October 7, 2014 2:00pm
PRESENT: Erin Gubler, Diane Adair, Shelli Jenkins, Lindsay Kaelberer, April Harrison, Tena Carlson, Ginger Vilchinsky, Alyssa Lloyd, Heidi Baer, Suzie Day, Michael Douglas, Heidi Marberger, Kristine O’Brien, Tiffany Rich, Reagan Rideout
EXCUSED: Jill Dalebout, Darci Hall
VISITING: Jason Lau, Melanie Bradley, Emily Adair
MINUTES: Reagan motioned to approve minutes from our September meeting; seconded by Alyssa, all approved.
• Driggs is so outstanding in large part because of our amazing PTA and parental involvement. Thank you!
• The deadline to include items in the November Newsletter is Oct. 25th. Email info to Mike at .
• Superbowl of Caring: Granite School District is interested in doing this. Everyone who goes to the superbowl party pays $1, all proceeds go to the Granite Education Foundation to help people in the community. Perhaps we could be involved with this also, maybe as our school’s service project.
• Erin & Diane got background checked/fingerprinted. Results come to the school. ID badges will be made for those that get this done, so teachers and volunteers know that you’ve been checked. The PTA is willing to pay the $45 fee for the first 10 people willing to get fingerprinted. People who have already been credentialed can be automatically added to the list of fingerprinted individuals available to help supervise students in the absence of their teacher. This will be put in the next newsletter so people are aware. Before getting this done, you must get a form from Mr. Douglas to take with you (to the district office). Exact change is needed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Tena presented and passed out a copy of the budget for all to review. This budget has been posted now for 30 days. Mrs. Day motioned to approve the budget, seconded by Mr. Douglas, all approved.
• If anyone thinks they may need more money for an event, please tell Tena as soon as possible.
• It was suggested that a PayPal account be set up as a way people could donate funds toward the Apex Fun Run. This account could also be used in the future for things such as registration next year. Alyssa motioned to create a PayPal account, seconded by Reagan, all approved.
• Thank you for the food during SEPs! That fuel got us through the night.
• Thank you for running the Book Fair. A lot of teachers didn’t request books to be purchased for their classrooms since they already have a collection of books. Those who may need them most are the newer teachers who haven’t had time to build up their classroom libraries.
• Thank you to all those who have headed up events this past month! Everything has gone really well.
• It was proposed that Alyssa Lloyd and April Harrison be the PTA co-presidents for the 2015-16 school year. These names are now posted on the school website. We will vote at the next meeting.
• Issues regarding Room Parents: While PTA is happy to help, the parent volunteer to head the classroom as Room Parent should be the decision of the teacher. In the registration folders at the beginning of the school year, the PTA will give parents a Classroom Volunteer Sheet where they will indicate if they want to be a room parent. All those sheets will then be given to the teachers. The teachers will then let the PTA know which ONE parent they choose to be room parent . If no one signs up, teachers can then turn to the PTA for some help. It was suggested that on the volunteer sheet, specific duties of a room parent be included so volunteers know what they are signing up for. Grade-specific volunteer sheets will be created by the teachers in the Spring.
• Science Fair changes – younger grades are not allowed to enter this year. 5th and 6th will be judged, 4th can enter if they wish but will not be judged. Mrs. Ricks is the head of Science Fair this year.
• Everyone take a look at the awesome Wall of Kindness acts created by the students of Driggs on Spirit Day!
• Gold Medal Mile – Heidi still needs two slots to be filled, one time a month each. Heidi will send out a sign-up genius email to parents asking to help stamp students’ hands as they run laps around the field at lunch. Perhaps just one slot at a time could be filled if we can’t get a full-year commitment.
• APEX Fun Run is up and running! APEX has come in each classroom every day to teach leadership skills to the kids. Each student will get a t-shirt to run in. They are excited to be a part of this fun event.
Note from Emily Adair & Melanie Bradley (our parent volunteers for this) - When asking any businesses to donate to such a cause, they usually require 3-6 months notice. Take note of this if we are going to do this again in the future.
• Reflections kick-off went great. Reflections are due Nov. 4. Help will be needed that morning to assist Mindie when kids hand in their projects.
• Oct. 7 - Zupas dinner tonight! Come eat dinner, 20% of all you spend goes directly to Driggs! There will be a couple more nights like this in the future.
• Oct. 14 - APEX Fun Run
• Oct. 15 - Vision Screening: Heidi & Alyssa will check to see how many paper cups we already have. Linda will buy more if needed.
• Oct. 16-17 – Fall Break, no school
• Oct. 20-24 - Red Ribbon Week (Heidi). Theme: “Love yourself, be drug free!” Banner outside of the school: “Driggs Dragons Don’t Do Drugs!”
• Oct. 30 – Halloween Parade & Parties; Kindergarten: 9:00am, Grades 1-6: 9:15am
• Oct. 31 – No school, end of term
• Nov. 4 – Refletions Due
NEXT MEETING: Nov. 4th at 2:00pm
Minutes prepared by: Shelli Jenkins
Minutes Approved: ______Date ______
Diane Adair, Co-President
______Date ______
Erin Gubler, Co-President
______Date ______
Shelli Jenkins, Secretary