Lancashire Highways – Vehicle Crossing Factsheet
Why do I need a Vehicle Crossing (sometimes referred to as a dropped kerb)?
Driving a vehicle across a verge or a footway to reach your property is an offence unless a properly constructed vehicle access exists. It can also cause damage to the verge or footway. Please note that Lancashire County Council reserve the right to refuse any application for a vehicle crossing/access over a public highway.
What will happen if I continue to drive over the pavement without a properly constructed crossing?
The Council is legally required to ensure that an adequate crossing is constructed. If a householder persists in crossing a pavement, then the Highway Authority may give notice that they propose to construct a suitable crossing and recover from you the expenses of that construction. The Highway Authority is also permitted to recover all additional expenses from you that are reasonably incurred.
How much will it cost?
The average price for a crossing is normally in excess of £750. However as we are undertaking some of the works as part of the footway reconstruction we are able to construct a vehicle crossing for a flat fee of £160.
Will I need planning permission?
It is your responsibility to determine if planning permission is required for any proposed works within your property prior to applying for a vehicle crossing. This includes carrying out anysurfacing to driveways. In all cases we require confirmation from District Council Planners as to whether planning permission is required. To find your local planning office please visit type "Vehicle Access" in the search box to access the dedicated pages.
Who will check if there are any Utility Apparatus that could be affected by this work?
There may be a requirement to adjust the level of any Utility apparatus in the location of the proposed vehicle crossing. Some adjustments may require permission from the appropriate utility company which we will do on your behalf. However, there may a charge by the utility company and costs associated with their adjustments which you will be notified of before proceeding as this will be extra to your quote.
I rent the property; can I still apply for a crossing?
If you are a tenant you must get permission from of the owner of the property, be it the Local Authority Housing Department or a private landlord, to the construction of a vehicle crossing in order to park your vehicle on the property.
What if I need to do works to the front of my property to create a drive?
Any works on your own land to make provision for access and parking should be carried out prior to the installation of the dropped crossing and completed prior to submitting your application. All works required on the owners land must be undertaken to make levels match the adjoining highway. The County Council will not carry out any work outside the limits of the public highway.
How do I apply for a crossing?
Please email us at or telephone the Highways Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 6780and advise us that you have received this fact sheet and you would like to proceed with a quote of £160 for a vehicle crossing.