within the findings which are articulated in your analysis.

For this write-up and presentation, you are again free to apply any relevant knowledge that you have learned from this class (includingguest speakers, cases, etc.) as well as the knowledge that you have accumulated from your education or from your internship, etc. TCU Writing Centeris not required (not really a fit with this write-up) and the Neeley PDC is not required but could certainly be helpful.

Part C – Presentation of your Findings

- Presentation should be between 10-15 minutes

- Dress is business casual