- – Whichsidedidthe gate in the second tier of Monas Tirith face? (SW).
- – Who served“Honeycomb, white bread, butter, milk, cranberries”? (Tom Bombadil)
- -Who were the three hunters? (Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli)
- -Who killed the Witch-king? (Eowyn and Merry)
- -Who said : “Old fool! You don’t know death when you see it” (Witch-King)
- -Name the year of the Last Alliance. (3430 Second Age)
- -How many hobbits were invited to Bilbo’s family party? (144)
- – Who was calledWormtongue? (Grima)
- – What was Sam’s name in Elvish?(Berhael)
- –WhatwasGimlilookingforinIsengard? (Pipeweed, NOT pipe).
- – What did Sam hit Gollum with inTorechUngol? (his staff)
- HowoldwasLobeliawhenshebecamepossessed of Bag End? (100)
- Under which name was Orodruin commonly known? (MountDoom)
- Name four gifts of Galadriel. (belts, bow, box, phial, the green stone, sheath for Anduril, lock of hair)
- Why did hobbits move west from the Anduin? (they were fleeing from the shadow of Angmar)
- Where was MountGundabad? (North of the MistyMountains)
- What could help Theoden to recover, according to Gandalf? (his sword)
- What was the parting gift of Bree-hobbits to Sam? (apples)
- Who do these words refer to? And he will not return from mountain or from sea? (Boromir)
- -How old was Smith when he gave up the star? (57)
- -Why did the hobbits reconcile with Perry Winkle’s troll? (because of his bakery)
- What did the Polar Bear send to Tolkien's children in answer to their request? (Goblin alphabet)
- What was the currency marked on the stamps in Father Christmas letters? (Kisses)
- – Why was Niggle sent to the workhouse (because he had no luggage)
- How was the previous star-bearer related to Smith? Maternal grandfather.
- Where did the monks singing a dirge heard by Torthelm come from? Ely
- Which ship brought Tolkien's mother to Africa? (RoslinCastle)
- Which language did JRRT describe as «suitable for his work» Icelandic
- Which 3 ME poems did Tolkien translate? SGGK, Pearl, Sir Orfeo
- Who did Garm try wheedling on? Giles
- Who was GBS for Tolkien? G.B. Smith
- -Repeat the parting words of Gandalf to the eagles: ("May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks")
- –Who was the first Dwarf Bilbo freed from the spiders and why? Fili (long nose, blue hood)
- – Who was sent by Thorin to investigate the Suthern slopes of the Mountain?(Fili, Kili, Balin, Bilbo)
- -Who said: “Long shall I wait ere I start this war for gold” (Elvenking)
- -How was Ard Galen renamed after the battle Dagor Bragollach? What was the meaning of the name? (Anfauglith, the Gasping Dust)
- – The Elvish year lasted for 144 solar years and was called… (Yen)
- – Name the seven sons of Feanor.
- – Who was namedCuthalion? What did the name mean? (Strongbow, not great bow)
- -What was the easiest way to Gondolin? Way of escape (Idril’s tunnel)
- – What was the name of the valley where Beren fought with spiders? (Nan Dungortheb)
- Why did Thingol remain in Middle-earth? (Because of Melian)
- -What are the tyellar?
- Which of the deeds of Melkor was “most hateful to Iluvatar” (Orcs)
- Who was the king of the High Elves?
- What was Gil-galad’s true name? Erenion