Admissionto the WSUTeacherEducationUnit

Education website at:

Winona Campus

ApplicationdeadlinesareMarch1stin the springandOctober1stin thefall.WSU Pre-Educationstudentswill receivean email withthe URLfortheonline applicationon thefirstday ofclassinthebeginningofeachsemester . If you have questions after reading through this document,send an email to rstop in to Gildemeister 110 on Tuesdaysor Thursdays between 1:00pm to 3:00pm.When students complete the 5 minute onlineapplication,they need to select theappropriateteachingmajor(s) which mustbe thesameas the pre-major listed ontheirDegree AuditReport-DARSand expectedmajor upongraduation.In MN, themiddle levelminorscan be completedwithany“Teaching” major.In most other states the minor will only be honored if completed with an Elementary major or the affiliated Secondary major (e.g. ML Math with Secondary Math). For more information refer to the Out of State Licensesection listed below.Theprofessionaleducationsequenceofclasseswillbestartedthesemester after studentsareadmitted to the Teacher Education Unit.

Rochester and Austin Campus:

Contact (507) 285-7488 with any questions about Teacher Education Unit admissions.

Criteriato be met prior to completing an onlineapplication:

  1. Students can “choose”one of the options A, B, or C; however, thesetest options cannot be combined. Students should taketheseexams as soon as possible (at least one semesterbefore you are planning toapply to the Teacher Education Program).Research the web sites for registrationdeadlines, study guides, etc.
  1. MTLEBasic Skills Exams- Score of 240 or above is required (website/details listed below)
  2. ACT plus Writing
    Composite score of 22 on and a combined English/Writing score of 21 are required.Students need to print a hard copy of their score report from the ACT web site and drop off their score report in Gildemeister 110 after completing the online application.
  3. SAT
    Scores of 510 in Reading, 510 in Writing and 520 < in Mathematics are required. Students need to print a hard copy of their score report from the SAT web site and drop off their score report in Gildemeister 110 after completing the online application.
  1. 30 college levelcreditscompletedwith no morethanfour credits of pass/nocreditcourses.
  2. Cumulative G.P.A. ofatleast 2.75 orhigher; based on 30 most recent credits;referto thedetailslistedbelow.
  3. Grade of “B” or better ina3 creditcollege levelwritingcourse (ENG 111 iftakenat WSU)
  4. Grade of “B” or better ina3 creditcollege levelspeechcourse(CMST191or192 iftakenatWSU)
  5. Grade of “C” orbetterina3 creditcollege levelmathcourse(MATH100 orhigher if takenatWSU);Math 202 is requiredfor Elementaryand EarlyChildhood majors;Math 202 is recommendedforallteachingmajorsto assist in passingtheMTLEBasic Skills Mathexam
  6. Complete 15 hours of clinical experience. This requirement could be satisfied by taking WSU EFRT 100, EDFD 100, WSU SPED 300, or another course with clinical hours totaling 15 hours. This criterion could also be met if the student has completed a comparable work or volunteer experience, following high school graduation, which involved working with children. These forms are available in Gildemeister 110.


  • If you choose this option, all three exams must be attempted; two of the three exams must be passed to meet TE Admission Criteriaincluding official scores reported by the admission deadlines listed above. All three exams must be passed prior to student teaching if this is the option you have chosen to meet the Basic Skills requirement.
  • Registerfor these exams: : ClickTestsatthe top ofthe webpage;ClickBasicsSkills;clickregister;createa userlogin;selectbasic skillsandthenselect one exam(Math orReadingor Writing) instead of taking5 hours of testingin the same day;afterthatprocess is completed,datesandlocations (anylocation on the website)can beselected.
  • Some questions toprepare to answer whenregisteringfor exam(s):

1)What isyour socialsecuritynumber?

2)What isyour creditcardnumber?


“Yes”;savethescorereportstoapdffileandprint ahardcopyofthescorereports.Thisoptionisonlyavailablefor45daysaftertakingtheexams;thereisa$10chargetoobtainscorereports later.

4)Areyoupursuinga Minnesota teachinglicense through theLicensurevia Portfoliooption?Answer “No”

5)What universityareyoucompletingmostofyour courseworkatandwhere wouldyoulikeyourscores to be sentto?Answer“Winona StateUniversity”

  • “Official”scoresare reportedapproximatelyfourweeksafter thetestsare taken.
  • Thereis a40 daytimeperiod before studentscanretaketheexams
  • There is a $50 registration fee which begins on September 1st of each year. Eachtest is $25.


  • ThecumulativeGPA foradmissions is based on astudent’s most recent 30 college levelcreditscompleted. Thecalculation must include all semestercredits in anygivensemester needed tomeetthe30 creditrequirement.On linetools to assistwithcalculatingGPA
  • EDUC,EFRT,andMethodsclasses must be completedwith a “C” orbetter andmajor GPA (EDUC,EFRT andmethodsclasses) must bea2.75 oraboveto be eligibleto student teachand tograduate.

Admission is competitive:

  • Meetingthe minimumrequirementsdoes notleadto automatic admissions.Admissioncriteria aresubject to change.Admission to Teacher Education is limitedeachsemester. TheUniversityreserves theright to consider aspartoftheadmissionandretentionpolicythosedispositions essential to be effectivein the teachingprofession,generalhealth,scholastic achievement, or other standardsas maybeappropriate. Studentsmustadhereto the WSU Student ConductPolicy.


  • Studentswillreceive anemailwithaninvitationtoattendaninformationalmeetingregardingrequirements to participate in clinicalexperiences at the end of March for spring applications and the end of October for fall applications. Studentswill berequiredto join EMSP($32)forLiabilityInsuranceandcomplete a ComprehensiveCriminalBackgroundCheck($50).
  • Ifa student is accepted,the student must start theProfessionalEducationSequencecourses thefollowingsemester and must graduate withthe same major listed ontheir application.


  • Transfer studentsare encouraged to become admitted to the Teacher EducationUnitbefore startingcourseworkat WSU!!!
  • Alltransfer creditsmusthavebeen acceptedbyWSU and bedesignated on theWSUAdmissionDegreeAudit(DARS)to beconsideredfor Teacher EducationAdmissions.

Out of State License:

  • You will receive a recommendation upon completion of all MN requirements. The out-of-state Dept. of Education will let you know if you need additional tests, courses, etc. Read the out-of-state web site to obtain more information about their specific requirements.
  • IL their web site for requirments.
  • WI License completetheElementary withEarlyChildhoodmajororwith a“middlelevel”minor;must completewithEarlyChildhoodtoteach Kindergarten.

P. Omalley updated 10-26-15