Warren Road, Woodingdean, Brighton, BN2 6BB

Headteacher: Mr J Whitfield

Deputy Headteacher: Miss L Axton

Telephone: 01273 680811

Fax: 01273 607359

To Parents and Carers of children in Year 1 7thFebruary 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,


We are writing to inform you about the proposed visit to the Booth Museumto support our learning about explorers and animals. During the visit the children will take part in a session led by an expert to learn more about animals and how they are adapted to their environment. The trip will be on Tuesday 4thApril;we will leave school at 9:30am and plan to return at approximately 12:30pm. We will be travelling by coach.

We are requesting a voluntary contribution of £7 to cover the cost of this visit which is made up as follows: handling session £4 and transport £3 (the school is subsidizing the transport cost). We would be grateful if you would use Parentpay to pay for this trip. Please ensure that your contribution is either paid on Parentpay (but please send the permission slip in to us) or is given to the school office along with the permission slip below by Friday 24th March.If there is any difficulty in meeting this cost of travel please do not hesitate to speak with Mr Whitfield.

Children will need to bring the following on the day:

  • Packed lunch (unless you have ordered a school packed lunch a week in advance), additional drinks of water and fruit snacks
  • A waterproof jacket– if appropriate/ Sun lotion
  • Travel sickness and any other medication in a named envelope with instructions, handed to the class teacher

Please note that glass bottles, fizzy drinks, sweets, nuts and chewing gum are not permitted.All the infant children are entitled to a free school packed lunch. The school packed lunch consists of a cheese sandwich, carrot sticks, apple, fruit shortbread and a juice cuplet. If your child requires a school packed lunch please indicate this on the return slipand return your form at least 7 days before the trip.

Children will be required to wear uniform tops i.e. white polo top/ shirt and school uniform jumper / sweatshirt/cardigan to help with identification. Children may wear jeans, jogging bottoms or other suitable trousers, and trainers for comfort. All children will wear a school identification wrist band on the day.

There will be 12 members of staff/parents accompanying the children on this trip. Please indicate on the return slip if you would like to help with the trip and supervise a group. You will need to have full DBS clearance and have registered as a volunteer with the school office.

We are looking forward to an enjoyable and educational day out. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to talk to your child’s teacher.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Griffin and Mrs Langfield

To the school office: Year 1 trip to the Booth Museum. Deadline for reply 24/3/17

I give permission for my child……………………………………………... in class ……………..

to take part in the educational visit tothe Booth Museum on Tuesday 4thApril 2017

I have paid on Parentpay

I enclose a contribution of £7

My child will require a school packed lunch

I have a current DBS clearance through Woodingdean Primary School and I would like to help on the day:

Yes No

Please note that we may have more volunteers than we require for this trip, so your child’s teacher will contact you if you are needed, thank you.

I will provide my child with the items listed in the teachers’ letter.

My child will need the following medication on the trip which will be handed to the teacher in a named envelope with clear instructions for administering it written on the envelope.

Emergency contact numbers for the day are as follows:

1. Name ______‘Phone number ______

2. Name ______‘Phone number ______

3. Name ______‘Phone number ______

Any special dietary / medical or additional needs or other information relevant to this trip:

Signed ………………………………………………… Date…………………………

Nurturing & Believing, Enjoying & Achieving