Mr. Matthew Kaiser

6th grade Math and Pre AP/GT math

Welcome Schindewolf Timberwolves!

Teacher conference period: 2nd period 9:58-10:47

Teacher e-mail:

Phone #: 832-249-5864

Here are some specific guidelines for a successful year. Please refer to your student handbook for all general rules.

Classroom Procedures

1.  Do not talk without permission

2.  Be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings.

3.  Always get permission before leaving your seat or the room during class or class instruction.

4.  Bring your supplies to class everyday.

5.  Wait to be dismissed by the teacher; the bell does not dismiss you.

6.  Courtesy to others is required.


1.  Binder or pocket folder

2.  Notebook (Not a spiral. Should be in the school supply pack)

3.  Notebook Paper

4.  Pencils, Pencils, Pencils, Pencils … Pencils! (mechanical if fine)

5.  Checking pen or pencil (No black)

6.  Dry Erase marker(s), any color (These were in the school supplies)

7.  Colored pencils ($1.00 at Wal-Mart)

8.  Glue stick


Be prepared for the tests. Tests results will make up 60% of your six weeks average.

Testing Schedule

Math tests will be given on a Tuesday or a Friday. If there is a change, notice will be given in advance. Tests will be cumulative (which includes any skills learned previously).

Homework will be assigned as needed and graded.


You are responsible for getting any make-up work from the assigned scribes in your class. You are also responsible for scheduling a day, before or after school, with the teacher to make-up tests or quizzes.


Major grades - all tests and other major projects will be averaged as 60% of your 9 weeks grade

Daily grades – averaged as 30% of your 9 weeks average

Homework – averaged as 10% of your 9 weeks average


Tutoring will be Thursday afternoons from 4:30 to 5:00


Friday mornings from 8:00 to 8:45

Parents, please feel free to call or email me at any time with any questions or concerns. I will respond as soon as possible.