1. – Whichsidedidthe gate in the second tier of Monas Tirith face? (SW).
  2. – Who served“Honeycomb, white bread, butter, milk, cranberries”? (Tom Bombadil)
  3. -Who were the three hunters? (Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli)
  4. -Who killed the Witch-king? (Eowyn and Merry)
  5. -Who said : “Old fool! You don’t know death when you see it” (Witch-King)
  6. -Name the year of the Last Alliance. (3430 Second Age)
  7. -How many hobbits were invited to Bilbo’s family party? (144)
  8. – Who was calledWormtongue? (Grima)
  9. – What was Sam’s name in Elvish?(Berhael)
  10. –WhatwasGimlilookingforinIsengard? (Pipeweed, NOT pipe).
  11. – What did Sam hit Gollum with inTorechUngol? (his staff)
  12. HowoldwasLobeliawhenshebecamepossessed of Bag End? (100)
  13. Under which name was Orodruin commonly known? (MountDoom)
  14. Name four gifts of Galadriel. (belts, bow, box, phial, the green stone, sheath for Anduril, lock of hair)
  15. Why did hobbits move west from the Anduin? (they were fleeing from the shadow of Angmar)
  16. Where was MountGundabad? (North of the MistyMountains)
  17. What could help Theoden to recover, according to Gandalf? (his sword)
  18. What was the parting gift of Bree-hobbits to Sam? (apples)
  19. Who do these words refer to? And he will not return from mountain or from sea? (Boromir)


  1. -How old was Smith when he gave up the star? (57)
  2. -Why did the hobbits reconcile with Perry Winkle’s troll? (because of his bakery)
  3. What did the Polar Bear send to Tolkien's children in answer to their request? (Goblin alphabet)
  4. What was the currency marked on the stamps in Father Christmas letters? (Kisses)
  5. – Why was Niggle sent to the workhouse (because he had no luggage)
  6. How was the previous star-bearer related to Smith? Maternal grandfather.
  7. Where did the monks singing a dirge heard by Torthelm come from? Ely


  1. Which ship brought Tolkien's mother to Africa? (RoslinCastle)
  2. Which language did JRRT describe as «suitable for his work» Icelandic
  3. Which 3 ME poems did Tolkien translate? SGGK, Pearl, Sir Orfeo
  4. Who did Garm try wheedling on? Giles
  5. Who was GBS for Tolkien? G.B. Smith


  1. -Repeat the parting words of Gandalf to the eagles: ("May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks")
  2. –Who was the first Dwarf Bilbo freed from the spiders and why? Fili (long nose, blue hood)
  3. – Who was sent by Thorin to investigate the Suthern slopes of the Mountain?(Fili, Kili, Balin, Bilbo)
  4. -Who said: “Long shall I wait ere I start this war for gold” (Elvenking)


  1. -How was Ard Galen renamed after the battle Dagor Bragollach? What was the meaning of the name? (Anfauglith, the Gasping Dust)
  2. – The Elvish year lasted for 144 solar years and was called… (Yen)
  3. – Name the seven sons of Feanor.
  4. – Who was namedCuthalion? What did the name mean? (Strongbow, not great bow)
  5. -What was the easiest way to Gondolin? Way of escape (Idril’s tunnel)
  6. – What was the name of the valley where Beren fought with spiders? (Nan Dungortheb)
  7. Why did Thingol remain in Middle-earth? (Because of Melian)
  8. -What are the tyellar?
  9. Which of the deeds of Melkor was “most hateful to Iluvatar” (Orcs)
  10. Who was the king of the High Elves?
  11. What was Gil-galad’s true name? Erenion