Revised 10/6/10 revisions in italics


2011 NLC Orlando


Due to the economy, changing lifestyles, global warming, and the desire for stress-free vacations, you are going to open a service business called Backyard Vacations. This business will be based on the idea that your home is now your vacation spot. The business will come in and change the customer’s yard to accommodate the family. This could include installation of pools, spas, playgrounds, grills, porches, gardens and areas for relaxation. Prepare a business financial plan for the purchase of the materials including the rent of a centrally located building, office equipment, and startup capital for the first 20 customers.


The CEO of your company has asked you to present information on how the company should be using social media to communicate with the clients. Select one or more types of social media that can be used for communicating to the company’s clients. Several points to include are tips, lingo, privacy issues, social networking, micro blogging, etc.


You will develop an entertaining simulation/game that will show traveling by highway starting in Chicago, Illinois to the FBLA 2011 National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida. Along the way, billboards will display multiple choice questions related to financial literacy. The player must choose the correct lane with the right answer to get more fuel for the trip.


You will write a class grade bookprogram that accepts the following from the user and stores it in a.dat file:

  1. an integer from 1-25—this integer will represent the number of students in a class.
  2. an integer from 4-10—this integer will represent the number of grades to be submitted for each student in the class. This number will be input only once. The user must input the same number of grades for each student.
  3. Depending on the number entered in step 2 (can range from 4-10), you will ask what the percentage is for each grade to be entered. The total must equal 100.

Ask the user for the location of the .dat file and do the necessary processing to return the following:

  • averages for each student
  • averages, maximums, minimum for each set of grades (assignment)

The .dat file will have the following information:

  • a record for the number of students.
  • a record for the number of grades.
  • a record for the percentage for each of the grades.
  • a record for each student and that students grades. The format for this record will be 20 characters for aname followed by 10 set of 3 numbers for the max number of grades.

Below is an example of the .dat file




student name 1 100090080000000000000000000000

student name 2 099090080100000000000000000000

student name 3 000090081100000000000000000000

student name 4 100095085075000000000000000000

The program must validate the following:

  1. the number of students accepted from record 1 is the same number of student records processed.
  2. the number of grades accepted from record 2 is the number of grades used. Any grades outside of the value submitted in record 2 should be 000 in the student/grade record. For example:In the example file, it is stated that there would be 4 grades for each student. If a grade other than 000 were found in the fifth throughtenthgrades for a student, an error should be generated.
  3. the percentage of grades adds up to 100.

Ask the user if they would like to enter new data or use existing data. If the user chooses to enter new data, the program should create a new file, accept the user input and store it in the new .dat file then process the data according to the following specifications If the user chooses to use existing data, the program should prompt for the location of the .dat file and do the necessary processing to return the following:

The program will process the file and produce the following reports/files:

  1. a report or file formatted for printing that contains the average for each student; the average, maximum and minimum for each set of grades submitted. These values should be to two decimal positions.
  2. a report or file formatted for printing that contains a listing of any errors that occurred while processing the file.

The values that should be returned for the example file are:

  • average for student
  • student name 1 - 57.50
  • student name 2 - 92.35
  • student name 3 - 77.75
  • student name 4 - 86.25
  • for grade 1 - average is 74.75, maximum is 100, minimum is 0
  • for grade 2 - average is 91.25, maximum is 95, minimum is 90
  • for grade 3 - average is 81.50, maximum is 85, minimum is 80
  • for grade 4 - average is68.75, maximum is 100, minimum is 0


Research FBLA-PBL and create an original logo and tag line to reflect the mission and purpose of the organization.


Create a promotional video for the 2012 NLC in San Antonio, Texas to be held June 24-27 (PBL) and June 28-July 1 (FBLA).


Your FBLA chapter has been approached by the school’s administration to boost school spirit by creating an online store offering items the student body and community can purchase to show support of their school. The items should be divided into a minimum of three categories such as school, clubs, sports, academics, etc. Items could include, but not be limited to, t-shirts, bumper stickers, hoodies, license plates, banners, posters, etc. The site may be real or fictional. Included in the site should be a navigation bar to allow participants to view, select, and purchase all items and events. It must also offer a shopping cart, pricing and payment information (including payment options), mailing options (including local pickup), and security/service information. You are not expected to have a live link.


There is a great deal of emphasis in our economy to build and operate businesses in an environmentally efficient manner. Should state or federal government offer special incentives for companies that choose to build with green materials, harness green power, and employ other green tactics in their operations? Be prepared to argue the affirmative that yes, the government should offer incentives in order to encourage businesses to build green; or be prepared to argue the negative, that no, the government should not subsidize overhead costs of businesses that build or operate in an environmentally efficient manner.


The career specialist at your high school has asked for FBLA’s assistance. She has been getting phone calls from local businesses to hire 16-18 year old high school students. The businesses would like to find a quick,easy way to look for qualified students to interview. She doesn’t have time to post the jobs on the school Web site, and would like for FBLA to develop a Web sitespecifically for the purpose of posting of positions. This site should list part-time jobs or internships available for 16-18 year old students. This would require, at a minimum, developing criteria for:

  • position description
  • qualifications
  • hours
  • days of the week
  • pay
  • duties

The opportunities posted may be real or fictitious.

2010-11 FBLA Competitive Events Topics1